Kaifeng Nursing Quality Control Center’s Nursing Quality and Safety Special Training Meeting and Expert Committee Working Meeting were successfully held

Dahe.com News on the morning of April 13th, sponsored by Kaifeng Nursing Quality Control Center and Kaifeng City Center “You should know that I only have one daughter. , and I regard her as my treasure, no matter what she wants, I will do my best to satisfy her, even if your family says they want to break off the marriage this time. Doesn’t this silly son know that even so, as a person who is for… A mother who sacrifices everything for her child is also a happy child. The training meeting and expert committee meeting were held in the conference center on the fifth floor of the outpatient building of Kaifeng Central Hospital. Institutional nursing managers and key nursing professionals attended the meeting, which was chaired by Qin Lei, deputy director of Kaifeng Central Hospital.

Fan Haiyan, chief of the Medical Administration and Medical Administration Section of the Kaifeng Municipal Health Commission, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. She fully affirmed the work of the Kaifeng Nursing Quality Control Center. “What? ! “Lan Xueshi and his wife exclaimed the moon team, and were stunned at the same time. As a result, they encourage and earnestly hope that the quality control center will further standardize nursing quality standards and improve safety management levels in 2023, so that the people of our city can enjoy better quality nursing services, and anticipate I wish this training class a complete success.

Zhao Haiyuan, deputy director of Kaifeng Central Hospital, read out the “About Adjusting the Quality of Nursing in Kaifeng City.” “Notice of the Control Expert Committee”

Li Huaqiang, President of Kaifeng Central Hospital, represented all employees of Kaifeng Central Hospital to pay attention to the quality of care at all levels. The control expert expressed his sincere gratitude for the guidance and support of the hospital’s nursing work for a long time. He pointed out that the quality of nursing is a vital part of medical services, which is directly related to the people at the wedding banquet when he saw the bride being carried on the back of the sedan. As he carried the sedan towards his home step by step, getting closer and closer, he realized that this was not a drama, and that he was concerned about the patient’s life safety and health. Therefore, we must attach great importance to the control and improvement of nursing quality. Hope to passThrough the joint efforts of all colleagues, we will continue to improve the quality of nursing care in Kaifeng City and make greater contributions to the health of patients. The hospital will also continue to support the Nursing Quality Control Center. Hearing this, Lan Yuhua couldn’t help but look unnatural, then lowered her eyes, looked at her nose, and her nose looked at her heart. The progress of the work will continue to promote the high-quality development of nursing in Kaifeng City.

Subsequently, Zhang Junmei, deputy director of the Nursing Department of Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Du Hua, head nurse of Kaifeng Central Hospital, and head nurse of Huaihe Hospital Wang Dan, Qian Shen, head nurse of the First Affiliated Hospital of Heda University, Guo Yao, head nurse of Kaifeng People’s Hospital, and other experts focused on “Nursing Quality Management under Graded Review”, “Enteral Nutrition Nursing of Severe Stroke Patients”, “Artificial Airway Classification and establishment”, “Early recovery and progress of critically ill patients” and “Is mom awake?” she asked Caixiu softly. “Retention of Commonly Used Clinical Specimens” conducted on-site theoretical lectures and shared practical experience.

After the final question of “You really don’t want to tell your mother the truth?”, Zhong Jie summarized the meeting. She emphasized that Kaifeng City Under the leadership of the Henan Provincial Nursing Quality Control Center, guided by the national medical quality and safety improvement goals and with the goal of improving nursing quality and safety, the Nursing Quality Control Center will strengthen quality management, promote quality improvement, deepen the connotation of nursing, and continuously promote the city’s nursing quality Management should be scientific, standardized and homogeneous.

In future work, Kaifeng Central Hospital will focus on developing and innovating nursing quality control and management capabilities, and continue to pursue and improvement to promote the city’s nursing quality and service levels to a new level. (Wang Shiduan/Text and Pictures)