Micro video|China-Arab cooperation opens a new chapter

China —A Yong and his Lan family took the initiative to break off the marriage, showing that The benevolence and righteousness of their Xi family? So despicable! The 10th Ministerial Conference of the Arab States Cooperation Forum will be held in Beijing on May 30. “Mom——” A hoarse voice, with a heavy cry, suddenly rushed out from the depths of her throat. She couldn’t help but burst into tears, because in reality, her mother had been held. The China-Arab Cooperation Forum has made remarkable achievements in the 20 years since its establishment. China and Arab countries have united and cooperated, and China-Arab relations have continued to reach new heights.

The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” has become an important platform for China-Arab cooperation. Many Arab countries have aligned their development strategies with it, and the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative has achieved full coverage of the 22 Arab League member states. From the digital economy to green development, from artificial intelligence to aerospace, China and Arab countries’ joint construction of the “Belt and Road” has yielded fruitful results and pushed China-Arab all-round cooperation into a new stage.

I’m about to leave. It’s so far away. It will take half a year to leave? ”/format/jpg”>

In recent years, China and Arab countries have signed cooperation agreements, continue to promote foreign exchanges and cooperation in traditional Chinese medicine, and actively participate in global health governance. Political mutual trust between China and Arab countries has continued to deepen, pragmatic cooperation is vigorous, and cooperation in various fields has achieved fruitful results.


Culture can connect heartsSpirit, art can communicate the world. From the opening of the ancient Silk Road to the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, the exchanges between Chinese and Arab civilizations have spanned thousands of years, mutual appreciation has been written, and a historical story of mutual learning and mutual learning has been written.


Looking to the future, China will work with Arab countries to continue to carry forward the spirit of China-Arab friendship, build a higher-level China-Arab community with a shared future, and contribute to building a community with a shared future for mankind. China-Arab all-round cooperation will reach new heights. A new level, opening a new chapter.


Reporter: Yao Bing, Dong Xiu, Zhu Yang, Yu Fuqing, Liu Hai, Jize Huang Ling, Wang Yisheng

Reporter: Moncef

Editor: Zhao Ningning

Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

Produced by Xinhua News Agency International Communication Integration Platform

, staring at her intently. He asked in a hoarse voice: “Hua’er, what did you just say? Do you have someone you want to marry? Is this true? Who is that person?”