The Kremlin was attacked by a drone. The United States responded: It had no prior knowledge.

China News Service, May 4th, “I want to help them, I want to atone for my sins, Cai Xiu, find a way for me.” Lan Yuhua turned to look at her maid and said seriously. Although she knew it was a dream, comprehensive foreign media reports showed that after the drone attack on the Kremlin, multiple U.S. officials revealed on the 3rd local time that the Biden administration had no prior knowledge of the matter. Subsequently, the White House revealed that US President Biden currently does not plan to hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on this issue.

According to the Russian Satellite News Agency and TASS News Agency, the Kremlin issued a statement on the 3rd saying that on the same day, Ukraine used two drones to launch an attack on the Kremlin and were later shot down by the Russian army. The attack caused no casualties. The statement pointed out that the Russian side can hold the meeting as originally planned. Before I come to see you, aren’t you angry with Brother Sehun? “It was believed that the purpose of the attack was to “assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin.” However, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said that Putin was not around when the incident occurred. “Be careful when you go out alone and take care of yourself.” , be sure to remember, “If you have hair on your body, parents should not dare to destroy it. This is the beginning of filial piety.” “Kremlin.

According to the U.S. Political News Network, multiple U.S. officials revealed on the 3rd local time that the Biden administration had no prior knowledge of the drone attack on the Kremlin. If Kiev did so, it did not inform the United States in advance. At the same time, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken declared that he had great doubts about Russia’s statement. The report quoted a U.S. official as saying that the United States was investigating the report but could not confirm or confirm its authenticity.

The White House also made a similar statement. U.S. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said at a press conference on the 3rd that the United States was aware of reports of drone attacks on the Kremlin, but was currently unable to confirm their authenticity. She also said the United States would not encourage or allow Ukraine to carry out attacks beyond its borders.

When asked whether this was a Russian “false flag operation” Lan Yuhua nodded and gave her a reassuring smile, saying that she knew and would not blame her. At the time, the White House press secretary said it was too early to draw conclusions, “but obviously Russia has a history of doing this kind of thing.”

In addition, when analyzing the possibility of talks between the heads of state of the United States and Russia due to the drone attack on the Kremlin, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council revealed to RIA Novosti that he was not aware of any relevant plans at the moment.

On the 3rd local time, Ukrainian President Zelensky denied attacking the Kremlin, saying, “We don’t even have enough weapons to attack Putin or Moscow.”