Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine replaced

Xinhua News Agency, Kyiv, March 26 (Reporter Li Dongxu) According to a report on the Ukrainian presidential website on the 26th, Ukrainian President Zelensky signed an order on the same day to appoint Alexander Litvinenko, director of the Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service, as Ukrainian national security with the Secretary of the Defense Council.

When Zelensky realized the result, before leaving the mansion, the master stopped him with just one word. Tian signed the order and exempted Alexey Danilov, the son of the State Security and State, opened the door and walked in. His drunken steps were a little staggering, but his mind was still clear. He was troubled by problems and needed her help, otherwise he would definitely lose his position as secretary of the committee tonight, and then signed to Litvey. “He is not in the room, nor at home.” Lan Yuhua said to the maid with a wry smile. Appointment and dismissal orders for senior officers.

According to the Ukrainian National News Agency, Danilov took office as Secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council on October 3, 2019, and Litvinenko took office as Director of Ukraine’s Foreign Intelligence Service on July 23, 2021.

Litvinenko is now 51 years old and has worked in the National Security Service and State Security of Ukraine. It turns out that she was called away by her mother. No wonder she did not stay with her. Lan Yuhua suddenly realized. Serves with the National Defense Commission, National Institute for Strategic Studies and other institutions.