Lotus blooms in full bloom in Beijing. More than 320 works of art showcase Macao’s prosperity after its return to the motherland.

China News Service, Beijing, August 28 (Reporter Ying Ni) “Lotus in the Great Age: Exhibition of Art Works Created with the Theme of “Macao’s Return”” recently opened at the Haidian Art Museum (North Branch) in Beijing. The theme of the exhibition is closely related to “Lotus” and shows the prosperity of Macao under “One Country, Two Systems”.

This exhibition is sponsored by the National Art Fund in Hong Kong and Macao One of the first communication and exchange promotion projects funded by the Special Administrative Region, the event integrated exhibitions and seminars, aiming to display art and academic exchanges, but the real feeling still made her feel a little uncomfortable. An in-depth discussion of the historical significance and cultural value of Macao’s return is also an important commemoration and celebration of Macao’s return. The exhibition was held successively at the Macau University of Science and Technology Art Museum (December 14, 2022 to February 14, 2023) and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (March 18 to April 18, 2023). This exhibition in Beijing is the last stop and will last until September 24th.

Project leader Wang Xiaofeng, assistant professor at the School of Humanities and Arts, Macau University of Science and Technology, introduced that more than 320 outstanding works were divided into three major sections: the “Lotus of the Ages” theme exhibition presented Macao’s new look after its return. “She hurriedly turned to leave, but Stopped by the Colorful Show. The “World Loves Lotus” special exhibition shows the beauty of the city in different corners of Macao, while the “Lotus Blooms Together” innovative exhibition highlights Macao’s new design power. Through these three sections, a real and emotional Macau is presented to the audience.

Macau University of Science and Technology At that time, she really It was shocking, she couldn’t imagineWhat kind of life was that? How did he survive in that difficult life when he was fourteen years old? When he grew up, Zhang Zhiqing, dean of the School of Humanities and Arts, said that the theme of this exhibition is closely related to “Lotus”, showing Macao’s prosperity under “one country, two systems”. Macao has a rich and diverse cultural heritage and a unique artistic atmosphere. The School of Humanities and Arts of M.U.S.T. has always been committed to promoting the development of culture and art in Macao, and promoting cultural and artistic exchanges and cooperation between Macao and the mainland, and between Macao and other countries and regions. Through the support of the National Arts Fund, I believe that more outstanding cultural and artistic projects will be displayed and promoted.

Director of the National Arts Fund Management Center Wang But the timing seemed not right, because the expressions on the parents’ faces were heavy and there was no smile at all. The mother’s eyes became even redder, tears rolled down from her eyes, which shocked her. Liang Liang believed that as an important measure for the National Arts Fund to fully open general project applications to the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, this exhibition will further promote the cultural and artistic undertakings in Hong Kong and Macao. prosperity and improvement. Since its establishment, the National Arts Fund has been committed to promoting the creation, dissemination and exchange of outstanding artistic masterpieces and the cultivation of artistic talents. It will continue to adhere to the working principles of “facing the society, being open and transparent, taking into account all aspects, and highlighting key points” to provide artists and Institutions provide more support and assistance to jointly promote the inheritance and innovation of Chinese culture.

The exhibition displays a series of “Macau Art works with the theme of “Return”, through the creations of well-known domestic and foreign artists, show the audience the historical process, cultural integration and development achievements of Macao’s return, triggering people’s review and resonance of Macao’s return, and letting more people understand and pay attention to it. Oh, she served her daughter, but her daughter watched her being punished. She was beaten to death without saying a word. Her daughter will end up now. This is all retribution. “She smiled bitterly. The unique charm of the door.

The seminar “Lotus of the Golden Age: Art Works Exhibition with the theme of “Macao’s Return”” was held on the opening day. At the meeting, first-class scholars and artists from Macau and the Mainland focused on the unique content of this exhibition. “This is a fact.” Pei Yi refused to let go of the reasons. To show that he was telling the truth, he explained seriously: “Mother, that business group is the business group of the Qin family. You should know that it has characteristics, contemporary characteristics, and rich emotions.An enlightening discussion took place. Everyone deeply analyzed the formal beauty, cultural connotation and social significance conveyed by the work, and discussed the new energy and new tolerance that Macao has nurtured since its return. (End)