“Travel subsidy”? It’s too ugly to use rumors to attract tourists to tours with low philippines sugar prices_China Net

According to Manila escort CCTV news report on June 24, a “Pinay escort A subsidy of 3,169 yuan per person for traveling to Yunnan” claims that Yunnan officials are issuing large travel subsidies, and tourists can enjoy it for 499 yuanPinay escort Enjoy an in-depth tour of Yunnan for 6 days and 5 nights. According to Yunnan Cultural Tourism Law Enforcement Officers, the publisher added a Escort degree to the credibility of the rumor. =”https://philippines-sugar.net/”>Manila escort A red-headed document issued by Yunnan Province in September 2023. It is understood that the document is a long-term plan, design and goal for Yunnan’s future, and it does not involve the so-called “Sugar daddy special travel subsidyManila escortPosting Plan” Pinay escort‘s content.

6 days and 5 nights in Yunnan Sugar daddy in-depth tour, only 499 yuan – such a ridiculously low price , is a typical “unreasonable low-price tour”, and most tourists may not believe it. However, the publisher’s use of red-headed document endorsements and the guise of government “travel subsidies” obviously made the rumors more confusing. In fact, every time during the peak tourist season in recent years, rumors similar to “travel subsidies” will be spread online, with the purpose of attracting traffic for “low-price travel”.

When tourists join a group tour, they often compare prices and negotiate. It is obviously easier for businesses to attract customers by offering low prices. A marketing link for “low-price travel” Manila escort, plus “Sugar daddyKeywords such as “government red-headed document”, “special subsidy” and “limited to 50 copies”. These very tempting information are enough to make some unknown peopleEscort manilaThe truthEscort manilaTourists “take the baitEscort manila” According to the investigation, the destinations of such “travel subsidy” rumors include not only Yunnan, but also Inner Mongolia XiEscort. Lingol, Guiyang, Guizhou, Guilin, Guangxi and other places.

“Unreasonable low-price travel” is a cancer that affects the order of the tourism market and seriously restricts the high-quality development of the industry. On the surface, “it is not possible.” “Reasonable low-price travel” is just an unreasonable price, but in essence Escort manila is unfair competition. Peers in the industry lower prices for each other, and you engage in “zero “Tour fee”, let me “give you a great value”. When it is difficult to win in the market competition with formal or conventional operating methods, some operators will resort to eccentric methods and use any means to attract Escort manilaTourists. This kind of “one-and-done sale” that only cares about immediate interests not only infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, but also seriously damages the reputation of the industry.

In order to protect the legality of tourists rights, promote tourism innovation and quality, and improve Escort team tourist experience satisfaction. In April this year, the Yunnan Provincial Travel Agency Association announced the “2024 Travel agency Yunnan tourism product reference cost consumption tips”, Sugar daddy provides a reference for tourists to compare the prices of tourism products when joining a group. You may wish to use this as a reference to choose a reasonably priced travel Manila escort route. If there are words such as “special travel” and “limited time subsidy”, be sure to pay attention. Be vigilant and try to avoid them to avoid falling into the trap of “unreasonable low-price travel”

It is worth noting that “travel subsidies” and the like Sugar daddy Rumors are mainly spread on various website platforms. Therefore, relevant platforms Pinay escort should strengthen platform construction and improve rumor monitoring, discovery, refutation, Escort Disposal full process work specifications. We should proactively verify the source of similar advertising links, and take measures to remove products from the shelves, limit promotions, and Sugar daddy terminated cooperation and other measures to nip rumors in the bud and Sugar daddyreported relevant clues to relevant departments and actively cooperated with the investigation.

In response to rumors such as “tourism subsidies”, relevant departments must not only address the symptoms but also the root cause. For example, when complaining about low-price advertising and Sugar daddy, we urged the platform to remove it from the shelves, and published illegal information through “red and black lists” and other methods, and issued Consumer warning. At the same time, we will intensify the punishment of such illegal activities, and impose maximum penalties and suspend business for rectification once discovered or confirmed by complaints. Only when the cost of making a mistake is high enough can it act as a deterrent and make those who fabricate rumors about “travel subsidies”Sugar daddy lose more than they gain.