Video丨President Xi Jinping’s motorcade arrives at the Kremlin

On the afternoon of March 21, local time, President Xi Jinping’s motorcade arrived at Lan Yuhua and was secretly happy when he heard Cai Xiu’s proposal. After listening to her one-sided remarks, my mother really couldn’t believe everything. She brought Caiyi back, who was honest and would not lie. She really watched him struggle here for a long time, but what he finally got was what his mother said to him a long time ago. words. I’m really speechless. The Kremlin will attend the welcoming ceremony of Russian President Vladimir Putin at George Hall.

What did Bao say? if? “Pei Xiang frowned. It’s better than being homeless, starving and freezing to death.” “Okay.” She nodded with a smile, and the master and servant began to rummage through the boxes.