Promote exchanges and mutual learning among human civilizations and write a new chapter

Reporters Yu Chaofan and Shang Kaiyuan

Civilizations are colorful due to exchanges, and civilizations are enriched due to mutual learning. Exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations are an important driving force for the progress of human civilization and the peaceful development of the world. On April 15, the “International Symposium on the Concept of Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations” co-sponsored by the Information Office of the State Council of China, UNESCO, and the China National Commission for UNESCO was held at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. Chinese and foreign experts and scholars gathered together to conduct in-depth discussions around the theme of “Exchanges and Mutual Learning among Civilizations and the Common Vision of Mankind”, colliding with ideas and lighting up the light of civilization.

“The blending and mutual learning of different cultures has given birth to a lush forest of human culture”

President Xi Jinping visited the UNESCO headquarters for the first time in March 2014 and delivered an important speech on the concept of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. Over the past 10 years, the connotation and extension of the concept of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations have been continuously expanded and widely disseminated, providing Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to enhance the common interests of all mankind. China actively practices the concept of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and cooperates with all parties, including the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, to achieve practical results and jointly promote exchanges and dialogue among different civilizations.

More than 200 guests from more than 40 countries, regions and international organizations, including UNESCO officials, representatives of member states, representatives of international organizations, experts and scholars from various countries, and youth representatives, attended this seminar. Qu Xing, Deputy Director-General of UNESCO, said in his speech that without mutual understanding, mutual knowledge, and mutual trust, a true international social community cannot be established. All parties should establish mutual trust and jointly start a history of peace.

Susan Denier, Senior Advisor for World Heritage at the International Council on Monuments and Sites, said that economic and trade exchanges play an important role in promoting mutual learning among civilizations. Starting from the Roman Empire and Han Dynasty, the East and West’s need for each other’s goods gave rise to early international trade and boosted the economic development of countries along the route. Caravans played a role in transmitting information and exchanging culture. They brought Chinese ceramics and tea to the West, and unique European spices to China, promoting exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations.

Elena Pascaleva, assistant professor of Asian and European Speculative Heritage Studies at Leiden University in the Netherlands, said that the spread of Chinese papermaking to the west brought Chinese characters and aesthetics to the West. Symbols and patterns with Chinese cultural characteristics exist on many decorations and buildings in Central and West Asia. “The blending and mutual learning of different cultures has given birth to a lush forest of human culture.”

Zhao Shengliang, Chairman of the Academic Committee of the China Dunhuang Academy, introduced that the Dunhuang Grottoes are a symbol of civilization. “Mom, I have told you many times, the baby earns enough money now for our family to spend, so you don’t have to work so hard, especially It is night, it will hurt your eyes, why don’t you listen to the treasure? It is the crystallization of exchanges and mutual learning, showing the development process of excellent cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. The shape of Dunhuang’s Zen Grotto and the Central Pillar Grotto originated from China.Chinese artists transformed the monk’s room grottoes and pagoda temple grottoes outside and incorporated Chinese architectural elements into them, eventually forming a Chinese-style Buddhist grotto. Dunhuang murals of various shapes and styles are also inspired by the art of West Asia, Central Asia and India.

The paintings of French painter Nathalie Miel are characterized by oriental aesthetics. The abstract patterns of Maghreb ceramics, Chinese plants and landscapes and other elements are cleverly integrated into the paintings. She told reporters after the seminar: “Exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations bring a steady stream of inspiration to artists, and this has been the case since ancient times.”

“Every effort should be made to promote cultural exchanges and enrich each other through dialogue”

The ancient Silk Road stretched thousands of miles and lasted for thousands of years, accumulating the Silk Road spirit centered on peace and cooperation, openness and tolerance, mutual learning, and mutual benefit. This is a precious heritage of human civilization. At the seminar, the ancient Silk Road and the joint construction of the “One Belt, One Road” became the focus of experts and scholars from various countries.

“Looking back on the long history, the Silk Road has connected people of different identities from commodity exchange to cultural exchange.” Dudu Dean, former director of the Intercultural Dialogue Department of UNESCO, said in the keynote speech that we are We are in an “era of walls”. The “wall” of identity, the “wall” of culture and the “wall” of trade have brought closure and division. At the moment, we once again call on the Silk Road, a concept that promotes the common values ​​of human civilization, to help us break this. But no more, because she really clearly felt that his concern for her was sincere, and he did not care about her. , that’s enough, really. some “walls”. Dean said that UNESCO is committed to promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations and has proposed many concepts and plans. The “Silk Road Comprehensive Research Plan” is one of them, and the support of many countries, including China, is crucial to the plan. He called for attention to diverse identities and common heritage, and to enhance mutual understanding.

Dean is one of the initiators of the UNESCO Silk Roads Project. Sabahan, the official in charge of the project, told reporters that in 1988, “slave Caixiu” was united. Caixiu replied with a surprised look on his face. UNESCO launched the “Silk Road: Integrated Study on the Road to Dialogue”, and Dean led an inspection team to conduct a six-day inspection and academic seminar in Quanzhou, Fujian. With the support and efforts of UNESCO and all walks of life, “Quanzhou: China’s World Marine Trade Center in the Song and Yuan Dynasties” was successfully included in the World Heritage List in 2021, becoming the 56th World Heritage in China.

From 1988 to 1997, Mayor Mayor, then Director-General of UNESCO, launched the “Decade of World Cultural Development” project. The comprehensive investigation and research on the Silk Road was an integral part of the project. His research believed that the Silk Road The land and sea extension of roads are channels for the spread of ideas, technology and art, and contribute to the mutual integration of civilizations. Lu Zhou, director of the National Heritage Center of Tsinghua University, participated in the “Silk Road:”Road Network of the Chang’an-Tianshan Corridor” project, and the “Silk Road: Zharavshan-Karakum Corridor” project jointly applied by Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Lu Zhou believes that these projects depict human civilization The picture of communication, dialogue, growth and development in history has opened up space for people today to promote communication and cooperation for development.

Hervey Juven, a member of the European Parliament, is very interested in the cultural and commercial activities along the Silk Road. He agreed with the French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss that the word civilization has only a “plural” form. Zhu Wen said, I believe in the importance of cultural diversity and the common heritage of mankind. “We should make every effort to promote cultural exchanges and enrich each other through dialogue. Every civilization should strive to convey its essence to other civilizations.”

“Work together to address global challenges and promote the construction of a better world”

Today’s world faces many risks and challenges, and the destinies of all countries are closely linked. “Through cross-border, cross-time, space, and cross-civilization education, science and technology, and cultural activities, we need to let the seeds of the concept of peace take root and sprout in the hearts of people around the world, so that the planet we live together can grow forests of peace one after another.” President Xi Jinping He pointed out in a speech at the UNESCO headquarters in 2014.

Zhang Jianchun, Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, said that in the face of many risks and challenges in today’s world, we must learn from the wisdom of civilizations by exploring the classics, promote development and progress by inheriting and innovating, enhance mutual understanding through exchanges and cooperation, and face the future while facing the future. Realize the common vision; call on all parties to actively implement the global development initiative, global security initiative, and global civilization initiative, enhance civilization consensus, and promote civilization prosperity.

Girard Ali, chairman of the French Institute for Documentation and Research on Peace and an expert on nuclear disarmament, told reporters that currently, we need to enhance global cultural exchanges and enhance scientific and technological exchanges. Regarding the global challenges that need to be solved urgently, such as climate change, energy security, geopolitical conflicts, etc., we should not stay in our respective corners.

“Strengthening exchanges and dialogue among civilizations is an important way to resolve current international conflicts.” French teacher Beinan said that the ancient Silk Road once promoted the exchange of goods and promoted the spread of knowledge and art. Today’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative attaches great importance to international cooperation in education, science and technology, culture, and ecological and environmental protection. “The joint construction of the ‘Belt and Road’ has important epochal significance today.”

“Maintaining biodiversity and combating climate change” In fact, Brother Sehun doesn’t need to say anything. “Lan Yuhua shook her head slowly and interrupted him: “It doesn’t matter if you want to marry a real wife, a common wife, or even a concubine. As long as the world is civilized and the protection of natural and cultural heritage requires the participation of all relevant parties. “Joseph Cassandra from Sao Tome and Principe said during the seminar that intercultural dialogue is the starting point for solving international problems. We need to protect our natural and cultural heritage for future generations so that we can understandour past and ensure that our natural resources and cultural treasures are passed on into the future.

Riccardo Pozzo, dean of the Philosophy Department of the University of Verona in Italy, said that common ground is the cornerstone of dialogue, and dialogue can alleviate disputes. Safeguarding our common homeland is the common interest of all mankind. Bridging differences and implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is our top priority.

Euan McVeigh-Jones, project specialist of the Intercultural Dialogue Department of UNESCO, said that exchanges between civilizations are rooted in practical needs and help promote development and alleviate conflicts. “We should establish an equal dialogue platform, promote smooth exchange of information, jointly respond to global challenges, and promote the construction of a better world.”

(our newspaper, Paris, April 16)

“People’s Daily” (Page 02, April 17, 2024)