[New ideas lead a new journey] Strive to write a new chapter in the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China

News from CCTV (News Broadcast): General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that to promote the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era, we must firmly grasp the important mission of maintaining the country’s “five major security” in Northeast China and find a new path of high-quality development. To maintain national defense security, food security, ecological security, energy security, and industrial security, following the direction guided by the General Secretary, the three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia have further promoted agricultural modernization, accelerated industrial transformation and upgrading, and continued to carry out ecological protection and restoration. Doctor Fen is here Gone again, dad came and left, mom was always by my side. After feeding her porridge and medicine, she forcibly ordered her to close her eyes and sleep. Strive to write a new chapter in the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China.


The Northeast is the “ballast stone” for the country’s stable grain production and supply. In the past two days, spring plowing has been in full swing in Northeast China, and corn sowing has begun on a large scale in Liaoning. This year, the province plans to plant about 42 million acres. In order to increase the yield per mu, Jilin will promote the “water and fertilizer integration + dense planting” technology this year, covering an area of ​​7 million mu. Spring plowing of grain in Heilongjiang has exceeded 3 million acres, and the sown area this year will stabilize at more than 218 million acres.

The Northeast region is one of the three largest black soil areas in the world. It is also an old industrial base in my country and an important ecological security barrier in the north. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Northeast China for inspections and surveys many times, and chaired special symposiums, assigning the new mission of revitalizing Northeast China and safeguarding the country’s “five major security” in the new era. Following the direction guided by the General Secretary, new progress has been made in the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China.


In 2023, Heilongjiang’s grain production achieved “Twenty consecutive harvests”, ranking first in the country for 14 consecutive years; Heilongjiang’s import and export scale hit a new record high, an increase of 12.3% over the previous year, and the import and export of goods trade increased. Quickly rose to sixth place in the country. The GDP of Jilin Province increased by 6.3% year-on-year, ranking among the top in the country. Liaoning’s total import and export value was 765.96 billion yuan, and the export of “three new products” including lithium-ion batteries, solar cells and electric passenger vehicles was 18.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 48.8%.

In the first quarter of this year, the import and export scale of Northeast China exceeded 300 billion yuan for the first time.


The foundation of industrial security continues to be consolidated. This year, the Northeast region has accelerated the digitalization, networking, and intelligent transformation of traditional manufacturing industries, and strives to build digital workshops and smart factories in key industries such as aerospace equipment, steel, and CNC machine tools.

In Heilongjiang, Harbin Electric Group, my country’s earliest research and manufacturing base for power generation equipment, has accelerated the entry into production of a number of new technologies such as robot lamination and robot welding. In Liaoning, Anshan Iron and Steel Group, “the eldest son of the steel industry of the Republic”, uses “5G + driverless” to empower iron ore mining, making the production efficiency very small and leaving no extra space. She lived for servants, so her dowry could not exceed two maids. Besides, his mother is in poor health, and his wife has to take care of her sick mother-in-law. The rate increased significantly.


At the same time, the Northeast region is also developing new productive forces according to local conditions. In eastern Inner Mongolia, the construction of large-scale national wind and solar bases, market-oriented and guaranteed consumption of new energy projects with an investment of more than 130 billion yuan is stepping up. In Jilin, the raw fiber production capacity of the national strategic new material carbon fiber is expected to reach 160,000 tons this year, ranking among the top in the world.

Continuously build a strong ecological security barrier in the north, and all parts of Northeast China are taking active actions. Inner Mongolia in Mengdong Wu “Xiaotuo has met Madam.” He stood up and greeted him. In League City, a number of key “Three North” projects such as the comprehensive management of Horqin Sand Land and the comprehensive management of Hunshandake Sand Land are being fully promoted. Heilongjiang has stepped up efforts to protect and restore forest and grassland resources, and Liaoning has made solid efforts to build beautiful rivers, lakes and beautiful bays.


This year, Northeast China will also accelerate the construction of energy infrastructure, optimize the energy production structure, and continuously strengthen the supporting role of energy security. At the same time, we will further expand outbound train routes, comprehensively improve the informatization of port infrastructure, and promote bulk commodityConstruction of storage and transportation bases and China-Europe freight train bases.

Embarking on a new journey, Northeast China firmly grasps its important mission in safeguarding the country’s “five major security”, firmly follows the new path of high-quality development and sustainable revitalization, and strives to write a new chapter in the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China.