How to develop rural tourism according to local conditions (Deep Reading·New Observation on Culture and Tourism)

Core Reading

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that “the development of rural tourism should not be carried out in a big wayManila escortDemolition and large-scale construction should be carried out according to local conditions and make the best of the situation.”

Natural scenery and farming culture are rich minerals for rural tourism. In recent years, Chongqing Jingzhu Village Pinay escort is based on its characteristic landforms, and Jiangxi Huangling Village relies on unique customs to launch a variety of scientific protection and development projects. Tourism products, effectivelyEscortpromote ruralEscortVillage tourism is booming.

In recent years, rural tourism in my country has developed vigorously, but there are also phenomena such as extensive development and insufficient creativity. How to develop rural tourism according to local conditions? The reporter visited Jingzhu Village in Chongqing and Huangling Village in Jiangxi, which were selected as the “Best Tourism Villages” by the United Nations World Tourism Organization, to see how the villages promote the development of cultural tourism based on their unique resources.

Disadvantage turns into advantage——

Karst landform becomes unique tourism style

Wulong, Chongqing Jingzhu Village, Fairy Mountain Street, District, is located in a typical karst landform. From a traditional agricultural perspective, the land here is broken and the soil is poorSugar daddyBarren. Where does the development of such a rural area end?

Jingzhu Village’s answer is: turn disadvantages into advantages and create a characteristic tourism industry.

Li Pengcheng, director of the Fairy Mountain Subdistrict Office, introduced that Jingzhu Village is located in the Wulingshan area and has many karst Escort manila Hole. After evaluation and planning by a professional team, Jingzhu Village selected some caves suitable for development Escort for tourism development.

A natural cave covering an area of ​​more than 5,000 square meters was drilledSugar daddycaused the cave restaurant. “The temperature outside the cave is now nearly 40 degrees Celsius, while the temperature inside the cave is less than 20 degrees Celsius.” Li Pengcheng said that the cave is naturally cool and has various stalactite landscapes, which attract many tourists.

The cave called “Tiger Castle” has a large drop, so local exploration projects have been developed and it has gradually become a popular choice for study tours. Visitors can wear professional equipment and descend vertically from the 80-meter-high cave roof to the cave bottom to experience the fun of adventure.

To retain tourists, the tourism experience must be both unique and rich. At the flower and fruit planting base of Xunmengyuan in Jingzhu Village, Pinay escort blueberries are dotted on the branches, and you can swimEscortCustomers pick and taste at the same time. Under the guidance of experts, local fruit farmers used farmyard manure and took physical control of pests and diseasesManila escort. “The taste and quality of fruits have been greatly improved, and fruit picking has become a must-have for many tourists who come to the village for vacation.” said Chen Ju, secretary of the Party branch of Jingzhu Village.

Jingzhu Village has also introduced B&B designers and artists to turn the orchard into a scenic spot, the tobacco room into a library, and the earth-tile house into a teahouse…

In careful design Under the management of the company, the once desolate mountain village has become a resort area full of pastoral charm. In 2023, Jingzhu Village will receive 550,000 tourists.

Sugar daddyCustoms are scenery——

Sunshine in autumn has become an iconic cultural tourism brand

Alpine terraces and Hui-style architecture are not uncommon in southern my country. However, Huangling Village in Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province is particularly outstanding and famous. Sugar daddy The experience of Huangling Village is that customs are scenery, and tourism projects are developed around agricultural customs activities.

In 2009, Wuyuan Huangling Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd. was introduced to the local area to conduct unified planning for Huangling Village.Planned construction. “At the beginning of development, we were thinking about how to integrate the unique customs of Huangling Village into rural tourism. Tourists not only have beautiful rural scenery to seeManila escort , and you can feel the unique local charm, local customs and local flavor,” said Wu Xiangyang, chairman of Wuyuan Huangling Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.

Huangling VillagePinay escort is built on a mountain and lacks a flat drying area. For hundreds of years, people have dried agricultural products under the eaves and on platforms, forming a unique autumn sun-drying landscape. Sunbathing in autumn is not limited to Sugar daddy. “Autumn” here refers to Pinay escort‘s harvested produce. In Huangling Village, as long as the sun shines, seasonal agricultural products can be dried all year round – bamboo shoots in spring, eggplants in summer, peppers and corn in autumn, and sweet potatoes in winter.

“The first time we saw the autumn sunbathing scene, we were very shocked. On the hillside with a height of 100 meters, the white walls and black tiles of the residential houses were arranged at random, and the round bamboo sunbathing racks outside the window held There is a large plaque with Sugar daddy red peppers and yellow corn. From a distance, it looks like a light landscape painting, but it has It’s colorful and unique,” ​​Wu Xiangyang said. They decided to make the autumn sun a key element of tourism in Huangling.

As a result, there has been a series of cultural activities surrounding the autumn sunbathing in Huangling Village: holding the autumn sunbathing cultural festival, setting up the best autumn sunbathing photography spots, developing autumn sunbathing experience projects… Sugar daddySunshine the autumn sun from local custom Pinay escort to The iconic cultural tourism brand attracts countless tourists.

After renovation, hundreds of Huizhou-style ancient buildings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Huangling Village have also become popular. Seeing the beautiful scenery of terraced fields, displaying seasonal agricultural products, and staying in ancient houses and B&Bs, Huangling Village received more than 1.4 million tourists in the first half of this year. Since July, the number of tourists has exceeded 300,000, an increase of more than 30% over the same period last year. Sugar daddy

ToDevelopment must also protect –

Protect the ecological environment and benefit the villagers

Rural tourism can attract tourists with its natural scenery; Rely on unique customs and fireworks to retain tourists. The former is like Jingzhu Village, and the latter is like Huangling Village. In the process of developing the cultural tourism industry, both of them are faced with the problem of coordinating development and protection.

Jingzhu Village regards the protection of original natural features as a prerequisite for tourism development. The Little Bird’s Nest landscape in Guiyuan Town, Jingzhu Village, is a naturally formed sinkhole with a gentle bottom, a cliff, and natural acoustic effects. The village originally wanted to build a theater here, but the construction of the theater required steel and concrete, which would damage the original shape of the sinkhole, so the construction plan was canceled. Manila escort Regarding natural wonders such as the Xiaoyan’s Nest Tiankeng, Jingzhu Village has chosen a more cautious attitude – retaining the original style.

“In the process of development and construction of Jingzhu Village, we carefully Sugar daddy consider the ecological conditions of each tourist spot. , strive to achieve scientific planning, avoid over-development, and avoid damaging the ecological environment,” Li Pengcheng said.

Huangling Village promotes the protection and development of the countryside through scientific development. Before the development of rural tourism, Huangling Village once faced the dilemma of empty houses. Because there is little arable land and few industries in the village, many villagers go out to make a living, and many houses are old and dilapidated due to long-term lack of maintenance.

Escort To develop rural tourism, we must first make the countryside popular. After the Huangling Scenic Spot was put into operation, the scenic spot invited willing and capable villagers back. Villagers have arranged autumn landscapes, opened shops in scenic spots, and some have run B&Bs. Only when the villagers came back did we have the original juice Sugar daddy and the original flavor of Huangling Sun-Autumn, and only then did we have the local tunes in the farmyard. Then there are local dishes cooked on earthen stoves. Only by retaining the original villagers can the true nature of local customs be displayed. As tourism in the village becomes more and more popular, many villagers who work outside the village return to their hometowns, and there are good employment opportunities at their doorstep. Huangling Village has regained its long-lost bustle.

Huangling Village also invites craftsmen and intangible cultural inheritors from the village and surrounding areas to design intangible cultural-related businesses and hold cultural and folk activities from time to time. A route paperUmbrellas, bamboo weaving, rice wine, winding lanterns… Huangling Village integrates living Escort manila intangible cultural heritage into the traditional village style, creating a unique experience for tourists It is a rich carrier for experiencing traditional culture, and the development of Huangling Village has become increasingly prosperous.