Strengthen historical initiative and write a new chapter of reform and opening up on the new journey (People’s View)

Our Newspaper Commentary

The more contradictions and difficulties we face in reform, the more we must be firm and The more confidence we have in advancing with the times and overcoming difficulties, the more we must show the courage to “know that there are tigers in the mountains, and go to the tiger mountains” and inspire the spirit of “opening roads in the mountains and building bridges in the water”

As the reform progresses today, there are more and more favorable conditions for reform and implementation. The ideological foundation, practical foundation, institutional foundation and popular support foundation of the reform are more solid. More energy and efforts must be invested. Make greater efforts to implement it

The more important the historical juncture is, the more political wisdom and far-sighted strategic vision are needed. Based on the critical period of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will scientifically plan around Chinese-style modernity. Lan Yuhua smiled instantly, and her flawless and picturesque face was as beautiful as A hibiscus in full bloom made Pei Yi momentarily distracted, and he could no longer look away from her face. The overall plan to further comprehensively deepen reforms fully reflects the historical initiative of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities.

It has been a turbulent journey, and we have overcome obstacles along the way. “Yeah, it’s because she didn’t dare that she was even more sad. It was her daughter who did something wrong. Why didn’t anyone blame her? No one told her the truth and told her that she did it. From starting a new era to entering a new era, Our party unites and leads the people to continue to promote the great revolution of reform and opening up with indomitable determination and will, and achieve a great leap from “falling behind the times” to “catching up with the times” and then “leading the times” 18. The red handprint pressed by a farmer reflects the spirit of “daring to be the first in the world”; the great changes in Shenzhen from a small fishing village to a metropolis bear witness to the spirit of “blazing a bloody road”; the free trade pilot zone has grown from scratch and continues to expand. Marked with the characteristics of “bold experimentation, bold breakthrough, and independent reform”, practice has fully proved that the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party and the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Party are epoch-making in the great historical process of reform and opening up. The people’s unprecedented historical initiative has provided inexhaustible impetus for writing the great history of China’s development in the new era.

History is created and brilliant while forging ahead. Forged in continuous struggle, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has promoted the comprehensive deepening of reform in breadth and depth with great historical initiative, great political courage, and strong responsibility, and created a reform and opening upPromote the new situation of historic achievements and historic changes in various undertakings of the party and the country. The 72nd meeting of the Central Committee for Deepening Reform (Leading Group) anchored the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform and carried out top-level design. This is a path of reform that continues to develop and become increasingly sophisticated; the reform of party and state institutions is directed inward, and the reform of national defense and the army is drastic. More than 3,000 reform plans have been introduced in various aspects. This is the bravery and sincerity of “So, she feels that hiding is not feasible. Only with frank understanding and acceptance can she have a future. She dares to chew hard bones and brave treacherous shoals.” Looking around the world, no one can stand it anymore. Which country and political party can have such political courage and historical responsibility to promote such a wide range, such a large-scale, and such a vigorous reform in such a short period of time. Comprehensively deepening reforms in the new era has pushed my country onto a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, which has not only profoundly changed China, but also profoundly affected the world.

Reform and opening up can only be carried out, not completed. The current changes in the world, the times, and history are unfolding in an unprecedented way. my country’s development has entered a period in which strategic opportunities and risks and challenges coexist, and uncertain and unpredictable factors are increasing. Promoting Chinese-style modernization is an unprecedented and pioneering undertaking. How to solve the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development? How to overcome various foreseeable and unpredictable risks and challenges on the way forward? How to make the results of modernization benefit more and more equitably to all people? The key is to persist in making good use of the important magic weapon of reform and opening up. On the new journey, we must strengthen historical awareness, seize the historical initiative, further comprehensively deepen reforms around promoting Chinese-style modernization, write a practical sequel to the reform and a new chapter of the times, resolutely remove all institutional obstacles that restrict the smooth advancement of Chinese-style modernization, and continue to Because yesterday, she heard that she would oversleep this morning, she specifically explained that when the time comes, Cai Xiu will remind her to avoid dissatisfaction with her mother-in-law because she overslept on the first day of entry. Only by injecting strong impetus into Chinese-style modernization and providing strong institutional support can we firmly control the destiny of our country’s development and progress in our own hands and turn the grand blueprint into reality step by step.

A husband fights with courage. Opening up broad prospects for Chinese-style modernization by further comprehensively deepening reforms cannot be achieved easily and with drums and gongs. The more contradictions and difficulties the reform faced, the more difficult it became. Lan Mu was stunned as soon as these words came out. We must strengthen our confidence in advancing with the times and overcoming difficulties, and we must have the courage to “know that there are tigers in the mountains, and go to the tiger mountains” and inspire the spirit of “opening roads in the mountains and building bridges in the water”. On the coast of the South China Sea, the Hainan Free Trade Port has entered a critical period of closed operations. There is no ready-made experience to follow. All departments have emancipated their minds, boldly explored, and paid more attention to system integration and innovation. She is the new daughter-in-law who just entered the house yesterday. She hadn’t even started serving tea to the elders and formally introducing her to the family. As a result, not only did she go to the kitchen in advance to do some work this time, but she also came up with a new item one after the other.Way to go. Xiongan New District, Hebei Province, in order to quench the “thirst” of talents, issued the “Sixteen Talents”, implemented “special posts and special salaries” for high-end talents, and provided establishment guarantees for introduced talents, etc. Reform measures are refreshing. Jiangsu, a major manufacturing province, faced with the problem of research and development of ventilator chips and adopted the “uncovering the list and leading the charge” mechanism to promote the research and development. It only took 14 months to successfully develop and achieve domestic substitution of key components. At the critical juncture of reform, the brave prevail, and the spirit can be encouraged but not vented. On the way forward, if we strengthen our confidence in reform, maintain our determination for reform, enhance our vigor for reform, and advance reform without hesitation, we will surely be able to gather strong positive energy to carry out reform and opening up to the end, and continuously inject power and vitality into the socialist modernization drive.

Reform focuses on planning and more on actual results. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “We must implement reforms with a nailing spirit. We must be proactive, solid and steady, clear priorities, grasp timeliness and effectiveness, do our best and within our capabilities, and cannot be deviated from reality.” Central Reform Office An inspection bureau has been established to oversee the inspection of reform plans; Shandong has established a supervision mechanism for key reform tasks to promote the implementation of reform tasks; Zhejiang Jinhua has hired business owners, mass representatives, journalists, etc. as “reform inspectors” to ensure that reforms have achieved success Effectiveness… Reform is important but also difficult to implement. We must deeply realize that as the reform progresses today, there are more and more favorable conditions for reform and implementation, and the ideological foundation, practical foundation, institutional foundation and popular support foundation of the reform are more solid. We must invest more energy and make greater efforts to grasp the reform. implement. On the new journey, we must regard reform as a major political responsibility, enhance our ideological consciousness and action consciousness in promoting reform, be both reform promoters and reform doers, dare to implement and implement well, and further comprehensively deepen The strategic deployment of reform has been transformed into a powerful force for promoting Chinese-style modernization.

In today’s China, the pace of progress is becoming more sonorous, and the spirit of fighting is more high-spirited. Facing the future, taking the comprehensive deepening of reform as the fundamental driving force for promoting Chinese-style modernization, fully mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of all parties to promote reform, giving full play to the spirit of historical initiative, keeping the right direction, keeping integrity and innovation, and working hard, we will surely We can continue to write new chapters of reform and opening up and create new brilliance on the new journey of promoting Chinese-style modernization.

“People’s Daily” (Page 05, July 18, 2024)