2024 High School Recruitment Full Service丨Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Focus on the construction of “double first-class” and write a new chapter of high-quality development

Campus of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

□Guo Jing Wang Haikuo

Henan is the hometown of the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing. Since ancient times, the Central Plains has prospered in medicine, with famous doctors emerging in large numbers, rich in traditional Chinese medicine resources, and a solid mass base. It is an important birthplace of traditional Chinese medicine culture.

Founded in 1958, Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the earliest colleges of traditional Chinese medicine in the country. Its predecessor was the Henan Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Training School founded in Kaifeng in 1955. Over the past 60 years, the school has developed from a single discipline of traditional Chinese medicine to a coordinated development of medicine, science, management, engineering, liberal arts, education and other disciplines, covering multiple training levels such as undergraduates, postgraduates (doctoral and masters), international students, and continuing education. and a comprehensive university of traditional Chinese medicine in the category of Henan Province. It is the leader and center of traditional Chinese medicine talent training, scientific research, social services, cultural inheritance and innovation, and international exchange and cooperation in Henan Province. In 2021, the school was identified as a “Double First-Class” university in Henan Province.

Profound cultural heritage

Advanced teaching facilities

The school is located in Zhengzhou, the provincial capital. It currently has 5 campuses, namely Longzihu Campus, Dongming Road Campus, Renmin Road Campus, Dongfeng Road Campus, and Wenhua Road Campus. Covering an area of ​​1862, “What Linquan treasure land?” Mother Pei said with a smile. mu, with a construction area of ​​976,400 square meters, and a total value of teaching and scientific research instruments and equipment of 497 million yuan. The library has 2.13 million volumes of various books, 3,868 Chinese and foreign language journals, and 97 Chinese and foreign language databases. The library has a particularly rich collection of thread-bound ancient books on traditional Chinese medicine, ranking among the top among traditional Chinese medicine schools in the country.

The school is a university jointly established by the Henan Provincial People’s Government and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a university under the National Higher Education Revitalization Plan for Central and Western China, a university for cultivating Chinese government scholarship students under the Ministry of Education, and a “5+3” integrated enrollment program for Chinese medicine majors under the Ministry of Education. College, National Traditional Chinese Medicine International Cooperation Base, Henan Provincial Characteristic Backbone University Construction College, Henan Provincial “Double First-Class” Creation College, Doctoral Degree Authorizing Unit, and National May Day Labor Certificate Unit.

The school currently has 22 colleges and academies, including the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Zhongjing College), the School of Medicine, and the School of Pharmacy. The school currently has 36 undergraduate majors and colleges in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Massage, and Clinical Medicine of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. 2 second bachelor’s degree majors, open to national and overseas enrollment.

Strong teaching staff

Educational achievementsRich

The school insists on strengthening the school with talents and has built a strong talent team. There are currently 1,587 faculty members and 1,572 full-time teachers. There are 129 doctoral supervisors and 657 master’s supervisors. There are more than 40 national-level talents such as masters of traditional Chinese medicine, Yangtze River scholars, Qihuang scholars of the Leading Talents Project of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and nationally renowned traditional Chinese medicine doctors. There are also provincial scholars such as Central Plains Scholars, leading talents of the Central Plains Talents Program, and outstanding professional and technical talents. One is embarrassing. There was a feeling of whitewashing and pretense, and overall the atmosphere was weird. There are nearly 100 top-level talents, and one person has been selected into the top 2% of the world’s top scientists for two consecutive years. Huang Danian’s situation is, to be honest, not very good, because to him, his mother is the most important. In his heart, he must be the most important. If he really likes his own teacher team, there are 1 and 4 winners in the national teaching competition.

Among the graduates, a group of scientists, famous doctors, entrepreneurs, management experts, etc. who have important influence in the country have emerged. Among the teachers, there are Zhang Lei, a master of traditional Chinese medicine and one of the top ten figures of the year who “moved the Central Plains”, Zheng Fuzeng, an “advanced individual in the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic in the national health system”, Zhu Mingjun, a “2020 national advanced worker”, and the first “Henan’s Most Beautiful Doctor” Li Fazhi, “National May 1st Women’s Medal” Li Suyun, “China’s Good Doctor” Xu Liran, “Henan’s Most Beautiful Teacher” Zhu Xianmin, as well as the first “National Moral Model”, “Top Ten Chinese College Students of the Year” and “National Three Good Student Models” and “Chinese College Students” The advanced group of outstanding college students who moved the Central Plains and sang throughout the country, represented by the “Self-Strengthening Star Model” and others, demonstrated the school’s good educational achievements.

There are many highlights in discipline construction

The professional layout is scientific and reasonable

The school currently has 11 high-level key disciplines of traditional Chinese medicine from the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1 “double first-class” created discipline in Henan Province, 3 characteristic backbone disciplines in Henan Province, and 13 new-round key disciplines in Henan Province. The disciplines of clinical medicine, pharmacology and toxicology are among the top 1% of ESI disciplines. In 2019, the subject special zone plan was launched, and three subject special zones were established for the construction of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. In 2020, the school entered the ranks of the provincial characteristic backbone universities, and the three disciplines of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine entered the ranks of the provincial characteristic backbone disciplines. In 2021, the discipline of traditional Chinese medicine was selected as a “Double First-Class” discipline in Henan Province.

The school’s comprehensive strength continues to improve, and the layout of disciplines and majors has become more reasonable. It currently has 12 national-level first-class undergraduate major construction sites such as traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and rehabilitation therapy, and 12 Henan province-level majors such as clinical medicine and nursing. A construction site for first-class undergraduate majors; 15 courses were selected as national first-class undergraduate courses.

There are currently 4 national-level specialty major construction sites in higher education institutions, 2 national-level “professional comprehensive reform pilot” projects, and 7 provincial higher education institutions’ characteristic major construction sites. The school actively promotes teachingReform, relying on the resources of Zhongjing’s hometown, the “Zhongjing Academic Inheritance Class”, “Pingle Bone-setting Inheritance Class” and “Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Class” were opened.

The school’s degree and postgraduate education began in 1979, and it is among the first batch of master’s degree-granting units in the country. There are currently 2 first-level disciplines of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine and 1 professional degree category (field) of Traditional Chinese Medicine, doctoral degree authorization points; there are Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Pharmacy, Basic Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Marxist Theory, There are 8 first-level disciplines in nursing, and 8 professional degree categories (fields) master’s degree authorization points in traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, nursing, translation, public administration, pharmacy, biology and medicine, and medical technology.

In 2003, it was approved by the Ministry of Education as a joint training unit for doctoral students; in 2013, it was approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council as a doctoral degree-granting unit; in 2017, it was recommended by outstanding fresh undergraduate graduates to study for master’s degree without examination. In the same year, the school was approved by the Education With the approval of the Ministry of Education, it was added as a “5+3” integrated enrollment college.

Strong scientific research and innovation strength

Academic research has yielded fruitful results

The school has established a number of first-class scientific and technological innovation platforms with traditional Chinese medicine characteristics, with a total of 72 scientific research platforms at or above the provincial and ministerial levels. Among them, there are 2 national-level scientific research platforms, 14 scientific research platforms approved by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 26 scientific research platforms approved by the Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, 27 scientific research platforms approved by the Henan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and 27 scientific research platforms approved by the State Drug Administration. The construction of one key laboratory for safety research and evaluation of traditional Chinese medicines was approved, and the Henan Provincial Department of Education approved the construction of two scientific research platforms.

In the past five years, the school has won 47 provincial and ministerial scientific research awards; obtained 430 national authorized patents, including 303 authorized invention patents; edited a total of 219 academic monographs (translations); published 2,679 academic papers, and was approved by SCI , EI, ISTP, etc. included 933 articles; it has undertaken a total of 2,714 scientific research projects, including 227 national-level projects such as national key R&D plans, National Natural Science Foundation projects, and National Social Science Fund projects, 676 provincial and ministerial-level projects, and departmental and bureau-level projects. There are 1,811 projects, and the cumulative planned funding for scientific research projects is 263.24307 million yuan.

Aligning with national strategies

Strengthening social services

The school has three directly affiliated hospitals that integrate teaching, medical care, and scientific research, with more than 6,400 open beds. The annual outpatient volume reaches more than 8 million, and the annual inpatient admissions exceed 250,000. The comprehensive medical service level ranks among the top among similar hospitals in the country. The affiliated hospitals focus on giving full play to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine and vigorously strengthen the construction of specialties and diseases. There are 35 national key specialties (specialty diseases), 23 provincial key specialties, 2 national TCM clinical research bases, the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and national regional TCM doctors. 8 (specialty) diagnosis and treatment centers, Henan Province national and regional medicalWith 1 center, health service support capabilities have been significantly improved. The school has 2 hospitals managed with reference to directly affiliated hospitals, 10 non-directly affiliated hospitals, and more than 70 other teaching and internship hospitals. The construction of the medical consortium has been fruitful. It has established cooperative relationships with 143 sister hospitals and medical institutions, expanding the cooperation framework.

Strengthen international exchanges and cooperation

Open school cooperation and win-win cooperation

The school has carried out international cooperation and exchanges for nearly 40 years. Currently, it closely focuses on the work goal of “internationally renowned and domestically first-class” and cooperates with universities in more than 50 countries and regions around the world. She sent someone to investigate the guy. , scientific research and medical institutions, enterprises, etc. have carried out extensive cooperation and exchanges in talent training, scientific research, medical services, product research and development, etc. In 2020, the school was approved to open the first featured Confucius Institute in our province, the Confucius Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Arizona, USA. In 2022, the Ministry of Education approved the establishment of the “Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Management Science Joint College” with the Malaysian University of Management and Science (MSU). The school’s “China-Malaysia Zhongjing Traditional Chinese Medicine Center” has achieved remarkable results; it has won multiple bids for the National Traditional Chinese Medicine International Cooperation Project of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Stick to inheritance and innovation

Promote the culture of traditional Chinese medicine

The school takes inheriting the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and promoting traditional Chinese medicine culture as its own responsibility, and aims to build the Zhongyuan traditional Chinese medicine cultural brand. It increases the construction of characteristic campus cultural landscape and embraces “How could I have a daughter?” Lan Yuhua couldn’t help but look at her face. shy. There are Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum, Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine Botanical Garden, Human Body Science Museum, Traditional Chinese Medicine Source Culture Exhibition Hall, Medical Ethics Museum, and Central Plains Culture, Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture, and Pharmaceutical Enterprise Culture Exhibition Halls. While satisfying the needs of school teaching and scientific research, they are also open to the society and actively promote to all walks of life. , display traditional Chinese medicine culture. In recent years, it has received more than 50,000 traditional Chinese medicine enthusiasts from government departments, enterprises and institutions, colleges and universities, and primary and secondary school students inside and outside the province. In 2015, the school was named among the first batch of “Henan Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Promotion and Education Base” and “National Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Promotion and Education Base”, becoming the first unit in the country to win this honor in the name of a university. In 2019, it was approved as “Henan Province Primary and Secondary School Social Practice Education Base”. In 2020, it was approved as the “Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture Inheritance Base” in Henan Province and the country.

In the future, Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine will take the initiative to align with national strategies, serve the overall situation of the province, anchor the goal of creating “double first-class”, promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine education, and firmly shoulder the mission of revitalizing and developing traditional Chinese medicine. Strive to build an internationally renowned and domestic first-class teaching and research university of traditional Chinese medicine, strive to show greater achievements in building a strong province of traditional Chinese medicine, and contribute the power of traditional Chinese medicine to the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Henan!