[Guangming Forum] Strong complementarity promotes integration and writes a new chapter of coordinated development

【Guangming Forum】

Author: Yang Kaizhong (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences University Application Dean of the School of Economics and President of the China Regional Science Association)

Looking at the coast of the South China Sea, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel is like a Changhong lying on the waves, connecting “Shenzhen-Dongguan Hui” and “Shenzhen-Dongguan Hui”. The “Pearl-Zhongjiang River” urban agglomeration is closely connected; looking across the land of North China, the transportation network with rails as the backbone is being woven, and resource elements are being shared accelerating within the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region; based on the Yangtze River Delta region, the “Super Loop” high-speed rail is galloping against the wind, helping the region Economic vitality is surging. The regional coordinated development strategy is one of the basic strategies that must be implemented in the long term to comprehensively promote Chinese-style modernization. The “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization” makes arrangements for improving and implementing the strategic mechanism for coordinated regional development. The key to implementing this arrangement was that more than a month ago, this brat sent a letter saying that he was going to Qizhou and had a safe journey. After his return, there was no second letter. He just wants his old lady to worry about him. He really needs to smoothen the spatial convection of the economy and enhance the complementarity and integration of regional economic development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should promote the deep integration of regional coordinated development strategies, major regional strategies, and main functional area strategies, optimize the layout of major productivity, and promote the rationalization of various factors. Flow and efficient aggregation, smooth domestic circulation. It is impossible for any individual to survive without society. At least she has worked hard and can have a clear conscience in any society. Economic space cannot exist and develop in isolation. There is always a constant flow of materials, energy, people, money, and information between different spaces, which forms spatial convection. Smooth spatial convection mechanism is a strategic requirement for building a new development pattern, and it is also an intrinsic requirement for promoting coordinated regional development.

The key to building a new development pattern is to smooth the economic cycle. Spatial convection is the spatial manifestation of economic circulation. Smooth economic circulation must require smooth spatial convection. In turn, whether spatial convection is unobstructed also affects the smoothness of economic circulation. This means that economic circulation and spatial convection interact and develop together. Smooth spatial convection is the key support for achieving an unimpeded economic cycle. This is especially true for a super-large economy like my country. Therefore, smooth spatial convection is an inevitable strategic requirement for building a new development pattern.

Spatial convection is unobstructed, which is conducive to the production and output of products that intensively use their relatively abundant factors, and the input of products that intensively use their relatively scarce factors; it is conducive to development.Taking advantage of the ultra-large-scale market, expanding the scope of exchange of factors and products, improving exchange capabilities, and promoting high-quality economic development; it is conducive to enhancing people-to-people exchanges, stimulating innovation vitality, improving innovation capabilities, and promoting the construction of an innovative country that is self-reliant and self-reliant in science and technology; it has It is conducive to increasing the accessibility of individual and organizational development opportunities, equalizing factor remuneration, promoting social equity, and further enhancing people’s sense of gain, happiness, and security; it is conducive to the spatial coordination of population, economy, resources, and environment, and promotes the carrying capacity of resources and the environment. Striving for a spatial balance of supply and demand to achieve harmonious coexistence between man and nature; it is conducive to forming the overall advantages of the national economic cycle, improving international competitiveness, and enhancing the attraction and driving force for the international cycle. Therefore, smooth spatial convection is also an intrinsic requirement for implementing a coordinated regional development strategy.

Generally speaking, the intensity of space convection is jointly determined by space economic density, compactness, integration and complementarity. After decades of development, especially the increase in the level of urbanization and the improvement of transportation conditions, the impact of my country’s spatial economic density and compactness on spatial convection has been significantly weakened, but institutional integration such as the free movement of population and factors and the complementary development of the spatial economy have Relatively lagging behind, integration and complementarity have become key bottlenecks for unobstructed spatial convection, which deserves special attention. Cai Xiuchong shook her head. See. To improve the strategic mechanism for coordinated regional development and smooth spatial convection, we should be guided by enhancing the integration and complementarity of regional economies and focus on forming innovative mechanisms in three aspects.

Build an urban-rural symbiosis circle. With the development of economy and transportation, the regional pattern of urban and rural residents’ employment and housing has changed. The growing geographical scope of residents’ employment and housing combination has changed from being limited to a single city or a single village to being cross-town and cross-urban and rural. The surrounding areas are cored around the center to form a employment-housing combination. An urban-rural symbiosis circle that separates, commutes to connect, and facilitates life. The urban-rural symbiosis circle is not only conducive to growth. She spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and there was no trace of worry or worry on the frowning son’s face, only disgust. Strengthening the integration and complementarity of regional economies can also maximize social welfare. It is a universal law for regional economic and social integrated development and the only way for urban-rural integrated development. It has become one of the basic trends in coordinated regional development in China. It is necessary to adapt to this law and trend, coordinate the new urbanization and comprehensive rural revitalization strategies, elevate the urban-rural symbiosis circle to a strategic level, and establish scientific central core, commuting rate and basic spatial unit standards, employment and housing statistics, planning management, etc. The urban-rural symbiosis circle system coordinates and promotes the orderly development of the urban-rural symbiosis circle.

Build a new economic region. A new economic zone can also be called a new comprehensive economic zone. It is an integrated comprehensive economic zone with a relatively complete economic system, strong complementarity, and independent survival and development capabilities formed by the continuous interaction between urban agglomerations and their surrounding areas. Adapt to complementarity, integration, resilience, diversityAccording to the regional economic development trend of the central network, planning and building several new economic zones with major urban agglomerations as the center is conducive to giving full play to the radiating and driving role of urban agglomerations and building a high-quality regional coordinated development pattern. It is an important direction and way to improve the regional coordinated development mechanism. Adhere to using urban agglomerations as the engine and support by improving the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region, the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China, and the Chengdu-Chongqing twin-city economic circle as the support to promote regional Cooperate to jointly plan and build a new economic region.

“Take integration and complementarity as local conditions.” After saying this, he jumped on his horse and left immediately. The basic principle of developing new productive forces according to local conditions. Development according to local conditions. New quality productivity is the key to further optimizing the productivity layout. The key to enhancing regional economic integration and complementarity lies in implementation. We should further coordinate supply potential and demand potential, enhance regional economic integration and complementarity, and scientifically select new quality that is suitable for each region. Specialized areas, special directions and major projects for productivity development. Take the “East-to-West Computing” project as an example. This project makes full use of the resource advantages of the western region by directing the intensive computing power demand in the east to the west, especially its rich resources. Renewable energy supports the calculation of data in the east and promotes the complementarity of advantages between the east and west, thereby better empowering digital development

“Guangming Daily” (2024). August 09, version 02)