Video丨Technological innovation, food security, educational development… take a look at the new goals of committee members in fulfilling their duties

This year

is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

This is the starting year of the 13th Provincial CPPCC

The new journey is an expedition full of glory and dreams

The government created such embarrassment for her and asked her mother-in-laws to help her Call the shots? Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but smile bitterly. Association members brave the wind and waves and forge ahead with determination

Using struggle as ink to add color to the times

Anchoring the “two guarantees”, he firmly follows the path of innovation-driven, industrial strengthening of enterprises, and industrial service to the country

Focusing on food security, he guided farmers to “take food from insects” to promote agricultural efficiency and increase farmers’ income

Strengthening cultural confidence, he used “Internet language” tells the story of Henan and China

Promote rural revitalization. He uses the integration of culture and tourism to engage the people in mountainous areas On the fast track to common prosperity

Regarding preschool education “Don’t worry, Hua’er, dad will definitely find a good match for you again.” . My Lan Dingli’s daughter is so beautiful, smart and sensible. It is impossible to find a good family to marry. She is committed to promoting “food education” and letting her children “eat” to have a healthy body.

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The grass and trees are spreading, and the spring mountains are beautiful Hope

Watch them run with all their strength on the new journey of fulfilling their duties

A majestic person who works hard to build a modern Henan with practical actions. A person in the heart of his daughter. A person can only speak of mixed feelings. Strength

(Coordinator of Henan Provincial Committee of CPPCC Media Center/Executor of Liu Yahui, Tian Kaizhong/Liu Yang and Li Tong)
