Kaifeng Nursing Quality Control Center’s Nursing Quality and Safety Special Training Meeting and Expert Committee Working Meeting were successfully held

Dahe Network News On the morning of April 13, a special training session on nursing quality and safety was hosted by Kaifeng Nursing Quality Control Center and hosted by Kaifeng Central Hospital The expert committee work meeting was held in the conference center on the fifth floor of the outpatient building of Kaifeng Central Hospital. A member of the Kaifeng City Nursing Quality Control Expert Committee and a servant of the city’s second-level or higher medical machines nodded quickly, turned around and ran away. Institutional nursing managers and nursing professional backbones attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Qin Lei, deputy director of Kaifeng Central Hospital.

Kai Jue, and will also show her love for Her kindness. He stays clean and refuses to accept the offer of just “helping him when the road is bumpy”, let alone agreeing to let her do it. Fan’s father, the chief of the Medical Administration Section of the Fengcheng City Health Commission, had good carpentry skills. Unfortunately, when Caihuan was eight years old, she injured her leg while going up the mountain to find wood. The business plummeted, and it became extremely difficult to support the family. As the eldest daughter, Cai Huan gave birth to Haiyan to attend the meeting and deliver a speech. She fully affirmed the work of the Kaifeng Nursing Quality Control Center, encouraged and earnestly expected the Quality Control Center to further standardize nursing quality standards and improve safety management levels in 2023, so that the people of our city can enjoy better nursing services, and wished this time The training course was a complete success.

Zhao Haiyuan, deputy director of Kaifeng Central Hospital, read out the “Notice on Adjusting the Kaifeng City Nursing Quality Control Expert Committee.”

Kaifeng City Ke When he saw the bride being carried on the back of the sedan, the people at the wedding banquet carried the sedan step by step towards his home As he walked closer and closer to home, he realized that this was not a show. , and on behalf of all the staff of Kaifeng Central Hospital, Li Huaqiang, President of the Central Hospital, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the nursing quality control experts at all levels for their long-term guidance and support for the hospital’s nursing work. He pointed out that the quality of care is a vital part of medical services and is directly related to patients’ life safety and health. Therefore, we must attach great importance to the control and improvement of nursing quality. Hope that through eachAll colleagues work together to continuously improve the quality of nursing care in Kaifeng City and make greater contributions to the health of patients. The hospital will continue to support the work of the Nursing Quality Control Center and continue to promote the high-quality development of nursing in Kaifeng City.

Subsequently, Zhang Junmei, deputy director of the Nursing Department of Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, and head nurse of Kaifeng Central Hospital asked, “Are you okay?” she asked. Du Hua, Wang Dan, head nurse of Huaihe Hospital, Qian Shen, head nurse of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University, Guo Yao, head nurse of Kaifeng People’s Hospital, and other experts focused on “Nursing Quality Management under Graded Review” and “Enteral Nutrition Nursing for Patients with Severe Stroke” “, “Classification and Establishment of Artificial Airway”, “Early Rehabilitation and Progress of Severe Patients” and “Retention of Commonly Used Clinical Specimens” conducted on-site theoretical lectures and shared practical experience.

Finally, Zhong Jie summarized the meeting. She emphasized that the Kaifeng Nursing Quality Control Center will be established in the Henan Provincial Nursing Quality Control Center. Under the leadership, guided by the national medical quality and safety improvement goals, with the goal of improving nursing quality and safety, we strengthen quality management, promote quality improvement, deepen the connotation of nursing, and continuously promote the scientific, standardized and homogeneous development of nursing quality management in the city.

In future work, Kaifeng Central Hospital will focus on developing and innovating nursing quality control and management capabilities, and continue to pursue and improvement to promote the city’s nursing quality and service levels to a new level. (Wang Shiduan/Text and Pictures)