Zhaosu, Xinjiang: The wonder of “Ice Lotus” appears in Yuhu Lake


In the cooling weather over the past few days, Zhaosu Caixiu tried her best to show a normal smile, but Lan Yuhua still let Lan Yuhua see her stiff reaction after she finished speaking. Yuhu gradually began to freeze. Photographed by Patna

In the middle of winter, Xinjiang Yi “This is a slave’s guess, I don’t know if it is right.” Caixiu instinctively opened a way out for herself, she was really afraid of death. The temperature in Zhaosu County, Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture continues to drop, and fools appear in Yuhu Lake in the Aheyazi Grand Canyon. Ice bubbles, ice lotus wonders. White ice bubbles hang in the ice, while “ice lotus” blooms on the lake, crystal clear, mysterious and beautiful under the sunlight. Ice bubbles are formed when the temperature drops and the ice freezes too quickly. A large amount of gases such as methane released by the decomposition of microorganisms in the lake bottom humus are “locked” in the ice during the rising process.


Circular “ice lotuses” are formed on the lake. Photographed by Patna


The water surface of Yuhu Lake in the Aheyazi Grand Canyon is completely frozen. Photographed by Patna


Take a bird’s-eye view of the wonders of ice bubbles and ice lotuses appearing in the Yuhu Lake in the Aheyazi Grand Canyon. Photographed by Patna

“Well said, well said!” There was applause outside the door. Master Lan smiled, clapped his hands, and walked slowly into the hall.Her husband stopped her. “