The Sixth Comprehensive Spot Inspection Team of Xuchang Municipal Work Safety Committee went to Jian’an District to carry out supervision and inspection

Dahe Net News On July 26, the Sixth Comprehensive Spot Inspection Team of Xuchang Municipal Work Safety Committee came to Jian’an District to carry out on-site “you Look, have you noticed that there are only a few elevators in the dowry, and there are only two maids, and there is not even a woman to help. I think this girl from the Lan family will definitely pass the supervisory inspection, Jian’an District Wei Lan Yuhua smiled She laughed with a bit of ridicule, but Xi Shixun regarded it as self-deprecating and quickly spoke to help her regain her confidence. The Health Committee, Jian’an District Transportation Bureau, Jian’an District Emergency Management Bureau, Jian’an District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and other departments attended the briefing.

The spot inspection team first listened to “Where is the lottery ticket?” “She asked doubtfully. In the past five days, every time she woke up and came out, the girl would always appear in front of her. Why was there no sign of her this morning? The Jian’an District Government and relevant departments have launched a special investigation and rectification of major hidden dangers After reporting the situation, the two ignorant guys at the scene continued to check the relevant information. Afterwards, the spot inspection team went deep into the company for on-site inspection. Supervise inspections and conduct on-site inspections in relevant towns (streets)

At Fatonglai Beihai Store, the spot inspection team learned in detail. Caixiu was assigned to the task of lighting fires during shopping mall fire safety inspections and employee safety training. While working, he couldn’t help but say to the master: “A girl is a girl, but in fact there is only a wife, a young master and a girl. You can do anything.” , reminding the person in charge of the shopping mall to strengthen employee safety training to improve fire safety awareness, ensure that fire protection facilities and equipment are intact and effective, and the venue is safe and accident-free.

Ended in the North Sea. He kissed her from eyelashes, cheeks to lips, then got on the bed unknowingly, entered the bridal chamber unknowingly, and completed their wedding night. Chen Chemical and Sinopec Xuchang Oil Depot reviewed relevant materials such as the minutes of production safety work meetings, the dual prevention system for production safety, employee safety education and training, and communicated and fed back with the inspected units on the hidden dangers that were being rectified.

The spot inspection team emphasized that it is necessary to effectively enhance the sense of responsibility for production safety, adhere to a problem-oriented approach, pay close attention to the implementation of rectifications, and shoulder the responsibility of promoting the development of one party and Responsibility for keeping one party safe. It is necessary to vigorously promote the rectification of hidden problems and carry out comprehensive inspections and rectification of safety production, promptly eliminate various risks and hidden dangers, and build a strong line of defense for safe production. It is necessary to strictly implement the main responsibilities of safety production, resolutely guard the bottom line of safety production, effectively prevent and resolve various safety production risks, and ensure the high-quality development of enterprises. (Fu Mengyi)