Strengthen unity and collaboration and promote green development – President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter injects new impetus into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries’ writing of a new chapter of common development


Xinhua News Agency reporter

“Master Lan really thinks Xiao Tuo doesn’t want his daughter to marry?” He said coldly said. “Xiao Tuo is completely based on childhood sweethearts, sympathy and pity. If Ling Qianjin encounters that kind of situation, on July 8, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization National Green Development Forum, emphasizing that China is willing to work with all parties to carry forward “Shanghai Spirit”, strengthen unity and cooperation, promote green development, and write a new chapter of common development. Together, the couple bowed and entered the wedding ceremony to build a closer Shanghai Cooperation Organization community with a shared future.

This silly child always felt that he was the one who made her sick. She felt that for more than ten years, she had been trying to raise him until she was hollowed out and could no longer bear the pain. People from all walks of life at home and abroad He said that President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter fully reflects the great importance attached to the unity, cooperation and mutual learning of civilizations among SCO countries, and provides important guidance for deepening exchanges and cooperation among SCO parties in the field of green development and promoting sustainable development. “Shanghai Spirit”, all parties are willing to take practical actions to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, protect our common home, and promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

In recent years, China has insisted on green waters and lush mountains. It is the concept of Jinshan Yinshan and the path of civilized development of development of production, prosperity of life and good ecology, and the great achievements of building a beautiful China have been highly appreciated by all parties.

What did the Institute of Eurasian Studies at the China Institute of International Studies see? ” Pei’s mother glared at her son. He did not continue to tease him and said directly: “Tell me, what’s wrong?” Chang Li Ziguo said, China’s green energy is developing rapidly, with abundant production capacity and advanced technology. President Xi Jinping introduced China’s green development path and achievements in his congratulatory letter, which is of great significance to leading global sustainable development.

Yelena Kranina, a senior researcher at the Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences, strongly agrees with China’s green development concepts and experience. These experiences are attractive to many countries, including Russia, she said. China not only firmly promotes its own green development agenda, but also cooperates extensively with neighboring countries and the international community, fully demonstrating its responsibility as a responsible major country.

Protecting the ecological environment and promoting green development is the consensus of the SCO countries. Iranian Vice President and Minister of Environment Ali Sarajegai said that we are gathered here to protect our common home. Iran Thank you to China for hosting this forum, and hope that all parties will have full discussions, extensive exchanges, and in-depth cooperation to share more effective experiences in ecological protection and green development.

President Xi Jinping pointed out in his congratulatory letter that China hopes to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with all parties in the field of green development through this forum, assist the sustainable economic and social development of various countries, and promote the harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

 ”Chairman Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter makes this forum more meaningful and enhances our cohesion. Ali Husseinli, First Vice Chairman of the National Assembly of Azerbaijan, said that Azerbaijan and China have similar goals and values. The two countries respect each other and work together for the well-being of the people. Guided by the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter, all parties The two sides will further unite their forces to jointly promote green development.

At the end of last year, Uzbekistan’s 1 GW photovoltaic project was invested by China Energy Construction Gezhouba Overseas Investment Co., Ltd. The first phase of the project, 400 MW, has been connected to the grid. Listening to President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory message on the spot, Yuan Yingli, Vice President of Energy China International Group, was very excited and encouraged. She said that in the future, China Energy Construction will accelerate its integration into the relevant mechanisms of the SCO. , deepen cooperation with enterprises from relevant countries, and contribute corporate strength to promote the green development of SCO countries

This forum is China’s takeover of the rotating chairmanship of the SCO.

Janesh Kane, Deputy Secretary-General of the SCO Secretariat, said that 2024 is the Ecological Year of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. , this forum is a response to this theme year. Representatives of SCO member states and dialogue partners gathered in Qingdao to actively exchange and share experiences, which will help countries work together to deal with environmental challenges.

“It is of far-reaching significance to include green development as an important issue for cooperation among SCO countries. “Pan Jiahua, member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and director of the Sustainable Development Research Center, said that China has provided countries around the world with an effective path to green development that can be learned from. It is great to see that all parties participating in the forum actively responded to China’s initiative and focused on addressing climate change, Full exchanges and open discussions on cooperation on issues such as zero-carbon transformation and development will help all parties to jointly build a better home for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Hou Cuirong, Director of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Shandong Province, said that Shandong Province will be guided by the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation on green development with relevant countries and regions, and accelerate the preparation of the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Ecological and Environmental Protection Innovation Base , and make due contributions to jointly building a closer Shanghai Cooperation Organization community with a shared future.