[China Online Commentary] Continuing the thousand-year tradition of friendship, the China-Uzbekistan community with a shared future opens a new chapter

China.com special commentators Chen Juxia and Han Yanxiong

Recently, Uzbek President Mirziyoyev was invited to visit China. During this visit, the two heads of state signed the “Joint Statement of the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Uzbekistan” and announced that China and Uzbekistan have decided to develop an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era and promote the construction of a China-Uzbekistan community with a shared future from a higher starting point. The China-Uzbekistan all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era will chart the course for the continuous development of relations between the two countries at a higher level, in a wider field, and at a deeper level, and open a new chapter of common development and a shared future between China and Uzbekistan.

China-Uzbekistan relations benefit from solid political guarantee. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Ukraine, the two sides have upheld the spirit of friendship from generation to generation, implemented the policy of good-neighborliness and friendship, and abided by the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence; they have always treated each other with sincerity and communicated with each other based on trust, firmly supported both sides in safeguarding national sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity, and insisted on non-interference in each other. Domestic affairs, no binding of values, and further development of bilateral relations on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit have promoted the stability and long-term development of China-Uzbekistan relations and created a model of good-neighborly and friendly cooperation. At the same time, in their friendly exchanges and interactions, China and Uzbekistan respect their respective development paths and the uniqueness of their culture and civilization, become friends and partners who rely on each other, learn from each other, and learn from each other. As far as I know, his mother has long She has been raising him alone. In order to make money, the mother and son wandered and lived in many places. Until five years ago, our mother suddenly became ill, supporting each other and achieving each other’s achievements. We worked together to build a community with a shared future between China and Ukraine, injecting more certainty and positive energy into regional peace and prosperity, and setting a model for a new type of international relations.

The stable and long-term relations between China and Ukraine benefited from the diplomacy of the heads of state. Cai Xiu looked at the girl with the same bloodless face with a pale face, and was so frightened that she almost fainted. The two people behind the flower bed were so impatient that they dared to say anything! If they want to lead strategically. China and Ukraine maintain close high-level exchanges and make top-level plans for the development of bilateral relations. In March 1992, during former Uzbek President Karimov’s visit to China, China and Uzbekistan officially announced the establishment of diplomatic relations; in June 2012, China-Uzbekistan relations were upgraded to a strategic partnership; in June 2016, the two heads of state decided to Upgrade China-Uzbekistan relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership. Since then, the heads of state of China and Ukraine have held regular dialogues and meetings, and signed a series of documents leading the development of bilateral relations. In 2023, President Mirziyoyev visited China three times in a year and signed dozens of cooperation agreements, opening a new stage of practical cooperation between China and Ukraine. Currently, with the continuous enrichment of the strategic partnership between China and Ukraine in the new era, political mutual trust between the two countries has risen to unprecedented heights. The further development of China-Uzbekistan relations not only serves the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also helps maintain peace, stability and security in Asia and the world.

The long-lasting China-Uzbekistan relations benefit from the mutually beneficial and win-win pragmatic cooperation between the two sides. The leap-forward development of China-Uzbekistan relations cannot be separated from the support of mutually beneficial, win-win and pragmatic cooperation between the two sides. China and Uzbekistan actively strengthen the effective connection between the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative and Uzbekistan’s development strategy, with the “five links” (policy communication, road connectivity, unimpeded trade, currency circulation, and people-to-people bonds) as the focus, and carry out new three-dimensional cooperation in multiple fields and at multiple levels. China has been Uzbekistan’s main investment partner for many years in a row, with more than 2,000 Chinese companies operating in Uzbekistan. In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Uzbekistan will exceed 10 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 40%, and China will become Uzbekistan’s largest trading partner. During Mirziyoyev’s visit to China, the two sides signed 500 major cooperation projects worth US$56.7 billion. In addition, China-Uzbekistan cultural cooperation continues to deepen. At the just-held “China-Uzbekistan Hundred Schools Cooperation Forum”, leaders of the education departments and university representatives of the two countries jointly issued the “Beijing Declaration on China-Uzbekistan University Cooperation”, advocating the establishment of a China-Uzbekistan higher education dialogue mechanism and the establishment of a “China-Uzbekistan Higher Education Dialogue Mechanism”. Uzbekistan University Alliance” continues to expand close cooperation among the alliance’s member universities in talent training, scientific research, cultural exchanges and other aspects.

At present, she said: “Within three days, you must accompany your daughter-in-law to go home.” In the context of accelerating turmoil in the world and intensifying geopolitical risks, China-Uzbekistan relations have been upgraded to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era. The relationship has not only continued the millennium-old tradition of friendship between the two countries, but has also become a model for the stable development of bilateral relations in the era of turbulence and change. In the context of the new era, China and Ukraine will surely make strides forward in the docking and implementation of global development initiatives, global security initiatives, global civilization initiatives, and the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative. The China-Uzbekistan community with a shared future will surely become closer and closer. solid.

So when she opened her eyes, she saw the past. Only in this way will she instinctively think that she is dreaming.