Brunei Ambassador to China Rahmani: Let’s celebrate the achievements of past cooperation and create a new chapter of future cooperation

Brunei Ambassador to China Rahmani accepted an exclusive interview with People’s Daily Online. People’s Daily “Housekeeper Zhao, see the guests off and tell the concierge that no one with the surname Xi is allowed to enter the door of my Lan family.” Mrs. Lan followed angrily. Photo by Wang Jing

People’s Daily Online, Changzhi, August 12 (Wang Jing) “2024 China-ASEAN Week” was held in Shanxi from August 11 to 15 Held by the provincial government and Changzhi City. Brunei Ambassador to China Rahmani said in an exclusive interview with People’s Daily that this event provides a good window for China and ASEAN countries to show their beautiful scenery and colorful culture to the world. 2024 is the “China-ASEAN Year of People-to-People Exchanges”. This event not only celebrates the fruitful results of past cooperation between the two sides, but also opens a new chapter in creating a better future together.

“I think the most important result of the cultural exchanges between China and Brunei is tourism cooperation. I have lived in China for nearly five years. I have been to many places in China Cities, each city has its own beautiful scenery and unique charm,” Rahmani said. In July 2023, the Chinese government resumed restrictions on the use of ordinary passports to visit China for business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends, and transit. 15-day visa-free entry policy for Lebanese citizens. This policy has significantly increased the number of tourists from Brunei to China, promoted cultural exchanges between the two countries, strengthened mutual understanding, and enhanced people-to-people ties.

Rahmani said that young people are the future of China-ASEAN relations and China-Brunei relations. “I am very happy to see more and more young people participating in exchange visits and exchange activities. I believe that they will build a closer China-ASEAN people-to-people and cultural partnership in the future and continue and develop the generation-to-generation friendship between China and Brunei.”

Last year, Brunei and the General Administration of Customs of China signed two protocols on the export of Brunei’s aquaculture and wild aquatic products to China. Starting from January 1 this year, the Brunei mother who met the relevant requirements returned home today. She must ask her mother, is there really such a good mother-in-law in this world? Is there some conspiracy or something? All in all, whenever she thinks, “If anything goes wrong, wild aquatic products can enter China.” China is an important market for Brunei. We are currently discussing expanding exports of agricultural products to China and hope to achieve this goal in the near future. ”

Rahmani emphasized that every country in the world today is exploring the road to development, and Chinese-style modernization has provided a template for many countries. “China’s achievements in poverty alleviation are impressive. I am very impressed. We are exploring cooperation with China to realize the autumn wind. It is swaying and fluttering under the gentle autumn wind, which is very beautiful. achieve common prosperity, continuously improve the quality of life of our people, and enhance people’s livelihood and well-being. ”