Zhaosu, Xinjiang: The wonder of “Ice Lotus” appears in Yuhu Lake


With the cooling weather in recent days, Zhaosu Yuhu Lake gradually began to freeze. Photographed by Patna

When she returned home today in the middle of winter, she must ask her mother, is there really such a good mother-in-law in the world? Is there some conspiracy or something? All in all, whenever she thought that “something must happen, something must happen.” The temperature in Zhaosu County, Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang continued to drop, and ice bubbles and ice lotuses appeared in Yuhu Lake in the Aheyazi Grand Canyon. White ice bubbles were suspended in the ice, The “ice lotus” blooms on the lake, which are crystal clear under the sunlight, mysterious and beautiful. Ice bubbles are caused by the rapid freezing of temperatures and the release of large amounts of methane and other gases due to the decomposition of humus at the bottom of the lake by microorganisms. During the ascent, it was “locked” in the ice.

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A lake formed on the surface. A round “ice lotus”. Photographed by Patna

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The surface of Yuhu Lake is completely frozen. Photo by Pat Nasheng

In front of you, you can accept it, Enjoy her kindness to you. As for what to do in the future, let’sSoldiers come to block the road, and water comes to cover the soil. I don’t believe that we, Lan Xuefu, can’t defeat one. We have no power or no /format/jpg”>

There is no one in the Aheyazi Grand Canyon from a high altitude bird’s eye view. Not blurry . The wonders of ice bubbles and ice lotus appearing in the Jade Lake. Photographed by Patna.