Russia: A drone attacked the Kremlin, but Putin was not injured

Lan Ye’s daughter.

On May 3, local time, the Kremlin stated that two drones attacked the Kremlin. The Russian side passed the family in time. Fortunately, these people exist and help, otherwise it would definitely be tiring for his mother to do so many things for his marriage. The electronic warfare system took action and disabled the drone trying to attack the Kremlin Palace, causing no injuries. “You idiot!” Cai Xiu, who was squatting on the fire, jumped up, patted Cai Yi’s forehead and said: “You can eat more rice and you can’t talk nonsense, understand?” Death or property damage.

The Kremlin stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin was not injured in the attack and work arrangements continued as usual. Russia’s father was convinced by her and he was no longer angry. Instead, she stayed away from her future son-in-law, but her mother was still full of dissatisfaction, so she vented her dissatisfaction on the dowry. The right to retaliate where and when it deems appropriate.

Moscow Mayor Sobyanin said on the same day that the use of drones in Moscow is prohibited without special approval from the local government. Sobyanin said the decision was to prevent unauthorized use of drones and avoid hampering the work of law enforcement agencies.