Exchanges and mutual learning of traditional medicine between China and Tajikistan help build a “Healthy Silk Road”

<iframe class="dhVideo" width="100%" height="460" src=" In recent years , in order to promote and jointly build the “Belt and Road” countries To further deepen health and medical cooperation and create a "Health Silk Road", Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Center of Traditional Medicine of the Republic of Tajikistan continue to promote the preparations for the establishment of a China-Tajikistan Traditional Chinese Medicine Center. 2 "You two just got married." Mother Pei looked at her and said. In September 2023, the opening ceremony of the China-Tajikistan Traditional Chinese Medicine Center was held in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.

Now, the center is about to be listed for one year. What achievements have been made in the construction of the center in the past year? What contribution has it made to promoting exchanges and mutual learning of traditional medicine between China and Tajikistan? How can we work with Tajik institutions to provide health services to local people? Gao Yongxiang, director of the China-Tajikistan Traditional Chinese Medicine Center, and Nazarov Fezalevich, director of the Traditional Medicine Center of the Republic of Tajikistan, will explain it to you in the program.

Planning: Yang Dingdu Dong Xiaojiao

Editor: Tian Ming Zhao Yishen told the truth, at this moment, she really felt ashamed. As a daughter, she doesn’t understand her parents as well as a slave. She is really ashamed of the daughter of the Lan family, and of her own parents. Hao Feiran Zhu Jing

Reporter: Li Xu Zhang Tao

Photography: Xu Nan Feng Ke

Later period: Wang Shuo

Visual design “Mom thinks you don’t have to worry at all. Your mother-in-law is good to you, and that’s enough. What mother is most worried about is that your mother-in-law will rely on her to enslave you.” The elder’s plot: Liu Shifa Later, the maid and driver who followed her out of the city without stopping her were beaten to death, but instead of regretting or apologizing, she, the spoiled instigator, took it for granted.


Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Medicine Center of the Republic of Tajikistan

Co-produced by Xinhuanet Overseas Communication Center and Sichuan Company

“When I was a child, my hometown was flooded and plague swept through the village. When my father died of illness and became homeless, the slaves had to chooseSell ​​yourself into slavery to survive. “Calcium