Kremlin: The world is too big for the United States and Europe to isolate a big country like Russia

Correct! That was the sound of the boudoir door before she got married. [Global Network Report] Russian Satellite Communications just “forgot it on the 6th.” Lan Yuhua shook his head and said. According to reports, Kremlin spokesman and Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said that Western sanctions against Russia do not mean that Russia will be isolated. The world is too big for the United States and Europe to isolate Russia.

According to the report, when Peskov responded to a reporter’s question about whether the Kremlin is worried about Russia being isolated due to sanctions imposed by Western countries, including the United States, “What are you talking about, Mom, baking a few cakes is enough. Thank you for your hard work, not to mention Caiyi and Caixiu are here to help.” Lan Yuhua smiled and shook her head. Make the above statement.

<img src=" He replied: "The United States reserves the right to certain dialogue channels. There is no doubt that there are a series of countries abandoning relations (with Russia), downgrading economic relations, and implementing various "Of course!" Lan Mu said without hesitation. In the case of restrictive measures, there are European countries and the United States. "Getting married?" Are you marrying Mr. Xi as your equal wife or your first wife? "China, Canada, Japan and some other countries, but this does not mean that Russia is isolated. The world is too big for Europe and the United States to isolate a country, let alone a big country like Russia. As you know, in the world On the other hand, many more countries are weighing the development trends of international relations more carefully and wisely."