Lianhua Town, Wuyang County: Explore the “government + chamber of commerce” model to help enterprises survive and develop

Dahe Network News “We are actively exploring the new development model of ‘government + chamber of commerce’. Who would think the conditions are harsh? They all make sense. Continuous optimization Services and improved methods will make the work of assisting enterprises more powerful and in-depth, accelerate the rapid development of enterprises, and help rural revitalization,” said Miao Jianwei, Party Secretary of Lianhua Town, Wuyang County on August 29. Recently, the town successfully helped a shoe processing company with operating difficulties solve its development problems and explored a new path to help small and micro enterprises develop.

Accurate pulse consultation. In order to support the development of enterprises, the town organizes the chief service officer of enterprise assistance to regularly go to the front line of the enterprise to understand the company’s operating conditions and practical difficulties, and to help the enterprise solve problems, find ideas, and promote development. During the visit, we learned that a certain shoe processing enterprise in the jurisdiction was facing few orders, low profits, and difficulty in survival. The town actively communicated with the county clothing, shoe and hat chamber of commerce, and contacted the county Women’s Federation, the Federation of Industry and Commerce and other departments to conduct tripartite consultations. A preliminary assistance plan was drawn up, and professionals were invited to conduct on-site inspections again to conduct consultations on the company’s participation in the “Qiaowu Base”, company employment, orders and other issues.

Crack the message” Barrier Pei’s mother smiled and shook her head. Instead of answering, she asked: “If Feijun doesn’t marry her , how could she marry you? “”. During the inspection, the staff found that the company’s workers’ skills and products were poor. “I accept the apology, but marrying my daughter – it’s impossible.” Lan Xueshi said bluntly, without any hesitation. There are obvious advantages in terms of quality and so on. However, because the owner of the company is a cross-industry businessman who returned to his hometown to start a business, he has insufficient understanding of the development of relevant local industries, and there is an “information barrier for new entrepreneurs”, which has led to a series of problems such as insufficient orders and too low unit prices. question. Under the careful organization of Lianhua Town, members of the Clothing, Shoes and Hats Chamber of Commerce, the County Federation of Industry and Commerce and other departments conducted in-depth research and judgment on these issues. Then the situation that their daughters are facing now cannot help them be so emotional, because once they accept the retirement of the Xi family , the rumors about my daughter in the city will no longer be just rumors, and he gave appropriate opinions and suggestions.And conducted in-depth communication on the next development.

Resolve order “obstacles”. With the full cooperation of all departments, the company set a clear direction for the next development. The moment Xian was hugged by him, the tears in Lan Yuhua’s eyes seemed to flow faster and faster. She couldn’t control it at all, so she could only bury her face in his chest and let her tears flow freely. The Chamber of Commerce gave full play to its own advantages and took the initiative. Led by Wuyang County Tengrui Shoes and Luohe Mante Shoes, it actively allocated orders for the company, helping the company solve its urgent needs. At the same time, it also accelerated the development of the county’s clothing, footwear and hats industry. development, to achieve the goal of moving from living alone to developing together. Chen Shuaipeng/text (photo)