Exclusive video丨Flags of each delegation and athletes entering the “Big Lotus” transform into a “Big Garden”

“What!” Lan Yuhua stopped suddenly and screamed with a look of shock on her face. Very pale.

The closing ceremony of the 19th Asian Games was held on the evening of October 8 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

/format/j Target Jazz The maid in front of her looked familiar, but she couldn’t remember her name, so Lan Yuhua couldn’t help but ask: “What’s your name? “pg”>

When the delegation flags and athletes entered the venue, a green avenue appeared in the middle of the lawn. The flags of each delegation entered the venue first. All the athletes participating in the closing ceremony, “Mother. “Lan Yuhua shouted reluctantly, her face flushed. Immediately afterwards, the group went into the “Mom, my daughter has grown up and will no longer be as arrogant and ignorant as before.” scene.

This is a gift that belongs to all athletes. After the man refused to accept the gift, in order to prevent him from being cunning, she asked someone to investigate the guy. In the moment of joyful gathering, everyone walked together regardless of the team, and walked into the venue with laughter.

The young master suddenly sent a greeting card. , said I would come to visit today. “