World Tourism Cities Federation holds summit to discuss sustainable development of urban

Sugar daddy According to Xinhua News Agency, Wellington, April 23 (Reporters Lu Huaiqian, Guo Lei) World Tourism Cities Federation and Wellington, New Zealand The 12th Xiangshan Tourism Summit 2 Escort manila co-organized by the city was held in Wellington from the 2nd to the 23rd. The theme of this summit is ” Sustainable development of urban tourism: innovation and deepening ofEscort.

The “World Sugar daddy Tourism Economic Trend Report (2024)” released by the summit predicts that global tourism in 2024Sugar daddyThe total number of tourists will reach 13.579 billion, returning to Sugar daddyIn 2019, total tourism revenue will reach 5.8 trillion US dollars, reaching 139.6% in 2019.

Executive Vice Chairman of the World Tourism Cities Federation Council, BeijingManila escortBeijingSugar daddy Municipal Deputy Pinay escort Mayor Sima Hong called on members to deepen their cultural Tourism industry exchanges and cooperation, unswervingly adhere to the concept of green development, and use technology to enhance tourism experience and maintain the stability of the tourism industry. and prosperityPinay escort, fully promote the sustainable development of tourism and achieve economic, social and environmental harmonyEscortHarmonious unity.

WheelingDonton Mayor Tori Warneau said promoting sustainable tourism through eco-friendly infrastructureSugar daddy construction can protect the fragile tourist city protect the ecosystem, historical landmarks and indigenous culture from the negative impact of over-tourismEscort manila, thereby promoting economic growth and protecting the ecological environment Pay equal attention to the development of Pinay escort.

World Tourism Escort Yang Shuo, Secretary General of the Cities Federation, said that technology Manila escortInnovation in tourism Sugar daddy provides tourists with smartEscortan experience that is personalized and comfortable. It is hoped that technological means will be used in the construction of tourist cities and scenic spotsSugar daddyEscort gets innovative Pinay escort new applications, allowing technology tourismSugar daddy products have become Manila escort a new growth point for future tourism development.

This summitManila escortPinay escort attracted a total of about 40 countries and regionsEscort manilaNearly 400 politicians Sugar daddy Government officials, representatives of international tourism organizations, industry leaders, experts and scholars attended the meeting.