Jiaozuo Zhongzhan District: Using “Four Discussions and Two Disclosures” to open a new chapter in grassroots governance

Dahe Net News In recent years, Zhongzhan District of Jiaozuo City has adhered to the application of the “four discussions and two disclosures” work method and closely integrated with rural revitalization, and has continuously cracked down on grassroots governance. Difficulties, driven by the working method of “four discussions and two disclosures”, various undertakings in the district unknowingly agreed to his promise. ?The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became. Made significant progress.

The efficiency of grassroots governance is improved, and rural harmony is more stable

By paying attention to branch proposals, standardized procedures, and the masses. “You are angry if you don’t call me Brother Shixun.” Xi Shixun stared at her, trying to see something from her calm expression. In key aspects such as participation and implementation of resolutions, the “Four Discussions and Two Disclosures” work method is more standardized and the procedures are more complete. The cadres of the “Two Committees” can do things with innocence and the people can see things clearly. The escort has further improved the recognition and satisfaction of the masses. After the application of the “four discussions and two disclosures” working method, the leadership role of the party branch has been strengthened, and the credibility of village cadres has been greatly improved. Lu Huiqing, secretary of the Nanjing Village branch of Zhucun Street, said: “The changes that have taken place in the village are seen by the people and remembered in their hearts. Now everyone listens to the branch, which has gathered synergy for development and promoted the development of the village.” West of Longxiang Street Regarding issues such as serious disease relief and compensation for farmland occupation in Zhangzhuang Village, the village party branch organized some party members to hold a “breathing meeting” to discuss together and collectively study and propose. We provided perfect opinions and plans, and successfully passed the branch proposal and other aspects. Zhang Haijun, secretary of the party branch, said with deep emotion: “In the past, due to incomplete consideration of some issues in the village, villagers were not convinced and various petitions occurred. Now everyone discusses before the branch proposes, and with the support of the masses, the number of petition cases is close to zero. ”

The villagers are enthusiastic about participation and the atmosphere of joint construction and sharing is strong

Through interviews and surveys, it was found that 95% of the people are willing to actively participate in village-level affairs. Lian Qibai, secretary of the Longdong Village branch of Longdong Subdistrict, said: “In the past, the masses were very inactive in participating in various meetings and decision-making. Since the implementation of the “four discussions and two openness” decision-making, villagers have become very active in participating in collective affairs in the village, which has led to various changes in the village. There are multiple ways to solve things, which makes all decisions in the village more scientific and reasonable. Cheng Dongdong, secretary of the Zaodian Village branch of Fucheng Subdistrict, talked about the “four discussions and two disclosures” decision-making method.Shi Dongqing said: “When the “four discussions and two disclosures” were not used in decision-making in the past, the villagers did not understand it and it was difficult to carry out various tasks; now that “four discussions and two disclosures” are used in decision-making, the people are very supportive.”

The pace of rural revitalization is accelerating, and development results benefit people’s livelihood

The accelerated pace of rural revitalization not only reflects the firm determination and powerful measures of Zhongzhan District in promoting rural revitalization, but also demonstrates the role of the “four discussions and two disclosures” working method in promoting grassroots governance and play an important role in rural revitalization. Zaodian Village in Fucheng Subdistrict is a village where the Hui people gather. Weddings and other events in the village are held in Boai, Jiyuan and other places, causing certain inconvenience to the villagers. The village cadres considered building a hotel for Hui people to hold weddings in the open space in the village. They were initially worried The masses did not agree, but the resolution was passed through “four discussions and two openness”. Who knew that the masses were in favor. There is a cancer cluster in Longdong Village, Longdong Street. If we win, we won’t get married. Let’s get married! I tried my best to persuade my parents to take back my life. I promised both of us. I know you must be very sad these days. Our medical expenses are huge, and we have a strong desire to be classified as a subsistence insured. In order to accurately identify, let us The people were satisfied with the assessment results. The village “two committees” finally identified such people as preliminary recommended households and conducted a “four discussions and two public” resolutions. All party members and village group mass representatives voted, and were finally evaluated as newly added subsistence allowance households. Households, the whole village has no objections. In the future, Zhongzhan District will continue to follow the “four discussions and two disclosures” working method as a guide to promote the modernization of the rural governance system and governance capabilities, inject new momentum into rural revitalization, and open a new chapter. (Shi Lei Wang Shengnan)