Responding to the national strategy to create a new chapter in pension finance, Fude Life Insurance’s “Better Life” wellness project settled in Henan

Dahe Net News Last year, the Central Financial Work Conference raised the flag and proposed “accelerating the construction of financial The strategic goal of “strengthening the country”, and “vigorously developing technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance” was also included in the government work report for the first time this year. In March this year, the Henan Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration issued the “Action Plan for the Henan Banking and Insurance Industry to Accelerate the High-Quality Development of Pension Finance”, focusing on doing a good job in pension finance. They are with us. The Han Dynasty was the first and second trade name. It was fate that the young man met his elder brother in the business group. After he helped intercede, he got this big article to guide the province’s banking and insurance institutions to protect the people’s good life with high-quality pension finance. In this context, how to give full play to the protection and service functions of insurance to solve people’s pension problems is an issue that insurance institutions continue to explore.

On May 30, 2024, Fude Life Insurance held the “Fude Pension Good Life” health care event in Zhengzhou Project press conference and opening ceremony of Henan exhibition hall. Chen Li, assistant to the general manager of Fude Life Insurance, and Zhang Lihui, general manager of Fude Life Insurance Henan Branch, and other guests attended the meeting and made speeches, detailing the project service highlights and competitive advantages, as well as the company’s transformation achievements and future development goals in recent years.

The release of the “Fude Senior Care Good Life” health care project and the opening of the Henan exhibition hall not only represent the deep integration of the insurance industry and the senior care industry This is an important attempt, and it is also a vivid practice for Fude Life Insurance to actively fulfill its social responsibilities, do a good job in pension financing, and serve people’s livelihood.

Follow the trend for development and launch a health care strategy

In recent years, my country’s aging has been accelerating. By 2035, the number of people aged 60 and above will exceed 400 million, accounting for more than 30%. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, there were 41,000 elderly care institutions and 8.201 million elderly care service beds across the country by the end of 2023. The existing supply of elderly care services does not match the growing elderly population. At the same time, with the improvement of people’s living standards, “living a dignified old age life” has become a new expectation of the people for elderly care.

Under the call of the national strategy and the guidance of national needs, Fude Life Insurance actively layouts and develops the elderly care industry, launches the “Better Life” health care project, and combines its own advantageous resources to create an “insurance + Pension” new model can not only play the role of the third pillar of pensions through a series of pension annuity products such as “Xinxi Niannian” to help customers make family pension reserves and financial planning, but can also deeply integrate the resources of the health care industry chain and provide services Economic and social development, make up for the shortcomings in the field of people’s livelihood

“Bring the senior care community home” to help customers with high quality. Elder care

In traditional Chinese culture, people prefer to choose to care for the elderly in a warm family environment and continue the original According to statistics, the country has formed a “9073” pattern, that is, about 90% of the elderly choose home care, and about 7% rely on home care. Communities support elderly care, and 3% of the elderly live in institutions for elderly care. This shows that home care is the market direction and the demand.

“‘Bringing the elderly care community home’ is the core proposition of a better life for home-based elderly care. It adheres to the concept of ‘taking the needs of the elderly as the core’ and focuses on the four major life scenes of ‘reliance, medical care, care, and daily life’, and is carefully created The software and hardware service support of home care for the elderly allows the elderly to care for themselves comfortably and live long into their lives. “Chen Li pointed out in the report.

It is understood that the health care project integrates community care, residential care and home care, etc. This model builds a comprehensive and diversified Fude senior care ecosystem, which can realize cross-experience for customers under different choices. Customers who choose home care can enjoy the respectful experience of “bringing home a care home”, which includes “bring-home services” and “bring-home facilities” that can be called with one click. Housekeeper, enjoy convenient services such as family doctor, outpatient green pass, life assistance; customers can also have aging-friendly transformation services to improve the living environment so that daily life can better meet the physical and functional needs of the elderly.

According to reports, within the year, the first batch of 15 customer experience halls of Fude Life Insurance will be completed and put into use; in the next three years, 100 will be gradually covered nationwide, and supporting facilities will be synchronized Launching pension annuity insurance and health care services in the future, the company will take meeting customer needs, improving customer experience, and winning customer trust as the starting point and goal of operation and management, constantly improving service content and models, improving service quality and efficiency, and helping the people. Achieve a high-quality life in old age with “someone to care for and have someone to depend on when you are old” (Li Su)