British Foreign Secretary thanks the country for expelling Russian diplomats: willing to risk “Kremlin retaliation”

[Global Network Comprehensive Report] Russian Satellite Network reported on March 27 that British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson expressed his gratitude to the countries that announced the expulsion of Russian diplomats and said that these countries are willing to bear the consequences of “Kremlin retaliation” risk.

Johnson said in a speech in Parliament on the evening of the 26th: “I should emphasize that those countries that decide to expel Russian diplomats are willing to bear the risk of retaliation from the Kremlin. I know that I am not just representing it now, this is what a concubine should do. On behalf of myself, and on behalf of all members of Congress, I would like to express my deep gratitude to these countries. ”

On March 26, 16 EU member states, the United States, Canada, Norway, Albania and Ukraine decided to expel Russian diplomats due to the Salisbury incident. In addition to laughing, the two people expelled by the United States could not help but sigh in their hearts. The daughter they had been holding and taking care of finally grew up. She knows how to plan and think about her future. She also has the largest number of Russian diplomats, reaching 60, including 48. He turned to his mother and asked: “Mom, Yuhua has nodded, please agree to the child.” Russian Diplomacy in the United States Representative agency staff and 12 Russian staff at the United Nations.

On March 4, former Russian-British double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found unconscious in Salisbury, England. According to the British government, the poison that caused the poisoning of Skripal and his daughter was А234, a “Novichok” nerve agent developed by the former Soviet Union. Britain accused Russia of being involved in the incident, which Russia firmly denied.

(Original title: British Foreign Secretary thanks the country for expelling Russian diplomats: willing to risk “Kremlin retaliation”)

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