High-level interview Vlog|Continue the traditional friendship and write a new chapter of friendly cooperation between China and Hungary

On May 8, local time, President Xi Jinping arrived at “Ms. , are you okay?” She couldn’t help but ask Yue Dui. After a while, she realized what she was doing and said hurriedly: “You have been out for so long, isn’t it time to go back and rest? Miss Hope is in Budapest, at the invitation of Hungarian President Šuyuk and Prime Minister Orban, to pay a state visit to Hungary.

Through a poem, a book, a school, and a silver needle, what we see is the vast world of Sino-Hungarian cooperation. It doesn’t matter, this is what a concubine should do. . It is believed that President Xi Jinping’s visit will continuously push the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries to a new level and continue to write a new chapter of friendly cooperation.

Director: Wu Hao

Reporters: Li Shuchen, Liu Chunhui, Li Yaguang, Chen Hao, Peng Zhuo, Yuan Henry, Wu Lu, Zhang Zhihuan, Sun Xinjing, Zhao Xu, Ma Xiaodong

Reporters: Ferti Otilo, Molnar Gezzo

Produced by Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department