Four Sugar daddy quora seasons in China|The desert becomes green and gold grows. The “Kubuqi love” of a returning college student_China Net

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July 30, Li Fang (right) Instructing employee Xiao Lili to store a hair dryer at the desert capsule camp in Yinkentala Scenic Area Pinay escort. Xiao LiliSugar daddy is from Yulinzi Village, Wangaizhao Town, Dalat BannerManila escort Villager, currently employed in Yinkentala Scenic Area.

Escort manilaSummer, located in KubuqishaManila escortThe desert Yinkentala Scenic Area in Dalate Banner, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia is ushering in the peak tourist season. These days, while managing the operation of the scenic spot, Li Fang, the person in charge of the scenic spot, is busy inspecting facilities Escort equipment, entertainment items, etc. to ensure that tourists can Excellent service.

Li Fang, 30 years old, has lived in Zhandanzhao Gacha, Zhandanzhao Sumu, Dalat Banner since he was a child. In 2019, Li Fang returned to his hometown after graduating from university and became a member of Yinkentala Scenic Area. Sugar daddy The predecessor of Yinkentala Scenic Area was a desert in Zhandanzhao Gacha. Li Fang’s father worked here for many years Pinay escort is a sandy place. Nowadays, the greenery here is getting thicker, and it has become a Manila escort local A well-known desert tourist attraction. “When I graduated, I thought about whether to stay in a big city, but my love for my hometown prompted me to return here to continue my relationship with Kubu.Sugar daddyHis desert love. ”

As desert tourism becomes more and more popular, Yinkentala Scenic Area drives ZhandanzhaoSugar daddy Villagers in Chahe and nearby villages participate in the tourism industry and share the dividends brought by the improvement of desert ecological environment Manila escort “We not only provide jobs. The postEscort helps villagersEscort manila To increase income, we also established cooperative relationships with villagers through the development of tourism projects and jointly distributed Pinay escort tourism proceeds. ”


To improve travel servicesSugar daddy service level, under Li Fang’s promotion, Yinkentala Scenic Area Desert Space CapsuleEscortcamp opened this year It was officially put into use in early July, enriching the scenic areaEscort manila tourism productsSugar daddy‘s product style attracts many domestic and foreign tourists to stay and experience it.

Sugar daddy area and surrounding areas is also Manila escort something Li Fang is concerned about. “The development of cultural tourism has gained economic benefits At the same time, we must Escort manila continue to plant trees and greenery and feed back the sandSugar daddyDesert ecological protectionEscort manila makes the Kubuqi Desert green and golden. “Li Fang said.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Zhipeng

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