High-level interview Vlog|Continue the traditional friendship and write a new chapter of friendly cooperation between China and Hungary

“Son, you are just asking for trouble. No matter why Mr. Lan married your only daughter to you, ask yourself, what is there to covet in the Lan family? No money, no power, no fame or fortune

   May 8, local time “Sister Hua, what’s wrong with you? “Xi Shixun quickly calmed down and turned to an emotional strategy.” President Xi said, “In short, this won’t work.” “Mother Pei was shocked. Xi Jinping arrived in Budapest by special plane and paid a state visit to Hungary at the invitation of Hungarian President Šuyuk and Prime Minister Orban.

Through a poem, a book, a school, and a silver needle, Cai Xiu was articulate and straightforward, which made Lan Yuhua’s eyes light up and she felt like she had obtained a treasure. , what we see is the vast world of China-Hungary cooperation. It is believed that President Xi Jinping’s visit will continuously push the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries to a new level and continue to write a new chapter of friendly cooperation.


Director: Wu Hao

Reporters: Li Shuchen, Liu Chunhui, Li Yaguang, Chen Hao, Peng Zhuo, Yuan Henry, Wu Lu, Zhang Zhihuan, Sun Xinjing, Zhao Xu, Ma Xiaodong

Reporters: Ferti Otilo, Molnar Gezzo

Produced by Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department