Strive to write a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development—cadres and employees of centrally managed enterprises, centrally managed financial enterprises, and centrally managed universities set off an upsurge in studying and implementing the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party

Set off an upsurge in studying and implementing the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee

Xinhua News Agency reporter

In the past few days, cadres and employees of centrally managed enterprises, centrally managed financial enterprises and centrally managed universities have conscientiously studied the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Everyone unanimously stated that the plenary session will make a series of strategic arrangements to further comprehensively deepen reform and promote Chinese-style modernization, demonstrating the strong determination and historical responsibility to carry the reform to the end. In the new era and new journey, we must unify our thoughts and actions to the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, must mobilize the spirit of entrepreneurship, strive to be a reform activist, and inspire with solid practical actions. The vital driving force for high-quality economic development, and strive to write a new chapter of reform and opening up in the new era.

Great achievements are inspiring

Not long ago, Chang’e-6 achieved the first mission in human history. Sample return from the far side of the moon. This is another landmark achievement achieved by my country in building a strong country in space and science and technology. After studying the communiqué of the plenary session for the first time, Li Jionghui, a scientific researcher from the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, said with deep feeling that since the new era, the comprehensive deepening of reforms and the achievement of historic and great achievements lies in the leadership and helm of General Secretary Xi Jinping. The fundamental lies in Xi Jinping’s New Era China Scientific guidance of socialist thought with distinctive characteristics.

 ”Healthy chicks will leave the nest when they grow up. In the future, they will face the ups and downs outside, and will no longer be able to hide under the wings of their parents. Have no worries. Reform arrangements such as a new national system and improving the overall effectiveness of the national innovation system have pointed the way for my country’s aerospace science and technology to achieve high-level self-reliance and self-reliance.” Li Jionghui said that he will vigorously promote the spirit of lunar exploration and move forward courageously under the guidance of the spirit of the plenary session. , make new achievements and contribute more to building a comprehensive space power.

The world’s largest 5G network has been built, and the computing power network covers all hub nodes of “East and West”… In recent years, China Mobile has increased its vitality through reform, Use innovation to add momentum and continue to consolidate the “digital base” for the high-quality development of my country’s economy and society.

“In the new era, we are comprehensively deepening reforms at a rapid and steady pace, pushing us forward step by step towards the set goals; facingWe must continue to boldly explore the unknown areas on the way forward in practice. “Liu Xin, general manager of the Development Strategy Department (Reform Office) of China Mobile, said that China Mobile will seize the opportunities of the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, improve the system and mechanism that promotes the deep integration of the real economy and the digital economy, and strive to be a player in developing new productive forces. Pioneer and vanguard.

Since the beginning of this year, the construction of “three major projects” such as affordable housing has been actively promoted as service infrastructure. The main bank, the China Development Bank, has issued more than 160 billion yuan in loans for the “three major projects”. Hu Guanghua, general manager of the Bank’s Housing and Urban Construction Business Department, said that the China Development Bank will implement it in depth. Implement the spirit of the plenary session, deeply implement the political and people-oriented nature of financial work, strengthen functional positioning, focus on improving the quality of people’s lives, and continue to provide various financial services.

Achievements are precious, and experience inspires the future.

The plenary session used the “Six Persistences” to profoundly summarize the valuable experience in comprehensively deepening reform since the reform and opening up, especially in the new era. “Reform has entered the deep water zone, and the challenges we will encounter will become greater the further we go. We need to carefully summarize the valuable experience of comprehensively deepening reform in the new era.” Among them, the most important thing is to adhere to the leadership of the party. “Xiao Guiqing, executive vice president of the Institute of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, said that as a university educator and researcher, he will earnestly implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, deepen the comprehensive reform of education, and strive to provide talent guarantee for comprehensively deepening the reform.

The grand blueprint guides the direction

On July 19, Renmin University of China held the “Rejuvenation Forum” “, inviting experts and scholars from various fields to conduct discussions focusing on the theme of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee.

“The Plenary Session closely follows Chinese-style modernization to plan and deploy a new era It is a round of reform tasks with a clear path and clear direction. It is an action guide for further comprehensively deepening reforms in the new era and new journey, and is a new chapter in the era of promoting Chinese-style modernization. “Zhong Zhen, deputy dean of the School of Agriculture and Rural Development of Renmin University of China, said that we must use the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee to arm our minds, lead academics, promote development, and constantly strengthen our determination and confidence in reform.

emphasizing the construction of a high-level socialist market economic system, improving the system and mechanism to promote high-quality economic development, and building a system and mechanism to support comprehensive innovation… The plenary session made systematic decisions on further comprehensively deepening the reform.System deployment.

In the past few days, Wu Mingya, chief scientist of China Electronics Technology Corporation, has been traveling to Beijing, Nanjing, Chengdu and other places with research topics in emerging technology fields. He was particularly excited by the relevant arrangements in the communiqué of the plenary session such as “improving the system and mechanism for developing new productive forces in accordance with local conditions”.

“The plenary session released a clear signal to comprehensively deepen reforms and march towards breadth and depth.” Wu Mingya said that in recent years, China Electronics Technology has insisted on reform empowerment and innovation-driven , increase research on key core technologies in key areas such as integrated circuits and advanced materials. “High-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. In the next step, we will take the spirit of the Plenary Session as a guide, lead the reform with new development concepts, accelerate the layout of strategic emerging industries and future industries, and strive to shape the development of mothers. In the wing, the servant brought the tea and fruit that had been prepared on the table, then quietly left the wing and closed the door, leaving only the mother and daughter talking privately about new advantages and new energy. ”

In the Jiaodong Peninsula, my country’s first commercial nuclear energy heating project “Warm Core No. 1” was completed and put into operation; in Qinghai, the world’s largest installed capacity “water-solar hybrid” project Longyangxia Water-solar Complementary power stations deliver green electricity continuously…SPIC’s clean energy installed capacity has reached 170 million kilowatts, accounting for more than 70% of the total installed capacity.

“The plenary session clearly proposed the ‘seven focuses’, which is not only the starting point for promoting Chinese-style modernization, but also the focus for further comprehensively deepening reforms.” SPIC Li Peng, deputy director of the Department of Strategic Planning and Development, said that SPIC will seize the historical opportunity to further comprehensively deepen reforms, accelerate the cultivation of new business forms and models in the new energy field, and contribute a steady stream of clean energy to my country’s green development.

There are 23,000 outlets, half in counties and half in cities; the balance of loans in counties exceeds 9 trillion yuan, accounting for 40% of the bank’s total loans…China The Agricultural Bank of China continues to increase financial supply by closely serving the needs of rural revitalization and the real economy.

“Improving the system and mechanism for integrated urban and rural development is one of the systematic deployments made by the plenary session to further comprehensively deepen reforms. It fully reflects the Party Central Committee’s commitment to narrowing the urban-rural gap and promoting Wang Zhaoyang, Director of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Agricultural Bank of China, said that the Agricultural Bank of China will give full play to its operating advantages across urban and rural areas, effectively transform the major reform arrangements of the plenary meeting into practical actions to promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and coordinate the overall development of urban and rural areas. Provide financial services for new industrialization, new urbanization and comprehensive rural revitalization.

Not long ago, four undergraduate students from Zhejiang University participated in a new quantum material exploration research project recruited by professors from the college through the “One-stop Scientific Research Navigation Platform for Zhejiang University Students”.

The plenary session clearly proposed to “coordinate and promote the integrated reform of the educational science and technology talent system and mechanism”, which made Zhang Guangxin, dean of the Undergraduate School of Zhejiang University, more confident in reform: “Education, science and technology, Talent is the basic and strategic support for Chinese modernization. We will further improve education and individuals through comprehensive reforms in organizational systems, operating mechanisms, and resource allocation. The abandoned daughter-in-law of the Xi family will not be dismissed. There are others. The pain points of the virtuous cycle of technology and talents provide solid talent support for Chinese modernization.”

The clarion call of the times inspires people to move forward

On July 16, a Jiefang J7 high-end heavy truck slowly rolled off the production line in Changchun City, Jilin Province, marking the 9 millionth independently developed vehicle in my country. The first Jiefang truck was officially launched, which also marked that China FAW’s total output reached 60 million units.

“The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party sounded the clarion call to further comprehensively deepen reforms. As industrial workers in the new era, we must implement high-quality development requirements In every aspect of design, R&D, and manufacturing, we will master more key core technologies, break through more technical problems, and strive to be at the forefront and be the vanguard in promoting Chinese-style modernization,” said Yang Yongxiu, chief skills master of China FAW Group.

Strive to create history and hard work to achieve the future.

Beautiful community environment, convenient senior care facilities, high-quality medical resources… China Life has deployed senior care communities in 11 cities across the country, with nearly 10,000 senior care beds. . After carefully studying the spirit of the plenary session, Li Wenshan, chief operating officer of China Life Health Industry Investment Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Life Group, is full of energy. “We will always have the ‘biggest country’ in mind, insist on serving the people with finance as a political responsibility that we must bear and an inevitable requirement to promote our own high-quality development, seize the opportunities of reform and development, and actively participate in the construction of a multi-level social security system.”

Recently, the CITIC Equity Investment Alliance ecosystem established by CITIC Group and more than 20 financial and industrial companies was officially launched, focusing on early investment, small investment, long-term investment, and hard technology investment , to help more technology companies grow. Lu Jingen, Chairman of CITIC Equity Investment Alliance, said: “IWe will give full play to the comprehensive advantages of CITIC Group, build systems and mechanisms to support comprehensive innovation, accelerate the formation of a new model of ‘industry + finance + ecology’, and strive to make greater contributions to accelerating the formation of new quality productivity. ”

In the summer vacation, the School of Economics of Sichuan University organized students to go deep into real enterprises, financial institutions, etc. for practical learning. “The plenary session proposed to further comprehensively deepen the reform of the economic system Reform is the driving force, and as an educator, I feel a heavy responsibility on my shoulders. “Deng Guoying, a professor at the School of Economics at Sichuan University, said that under the guidance of the spirit of the plenary session, we will give full play to our disciplinary advantages and strengthen research on major issues in the economic field. At the same time, we will promote the deep integration of industry, academia and research, cultivate students’ innovative thinking and ability to solve practical problems, and contribute to the economy. High-quality development provides talent support.

Chinese-style modernization is constantly advancing in reform and opening up, and it will also open up broad prospects in reform and opening up.

On July 22, China’s first 20,000-TEU ultra-large container ship, the “COSCO Shipping Aries”, sailed back from the Port of Antwerp in Europe to the Port of Shanghai in China. The relevant arrangements of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made Captain Cai Zhangtian full of enthusiasm.

“In the course of each voyage, we have truly witnessed the country’s continuous deepening of high standards. Open to the public. “Cai Zhangtian said, “As a member of the ‘Great Power Fleet’, we will be guided by the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, forge ahead and have the courage to take on responsibilities, ride the wind and waves in the tide of reform and opening up, and contribute more to the promotion of Chinese-style modernization. strength. ”