Working together to write a new era and a new chapter for overseas friendships—A summary of the work of the fifth session of the Board of Directors of Henan Overseas Friendship Association

□Our reporter Shi Kexin

Since the first meeting of the fifth board of directors in 2013, Henan Cai Xiu finally couldn’t hold back his tears. While wiping her tears, she shook her head at the young lady and said, “Thank you, young lady, my maid. These few words are enough. The Overseas Friendship Association insists on being guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and conscientiously implement it.” The Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee have made decisions and arrangements to anchor the “Two Guarantees”, implement the “Ten Major Strategies” in depth, give full play to the role of bridges and ties, broadly unite and contact compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and people from all walks of life overseas, build ideological consensus, deepen exchanges and cooperation, and advance the He has made positive contributions to the great cause of the reunification of the motherland, safeguarding the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao, and striving to promote the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Henan.

The common ideological foundation of unity and struggle continues to be consolidated

Henan-Taiwan exchange activities are carried out in depth. Taking advantage of our province’s traditional cultural resources to strengthen the Develop ideas, expand communication channels, gain momentum and empower exchanges between Henan and Taiwan, and successfully hold activities such as the Central Plains (Gushi) Roots and Family Culture Festival and the Cross-Strait Zhouyi Cultural Forum.

Youth work continues to be consolidated and improved. The “Henan Province Cross-Strait Youth Exchange Month” activity was launched, and more than 1,600 Taiwanese youth came to Henan for visits and exchanges. Organized activities such as “Lecture Tour by Famous Teachers” and “Searching for Roots” summer (spring and winter) camps for overseas Chinese teenagers, with more than 10,000 participants; held cultural experience activities such as “Chinese Culture Paradise”, benefiting 3,500 Chinese teenagers.

Relying on the Central Plains culture to widely unite people’s hearts. Nearly 2,000 representatives from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan were invited to participate in the ancestor worship ceremony in the hometown of the Yellow Emperor. Organize activities such as the Zhang family’s family reunion, carry out surname activities such as Cai, Deng, Zheng, and Liao, and create brand events such as the public memorial ceremony for Laozi’s birthday and Bigan’s birthday celebration. Organize activities such as the “Chinese Character Culture Tour for Overseas Youth from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan” to use characters as a medium to promote overseas exchanges and exchanges between Henan, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

Remarkable results have been achieved in promoting the construction of Henan into an open and strong province

Introduced to help Henan’s development. Participated in the China Henan Talent Recruitment and Innovation Development Conference, the Henan Overseas Chinese Mission “Belt and Road” Innovation Cooperation and Development Conference, innovatively held the “Zheng Luoxin National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone Industrial Project Promotion Conference”, etc., and promoted a group of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign investment Enterprise landing.

Go out and promote the image of Henan. Every year before and after the Spring Festival, we go to Hong Kong and Macao to participate in the Spring Tea Party for Henan-Hong Kong Entrepreneurs, the Macao International Investment and Trade Fair (MIF), etc., and visit more than 500 well-known entrepreneurs and key figures in Hong Kong and Macao. Undertaken activities such as “Chinese Education·Chinese Teachers” and “Chinese Education·Chinese School Principals” and trained 2,000 overseas Chinese educators, expanding its popularity and influence.

Promote exchanges and expand professional cooperation. Invite CPA AustraliaMore than 20 groups, including the Greater China Chapter, came to Henan for inspection and research, bridging exchanges and cooperation between Henan and overseas. Held the Yu-Taiwan Economic and Trade Fair and the Cross-Strait Intelligent Equipment Manufacturing Central Plains Forum, inviting more than 2,000 merchants to participate in the meeting to promote the integrated development of the Yu-Taiwan equipment manufacturing industry.

The construction of patriotic associations has achieved qualitative improvement

Established the Hong Kong and Henan Friendship Association. In October 2021, the Hong Kong and Henan Friendship Association was established. Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Liang Zhenying attended the event in Hong Kong, and Governor Wang Kai delivered a speech at the Zhengzhou venue. Leung Chun-ying praised: “The establishment of the General Association has strengthened the coordinating power of Henan associations in Hong Kong, enhanced the cohesion of Henan folks in Hong Kong, promoted the steady and long-term practice of ‘one country, two systems’, implemented the principle of ‘patriots governing Hong Kong’, and deepened exchanges between Henan and Hong Kong. Cooperation has contributed.” Since its establishment more than two years ago, the Federation has taken “caring about Henan and Hong Kong and devoting itself to our country” as its mission. It has led delegations to participate in investment fairs, ancestor worship ceremonies and other activities, and warmly received Henan investment delegations who visited Hong Kong. , exchanges and cooperation between Henan and Hong Kong continue to deepen.

Established the Macau Henan Federation of Associations. In August 2023, the Macau Henan Federation of Associations was established. Chui Sai On, the third and fourth chief executive of the Macau Special Administrative Region, attended. Zhang Leiming, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, attended and delivered a speech. The Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government and the China Overseas Friendship Association Send a congratulatory letter. The General Federation of Henan Societies of Macao was established to promote exchanges between Henan and Macao and to promote the vague memories of Henan, Macao and Portuguese-speaking countries and Vietnam. Exchanges and cooperation between countries have built a bridge.

Helping Henan’s economic and social development to demonstrate its effectiveness

Conduct in-depth research and provide suggestions. Every year during the Provincial Two Sessions, overseas representatives from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are invited to visit and hold discussions and provide suggestions. It has invited more than 500 overseas directors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to Henan for investigation and inspection, and held more than 50 symposiums and exchange seminars.

Let’s work together to fight the epidemic and reduce disasters. During the epidemic prevention and control period, members of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan-funded enterprises and representatives in Henan raised medical protection supplies and donated 53.7 million yuan in donations. If you don’t want mom, mom will be jealous. “Family love is thicker than water.” During the “July 20” heavy rain disaster, compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, overseas Chinese, caring societies, and enterprises donated 350 million yuan in money and materials to assist flood prevention, disaster relief, and post-disaster reconstruction.

Actively serve social undertakings. Organize directors to go to Luoning County, Luoyang City to pair up with poor households to help develop the planting and breeding industry and help people increase their income and get rid of poverty. Strive for funds of 750,000 yuan to build 15 Hailian new rural clinics. Guide overseas directors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to invest and start businesses in Xinyang Xixian Science and Technology Industrial Park, Puyang Nanle County Industrial Cluster Area, etc., providing 5,800 jobs.