Nine departments issued guidance on Sugar daddy’s opinions to promote the high-quality development of tourism public

China News Service, August 5, according to the website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the Emergency Management Nine departments including the Ministry of Finance and the National Fire and Rescue Bureau recently issued the “Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of Tourism Public Services.”

It is proposed that it will take 3 to 5 years to basically complete the structure Sugar daddy with sound standards and smooth operation. , high-quality and efficient tourism public service system that matches the high-quality development of the tourism industry. The effective supply of tourism public services has been significantly expanded, service efficiency has been significantly improved, and the service guarantee capabilities for weak areas, peak hours and special groups have been significantly enhanced. The people’s support for Satisfaction with tourism public Manila escort services has increased significantly.

The “Opinions” clarify that the main tasks of promoting the high-quality development of tourism public services include the following five aspects:

(1) Optimizing tourism public information services

1. Optimize the layout of offline tourism service centers. Promote the implementation of the tourism consulting service expansion project. Formulate relevant standards for tourism service centers, further clarify the positioning of tourism service centers, and improve service functions such as information Escort manila consultation, publicity and display, complaints, and convenience . Focusing on upgrading and transforming existing facilities, we will create a number of new tourism service centers that are highly interactive, have a good experience, and are shared by both hosts and guests. Actively promote the integrated construction of tourism service centers and tourism distribution centers, focusing on promoting tourism information services into airports, stations, docks, and highway service areas. Encourage qualified regions to set up tourist information consultation points in hotel lobbies, convenience stores, car rental points, etc.

2. Strengthen online tourism public information services. Promote the implementation of the smart tourism public service platform construction project. Support the government of tourist destinations in building a smart tourism public service platform with comprehensive content, accurate information, timely updates, and easy inquiry, and encourage the establishment of tourism information consultation columns in government portals, official public accounts, and mini programs. Promote the full use of artificial intelligence technology in all regions and actively explore intelligent question and answer services for tourism public information.

3. Strengthen the integration of tourism public information service resources. Strengthen the vertical linkage of tourism public information services between provinces, cities and counties, and improve the information collection, uploading and release mechanism. Promote culture and tourism and transportation, meteorology, sports, water conservancy, energy, emergency Manila escort management, fire protection, market supervision and other cross-departmental, Cross-industrySharing of public information data, strengthening the release of important tourism public information such as tourism traffic conditions, scenic spot passenger flow warnings, weather forecasts and warnings, disaster warnings, important festivals and events, the credit status of tourism operating units and employees, and service quality, and providing advance forecasts and timely warnings , Scientifically guide the masses to travel during off-peak hours.

(2) Improve tourism public transportation services

4. Strengthen the construction of tourism transportation infrastructure. Promote all regions to connect trunk roads with A-level tourist attractionsPinay escort, tourist resorts, red tourist attractions, key rural tourism villages and towns, and beautiful leisure villages , night culture and tourism consumption agglomeration areas, and the construction of connecting roads between Class C and above tourist B&Bs should be included in the transportation construction plan, and support qualified areas to form tourism transportation loops connecting major tourist areas (points). Promote the construction of a number of unique and fully functional bicycle lanes, walking trails and other tourist greenways in various places. Support the construction of tourist waterways. Promote the construction of a number of tourist roads. Implement the national tourist scenic byway project, formulate national tourist scenic byway standards, and launch a number of national tourist scenic byways with good supporting services, beautiful road scenery, and distinctive cultural characteristics while ensuring safe traffic. Implement the tourism signage construction project. Combined with surrounding tourism resources, in accordance with relevant standards and specifications, set up corresponding tourism guidance signs in transportation infrastructure according to local conditions, and effectively Escort improve signs and signs The standardization, recognition and cultural connotation support various places in exploring the construction of intelligent tourism logos. Encourage the setting up of 4A-level and above tourist attraction tourist guide signs on highways or urban expressways, and the installation of 3A-level and above-level tourist attraction tourist guide signs on ordinary provincial trunk roads, rural roads, and urban roads.

5. Improve the construction and management level of public service facilities for tourism transportation. Promote the implementation of the renovation and upgrading project of tourism distribution centers. Relying on transportation hubs such as airports, high-speed rail stations, large passenger terminals, and bus terminals, we will build and renovate a number of tourism distribution centers, and improve the tourist transfer centers, tourist passenger lines, shuttles, intermodal transport, and dedicated passenger flights. Car rental, ticket agency, information consultation, cultural Escort display and other functions. Expand cross-regional tourism distribution services. Promote the integrated development of online and offline businesses in tourism distribution centers. Encourage various localities to build a number of tourist parking lots serving tourist areas (spots), increase the construction of ecological parking lots and three-dimensional parking lots, improve new energy service facilities such as parking lot charging piles, and exploreSugar daddy is seeking to promote smart parking services. promoteDuring peak tourism periods, more temporary stops will be added for self-driving tourists and tour buses in various places. Expand the cultural and tourism public service functions of expressway service areas and form a number of characteristic themed service areas. Promote qualified national and provincial trunk roads to add tourist stations, observation decks, self-driving car campgrounds, toilets and other service facilities on the premise of ensuring safe and smooth road traffic.

6. Optimize tourism transportation services. Escort manila Optimize the allocation of train schedules in key tourist cities, add special trains to key tourist cities and tourist destinations, and increase the number of tourist cities and major passenger sources We will increase the number of flights between places, increase the number of flights in peak tourist seasons, encourage places with conditions to open more direct trains and dedicated tourist bus lines to important tourist areas (spots), and add bus stops at tourist attractions. Improve the self-driving tourism service system. Actively promote tourismEscorttour transportation. Support key tourist cities in opening tourist bus routes with local cultural characteristics and strong experience. Support the construction and development of domestic waterway tourism passenger transport quality routes. Strengthen traffic management and the application of smart transportation technology to alleviate congestion problems during peak tourism periods.

(3) Strengthen tourism emergency rescue services

7. Strengthen the construction of tourism emergency rescue mechanism. Promote all localities to incorporate tourism emergency management into the government emergency management system, improve the tourism safety emergency rescue mechanism coordinated by departments, implement the safety main responsibilities of tourism operating units, formulate tourism emergency plans, and establish tourism emergency responseSugar daddy strengthen the linkage between early warning and emergency response. Strengthen safety management in key areas of tourism and key links in Sugar daddy.

8. Optimize the layout of tourism emergency rescue facilities and equipment. Promote the installation of emergency rescue alarm devices in tourist areas (spots), improve safety facilities and equipment, and strengthen the construction and renovation of fire lanes, automatic sprinkler systems, fire hydrants, fire water sources and other fire protection facilities. Promote the establishment of medical aid stations and first-aid points in tourist areas (spots) where tourists gather, and equip first-aid equipment and facilities such as first-aid boxes, automated external defibrillators (AED), and emergency first-aid machines in places where conditions permit. Promote tourist areas (spots) Sugar daddy and hotels in hypoxic plateau areas to be equipped with oxygen supply facilities and equipment. Guide A-level tourist attractions to establish a targeted collaborative rescue mechanism with nearby general hospitals at or above the county level to improve pre-hospital medical emergency capabilitiesforce.

9. Strengthen social participation in tourism emergency rescue. Guide various localities to make good use of the emergency rescue service function of travel agency responsibility insurance, and encourage tourists to purchase travel accident insurance with additional rescue services. Sugar daddy Support local governments to carry out extensive tourism safety publicity and education, and incorporate tourism safety and emergency knowledge education into tourism vocational education and on-the-job training for tourism practitioners , improve the safety awareness and emergency rescue skills of tourism employees.

(4) Strengthen tourism services to benefit the people and facilitate the people

10. Carry out various forms of tourism activities to benefit the people and facilitate the people. Encourage all localities to actively explore and implement tourism consumption measures to benefit the people and effectively release the potential of tourism consumption. Encourage various regions to jointly organize tourism consumption promotion activities and promote the cross-regional flow of tourists through joint issuance of tourism consumption cards. Extensively carry out public welfare education on tourism knowledge and promote tourism knowledge education into campuses Manila escort and into communities. Improve the tourism complaint acceptance mechanism and improve the efficiency of handling tourist complaints. Optimize the tourism dispute mediation mechanism and protect the vital interests of tourists. Formulate management measures for tourism volunteer services, accelerate the establishment of tourism volunteer service management and incentive mechanisms, and guide various regions to carry out tourism volunteer services on a regular basis.

11. Promote the construction and renovation of tourism facilities that benefit the people. Strengthen the construction and renovation of tourism public service facilities that meet the needs of the elderly, minors, pregnant women, disabled people and other groups. Improve smart tourism services for aging people. Promote tourist areas (spots) to be equipped with barrier-free tourist facilities. Guide relevant cities and tourist destinations to develop child-friendly tourism public services. Promote the implementation of quality improvement projects for tourist toilets. Comprehensively implement national standards for tourist toilets. Focus on strengthening the construction of tourist toilets in underdeveloped areas in the central and western regions, as well as in areas with high cold, high altitude, water shortage, and electricity shortage. Strengthen the equipment of mobile toilets to effectively alleviate the problem of “difficulty using the toilet” during peak tourism periods. Encourage qualified tourist activity venues to carry out the construction of smart tourist toilets, and continue to promote the electronic map annotation of tourist toilets. Promote the implementation of comprehensive environmental improvement projects in tourist attractions. In conjunction with key tasks such as rural revitalization, urban renewal, and improvement of rural living environment, we will comprehensively renovate tourist attractions and surrounding environments.

12. Improve the level of public services for inbound tourism. Strengthen inbound touristsThe tourism service centers in relatively concentrated areas provide foreign language consultation services and provide necessary Escort free travel promotional materials such as Chinese and foreign language travel maps and travel guides. Improve the “i” logo setting of the tourism service center. Encourage key tourist cities to provide online information consulting services in foreign languages ​​to inbound tourists. Carry out standardized construction of foreign language signage in public places in key tourist cities, as well as A-level tourist attractions and tourist resorts. Promote the development of multilingual reservation interfaces in scenic spots with a large number of inbound tourists, include passports and other valid reservation documents, and retain necessary Escort manila manual services window. Optimize the inbound tourism payment environment, strengthen relevant software and hardware facilities, unblock mobile payment, bank cards, cash and other payment channels, and improve the payment experience for inbound tourists purchasing cultural and tourism products and services online and offline. Promote the convenience of inbound tourists Pinay escort for quick customs clearance, accommodation registration, transportation, telecommunications services, daily consumption, attraction reservations and other matters.

(5) Promote the integrated development of public cultural services and tourism public services

13. Promote the functions of cultural and tourism public service facilities Sugar daddyfusion. Encourage qualified places to promote the integrated construction of public libraries, cultural centers (stations), grassroots comprehensive cultural service centers and tourism service centers. Promote the integration of cultural services such as reading, intangible cultural heritage displays, and art performances into tourism public service venues such as tourism service centers and tourism distribution centers. Promote the addition of tourism public services such as tourism information consultation, tourism maps, and travel guides in cultural facilities with a high proportion of tourists. Encourage localities to rationally utilize cultural relics buildings in accordance with the law and enrich their tourism public service functions under the premise of protectionPinay escort. The construction of tourism public service facilities within the protection scope and construction control zones of cultural relics protection units and historical and cultural cities (blocks, villages and towns) should comply with relevant protection requirements.

14. Enrich the content of public cultural services in tourist places. Promote the implementation of public cultural services into tourist venues. Actively carry out rural cultural tourism festival activities. Promote cultural entities such as square dancing, village evenings, village super, “village BA”, art festivals, and mass singing Sugar daddyhref=””>Pinay escortEducational activities, folk cultureEscort manilaart , Star Award works, cultural lectures, art exhibitions, excellent plays and other high-quality cultural resources into scenic spots and other tourist places. Set up performance points in tourist districts where tourists are concentrated, and actively carry out cultural activities such as street art performances. Build a communication bridge between various folk cultural and art groups and tourism business sites to further enrich the cultural connotation of tourist sites.

15. Enhance the tourist attraction of public cultural places. Promote museums, art galleries, public libraries, cultural centers, memorial halls, theaters, intangible cultural heritage exhibition venues, archaeological sites parks, etc. to improve tourism service supporting facilities, improve the level of tourism public services, and cultivate a new space for a beautiful life shared by hosts and guests. On the premise of ensuring the safety of cultural relics Escort manila, support qualified public cultural places to create A-level tourist attractions, and encourage cultural and museum units to Scientifically adjust opening hours during peak seasons.