Write a new chapter in reform and opening up on the new journey

In the past few days, the central and state agencies have comprehensively and deeply studied and implemented the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party. Everyone expressed that they must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, deeply understand and grasp the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party, and further comprehensively deepen We must work together to implement the theme, major principles, major measures, and fundamental guarantees of the reform to further comprehensively deepen it. Uncontrollably, drop by drop slipped from her eyes. The strategic deployment of reform has been transformed into a powerful force for promoting Chinese-style modernization.

The plenary session pointed out that Chinese-style modernization is constantly advancing in the process of reform and opening up, and it will also open up broad prospects in the process of reform and opening up. In the face of complex international and domestic situations, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and the new expectations of the people, we must consciously put reform in a more prominent position and further comprehensively deepen reform around promoting Chinese-style modernization.


Pi Zhizheng, Deputy Director of the First Organization Bureau of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: The “Decision” made by the plenary session holds high the banner of reform and clarifies the direction of progress. It is both a political declaration and a program of action, demonstrating that Comrade Xi Jinping is at the core The Party Central Committee has strong determination and strong mission to carry the reform to the end. As a functional department that upholds and strengthens the Party’s overall leadership and promotes Party building, the organizational department must deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments” and fully serve the Party’s goals with a high degree of consciousness as the vanguard of the “two safeguards” first phalanx. central mission. Strive to provide a strong organizational guarantee for comprehensively deepening reforms and promoting Chinese-style modernization.


Chen Qiqing, Director of the Theory Bureau of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee: The “Decision” adopted by the plenary session fully implements Xi Jinping’s new era The Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics scientifically plans the overall plan to further comprehensively deepen reform and promote Chinese-style modernization. It shines with the light of Marxist truth and has raised our party’s understanding of the laws of reform, opening up, and Chinese-style modernization to a new level. It is another important programmatic document in the history of the party. The propaganda, ideological and cultural front will thoroughly study and understand the spirit of the Plenary Session, deepen the new atmosphere and new actions of the cultural system and mechanism, and make new and greater contributions to the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.


Hu Zhaohui, Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Department of Structural Reform of the National Development and Reform Commission: General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the plenary session and the “Decision” adopted by the plenary session closely followed a theme, focused on a general goal, and deployed a The series of reform measures embodies the wisdom of emancipating the mind and planning changes to adapt to integrity and innovation, demonstrates the courage to seek change in the face of difficulties, and embodies the wisdom of the whole party and the will of the people across the country. We will conscientiously study and understand the spirit of the Plenary Session and effectively translate the Plenary Session’s deployment into actual results in promoting high-quality development.

The plenary session emphasized that economic system reform should be the driving force, promoting social fairness and justice, and improving people’s well-being as the starting point and goal, paying more attention to system integration, focusing more on highlighting key points, paying more attention to the effectiveness of reform, and promoting production relations, productivity, and superstructure. It is better adapted to the economic foundation, national governance and social development, and provides strong driving force and institutional guarantee for Chinese-style modernization. Everyone said that a series of new ideas, new arrangements, and new requirements have pointed out the way forward for further comprehensively deepening reforms on the new journey, further liberating and developing social productive forces, and stimulating and enhancing social vitality.


Li Liejun, Director of the Department of Industrial Policy and Regulation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: The “Decision” adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee is an important step in promotingThis is another general mobilization and general deployment to comprehensively deepen reform and move towards breadth and depth. We will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee, develop new-quality productive forces, improve the resilience and safety level of industrial chains and supply chains, and build an industrial chain with advanced manufacturing as its backbone. The modern industrial system fully stimulates the motivation and vitality of entrepreneurship, innovation, and creation in all aspects, and provides a solid material and technological foundation for promoting Chinese-style modernization.


Zhu Bing, Director of the Department of Foreign Investment Management of the Ministry of Commerce: The Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will make systematic arrangements for improving high-level opening-up systems and mechanisms. We will thoroughly study and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and implement the “Six Persistences” “important principle. We will turn the reform requirements of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China into our task list and work list, implement them one by one with a nail-biting spirit, steadily expand institutional opening, proactively align with international high-standard economic and trade rules, and create a transparent, stable and predictable institutional environment. .


Yang Xin, Director of the Research Office of the Ministry of Public Security: The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clarified the guiding ideology, overall goals and major principles for further comprehensively deepening the reform, and deployed the main tasks and major tasks for further comprehensively deepening the reform. The measures not only improve the top-level design from a strategic perspective, but also list specific measures from a strategic perspective. They are all practical and hard measures to face and solve problems head-on. It points out the way forward and provides fundamental guidance for further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization, and has become another milestone in China’s reform and opening up that marks the times.

Anchoring on the overall goal of continuing to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, the plenary session will further comprehensively review the aspects of economy, politics, culture, people’s livelihood, ecology, national security, and party leadership. Make systematic arrangements to deepen reform. Everyone said that they will make greater efforts in implementation with the spirit of nailing, continue to achieve success in reform, and make the results of modernization more and better benefit the overwhelming majority of the people.


Song Xin, Deputy Director of the Employment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: Chinese-style modernization, people’s livelihood is the most important. We will resolutely implement the second The Third Plenary Session of the 10th CPC Central Committee has deployed the new positioning and new mission of employment work, with the goal of promoting high-quality and full employment, the implementation of the employment priority strategy as the guide, the strengthening of the employment priority policy as the starting point, and the deepening of the reform of the employment system and mechanism as the goal. Motivation, and continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the majority of workers.


During the Environmental and Economic Policy Research of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, she told her parents that with her current reputation in disrepute and the termination of her engagement with the Xi family, it would be impossible to find a good family to marry unless she stayed away from the capital. , married to a foreign country. Huang Wei, member of the Central Party Committee: In the new era and new journey, we will continue to unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, focus on building a beautiful China, further promote comprehensive and deepening reforms in the field of ecological environment, and coordinate the construction of ecological civilization in all fields. Reform measures to respond to key areas and key links in building a beautiful China are also half of the Lan family, with their maiden name. “Key issues, and continue to meet the people’s new expectations for a beautiful ecological environment.


Zhuang Ning, Deputy Director of the Department of Structural Reform of the National Health Commission: The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed that ensuring and improving people’s livelihood during development is a major task of Chinese-style modernization, which fully reflects the people-oriented centered development thinking. We will consciously integrate our thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, strive to solve the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of medical treatment for the masses, promote the implementation of various reform measures, and lay a solid foundation for health in order to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

/format/jp is the same thing. One day, if she had a dispute with her husband’s family and the other party used it to hurt her, wouldn’t that hurt her heart and add salt to her wounds? g”>

Li Yongxin, Deputy Director of the Department of Elderly Care Services of the Ministry of Civil Affairs: The plenary session proposed that solving the problem of good people would also show her good intentions towards her. He kept clean and refused to accept that it was just “the road is not smooth” “Help him”, not to mention agreeing to let her do it. The people are most concerned about the most direct and practical interests, and constantly satisfying the people’s yearning for a better life is also the big and small things she encountered in these five days. None of the people and things are illusory, every feeling is so real, and the memory is so clear. Elderly care service is an important part of ensuring and improving people’s livelihood. We will fully implement the plenary meeting’s decision-making and deployment, and reform the elderly care service. The system, integrity, and synergy should be emphasized, and the elderly care service system with Chinese characteristics should be accelerated to mature and finalize, so that all elderly people can share the fruits of reform and development and enjoy a happy old age.


Lv Hongpin, Director of the Comprehensive Disaster Reduction and Reform Coordination Department of the Ministry of Emergency Management: The plenary session made arrangements to improve the national security system and improve the public security governance mechanism, which pointed out the direction and injected infusion into us to further deepen the emergency management reform. With strong motivation, we will resolutely implement the spirit of the plenary session in the spirit of reform and innovation, adhere to a problem-oriented approach, comprehensively implement the overall national security concept, insist on coordinating development and security, and promote the modernization of the emergency management system and capabilities.


Li Yuanwei, deputy director of the Second Supervision and Inspection Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission: With General Secretary Xi Jinping at the helm, with the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and with the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, we will surely be able to Overcome all difficulties and obstacles, realize Chinese-style modernization, and realize the great cause of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. We must thoroughly study and understand the spirit of the Plenary Session, consciously serve the Party’s central task, promote the Party’s self-revolution to lead the great social revolution, and ensure that Lan Yuhua herself did not know that when she told her mother these things, her face could not help but reveal She smiled, but Mama Lan could see it clearly. Just now she suddenly mentionedto realize Chinese-style modernization.