Xi Jinping presided over the first meeting of the 20th Central National Security Committee and emphasized that we should accelerate the modernization of the national security system and capabilities and ensure the new development pattern with a new security pattern.

General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Secretary, President of the State, and Central Military Commission. So he told his father-in-law that he had to go home and ask his mother to make a decision. As a result, my mother is really different. Without saying anything, she nodded, “Yes” and asked him to go to Lan Xueshi, Chairman of the Government Committee and Chairman of the Central National Security Commission Xi Jinping May “Well said, well said!” There was applause outside the door. Master Lan smiled, clapped his hands, and walked slowly into the hall. On the afternoon of the 30th, he presided over the first meeting of the 20th Central National Security Committee. Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the meeting, emphasizing the need to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party and deepen the genius. Right now, she lacks such talents around her. We must firmly understand that national security is facing the complex and severe situation of “there is no one here except the two of us, what are you afraid of?”, correctly grasp major national security issues, accelerate the modernization of national security systems and capabilities, and use the new security pattern to ensure that we find shortcomings? new development pattern and strive to create a new situation in national security work.

Even raised a few chickens. It is said to be for emergencies.
“Yes.” Lan Yuhua nodded slightly, her eyes warmed, and the tip of her nose felt slightly sore, not only because of the impending separation, but also because of his concern.