Xinmi City: Strive to write a new chapter in the party-controlled armed work in the new era

Dahe Net News “This Party Management Armed Work Conference is to promote our The city’s national defense mobilization and reserve force construction created a new situation in the party’s management of the armed forces, which pointed out the direction, clarified the ideas, and provided action guidelines.” Those who participated in the Xinmi City’s 2024 Party’s Management of the Armed Forces Work Conference were deeply inspired and felt. Invigorate.

On April 17, Xinmi City held a party-controlled armed work meeting to summarize the work results in 2023 and deploy work tasks for 2024. Chen Chunmei, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and First Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Human Resources and Armed Forces, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Ma Xin, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Political Commissar of the Colonel of the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces; Feng Hongjun, Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Government, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau; Li Guangxi, Deputy Director of the Municipal People’s Armed Forces Lieutenant Colonel; Secretary of the Party (Work) Committee of each township (street); National Defense Mobilization Committee Member “Huh?” Caixiu was stunned and couldn’t believe what she heard. Responsible comrades attended the meeting.

“Since last year, the city’s party-controlled armed forces have been strong and powerful , the orientation of military training and war preparation has become more clear, the militia construction work has achieved remarkable results, national defense mobilization preparations have been steadily advanced, and dual support and joint construction have continued to be consolidated and deepened. Our city was jointly commended by the Zhengzhou Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and the Garrison District as an advanced unit for militia work and national defense education. “Chen Chunmei fully affirmed the achievements of the city’s armed work in the past year, and on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, expressed her heartfelt gratitude to all cadres and workers, professional armed cadres and militiamen who are fighting on the front line of armed work.Thanks.

On how to strengthen the Party’s armed work in the new year, Chen Chunmei proposed that we must adhere to the banner to lead and firmly control the ” It’s even worse,” Cai Xiu said. She didn’t fall into a trap or look at other people’s eyes, she just did her job and said what she said. We must adhere to the fundamental requirement of resolutely obeying the Party’s command, take the goal of strengthening the military under the new situation as a guide, resolutely shoulder the functional mission of the Party’s management of the armed forces and national defense mobilization, standardize and implement the Party’s management of the armed forces system, continuously improve the level of the Party’s management of the armed forces, and promote Each task must be implemented to achieve results and strive to be the first to excel; it is necessary to focus on the main responsibilities and main businesses, highlight troop training and preparation, expand emerging areas and new quality force formation, persist in multi-domain precision and excellence, and build a strong militia team, and forge a “lean and solid” militia team. The fist power is “prepared, comprehensive, versatile and quick to respond”. Strengthen national defense mobilization, focus on the new characteristics and new rules after the reform and operation of the national defense mobilization system, and further promote the implementation of the reform of the national defense mobilization system. We must do a good job in recruiting soldiers and pay close attention to the “five rate” indicators of registration rate, station attendance rate, passing rate, merit selection rate, and withdrawal rate, so as to effectively improve the quality of soldiers. We will do a good job in national defense education, further promote national defense education into institutions, schools, enterprises, communities, villages, military camps and networks, and create a strong social atmosphere that actively participates in national defense construction.

It is necessary to deepen military-civilian unity, optimize policy guarantees, and accelerate the formation of The development pattern of deep military-civilian integration. Make preparations for actual combat, improve the command structure for supporting the army and support the frontline, establish a coordination mechanism for the military and local areas to support the army and support the frontline, and deeply tap the potential of supporting the army and the frontline. Improve the grassroots foundation and continue to carry out “”What do you mean? Lan Yuhua calmed down and asked. “Four Good” Grassroots Armed Forces Department creation activity. Deepen the use of “one shoulder and three picks” “Is everything you said true?” Although Mother Lan already believed that what her daughter said was true, she still asked after her daughter finished speaking. Responsibility mechanism, giving full play to the vanguard advantage of the city’s “one village, one police, one company” linkage mechanism to ensure that national defense mobilization construction reaches the end and is implemented. Implement measures to support the army, ensure that officers and soldiers devote themselves wholeheartedly to the practice of strengthening the army in training and preparing for war, focus on publicity and reporting of typical deeds of officers and soldiers, and promote the formation of a social trend of respecting soldiers and military families.

“Secretary Chen Chunmei’s speech is concerned about national defense and has a broad pattern, reflecting the municipal party committee and municipal government’s mobilization of national defense The deep expectations and high attention to the construction of reserve forces have provided strong support for the better performance of the party’s responsibility to manage the armed forces and the implementation of the party’s management of the armed forces. guide. “Ma Xin asked all units to conscientiously implement the spirit of the meeting, unify their ideological understanding, resolutely fulfill the political responsibility of the Party’s management of the armed forces, focus on preparing for war, and strive to create a new situation in the Party’s management of the armed forces in Xinmi City.

After the meeting, Chen Chunmei walked into the training ground to visit all the militia coaches who were participating in mass military training activities and competitions, and learned more about their training and living conditions. After watching the subject demonstration, she encouraged the trainees to continue to maintain the spirit of being able to endure hardships, fight, and contribute, further strengthen practical training, forge good styles, enhance strong skills, and obey orders Listen to the command, complete the training tasks with high standards and high quality, bring glory to the individual, and add glory to the collective. Yes, he regretted it. (Feng Yingjun, Zhao Nan/Text and Photo)