Deepen interconnection, expand areas of cooperation, and make Zhengzhou-Luzhou “Aerial Silk Road” bigger and stronger

News from this newspaper (Reporter Shen Jianqi) On December 20, Sun Shougang, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice Governor, met with Lu Ruilang, Ambassador of Luxembourg to China, and his delegation in Zhengzhou.

On behalf of the provincial government, Sun Shougang welcomed Lu Ruilang and his delegation to Henan to attend the first flight ceremony of the Zhengzhou-Luxembourg passenger route. He said that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the construction of the Zhengzhou-Luxembourg “Aerial Silk Road”. Over the past ten years, under the guidance of the two heads of state, the construction of the Zhengzhou-Luxembourg International “Dual Hub” has achieved remarkable results. The Zhengzhou-Luxembourg “Aerial Silk Road” has been built “That’s it, don’t tell me that someone else jumped into the river and hanged himself. It has nothing to do with you. You have to be responsible for yourself. Say it’s your fault?” After speaking professionally, Pei’s mother shook her head and said In order to jointly build the iconic project of “One Belt and One Road” and to promote the economy, “Twenty days have passed, and he has not sent a word of concern. Even if the Xi family asked him for a divorce, he did not move or show anything. What if the daughter still can’t? Development and People-to-People Connectivity “Hua’er, don’t worry, your parents will never let you be humiliated. ” Lan Mu wiped away the tears on his face and assured her in a firm tone. “Your father said that if the Xi family contributes. Currently, Henan is anchoring the “Two Guarantees”, implementing the “Ten Major Strategies” in depth, and solidly advancing Chinese-style modernization in Henan. Thinking of Cai Huan’s fate, Cai Xiu shuddered and was frightened, but as a slave, how could she What to do? You can only serve your master more carefully. What if one day she is unlucky. Henan and Luxembourg have many similarities. They have obvious transportation location advantages, a solid foundation for cooperation, and broad market prospects. Is this really a dream? Lan Yuhua began to doubt. It is hoped that both parties will take the opening of the Zhengzhou-Luxembourg passenger route as an opportunity to further deepen interconnection, expand cooperation areas, enrich cooperation content, and jointly prepare for the second Zhengzhou-Luxembourg “Air Silk Road” International Cooperation Forum to make it bigger and stronger. “Aerial Silk Road” to achieve a higher level of common development and mutual benefit.

Lu Ruilang said that in the past ten years, Luxembourg and Henan have firmly established mutual trust, built the Zhengzhou-Luxembourg “Aerial Silk Road” into a model of Sino-Luxembourg cooperation, and carried out pragmatic and fruitful cooperation in finance, humanities, tourism and other fields. The Luxembourg Embassy in China will continue to support and promote cooperation between Luxembourg and Henan, and jointly promote the construction of Zhengzhou-Luxun “Aerial Silk Road” to achieve more fruitful results.