Anchoring the overall goal of reform and writing a new chapter of the times

Goals lead actions and strive to achieve the future.

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee pointed out: “The overall goal of further comprehensively deepening reforms is to continue to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and advance the national governance system. and modernize governance capabilities.”

From “comprehensively deepening reforms” to “further comprehensively deepening reforms”, the overall goal is consistent, reflecting historical initiative and demonstrating strategic determination.

Institutional competition is an important aspect of comprehensive national strength competition, and institutional advantages are an important advantage for a country to win strategic initiative. Can it be held as originally planned? Before I come to see you, aren’t you angry with Brother Sehun? ”

Since the founding of New China 75 years ago, our party has led the people to achieve “epic progress.” Practice has fully proved that the socialist system with Chinese characteristics is the key to the development and progress of contemporary China.

The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Our party continues to promote the socialist system with Chinese characteristics with its historical consciousness. Improvement and development endow it with strong self-improvement capabilities, giving it great vitality and great superiority.

This is a profound change in ideological theory.


General Secretary Xi Jinping leads reform and practice innovation with ideological and theoretical innovation, and scientifically answers major theoretical and practical questions such as why to change, for whom to change, and how to change.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has made top-level plans and comprehensive arrangements for improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. The Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed for the first time the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reforms.

One of the core contents is to “clarify that the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform is to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities.”

Since the new era, it is under the guidance of the overall goal of reform that our party has adoptedComprehensively deepening reforms and improving systems in all aspects provide a strong institutional guarantee for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and propel my country onto a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China established the central tasks of the party in the new era and new journey, and made strategic arrangements for promoting Chinese-style modernization. Focusing on planning and deploying reforms around the Party’s central tasks, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party reviewed and approved the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization”, which clearly proposed to “provide strong driving force and institutional guarantee for Chinese-style modernization” “.

“Improving the socialist system with Chinese characteristics is a dynamic process and will inevitably continue to develop with the development of practice.” By anchoring the overall goal of reform and striving to write a new chapter of the times, what we have created is a better life for hundreds of millions of people, what we have won is a strategic initiative in the accelerating evolution of a century of changes, and we are moving towards a future full of glory and dreams.


 Critical period, historical juncture.

“A large number of brand-new topics that have never appeared before”, “various difficulties and obstacles” and “many major tests with high winds, rough seas and even stormy seas”, the promotion of Chinese-style modernization is faced with New difficulties and challenges – the “two rice bowls” of food and energy provide a special perspective.

It is necessary to ensure good prices for agricultural products while maintaining price stability, to protect cultivated land and to leave room for the development of rural industries. “Food rice bowls” must be created at any time Keep it firmly in your hands.

Our country’s per capita energy resource endowment is seriously insufficient. Accelerating development faces more energy resources and environmental constraints. Maintaining the “energy rice bowl” is a matter of safety and bottom line. Develop resilience.

Chinese-style modernization opens up a new path for mankind to move towards modernization and creates a new form of human civilization. To push forward this unprecedented pioneering cause, we must be good at using reform methods. “What kind of marriage? Are you and Hua’er married? Our Lan family hasn’t agreed yet.” Lan’s mother sneered. Solve problems in development, cultivate new opportunities in crises, and open new situations in changes.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “In the new era and new journey, to create a new situation in Chinese-style modernization, we still need to rely on reform and opening up.”

The “Decision” adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly put forward the “six inevitable requirements” to continue to push forward the reform and called on the whole party to “must Consciously put reform in a more prominent position and further comprehensively deepen reform around promoting Chinese-style modernization.”

“Little wisdom governs affairs, and great wisdom governs the system.” Anchoring the overall goal of reform, the “Decision” passed by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party is both the Party’s The practical sequel to comprehensively deepening reforms since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee is also a new chapter in the era of advancing Chinese-style modernization on a new journey.

From the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to usher in a new era of comprehensively deepening reforms and overall system design to advance the new journey of reform, to the 72nd Central Committee for Deepening Reforms (Leadership The group meeting anchored the overall goal of comprehensively deepening the reform and carried out top-level design, and reviewed and approved more than 600 reform documents…

This is a path to increasingly profound reform. It is precisely because of highlighting the main line of system construction that we have created a new situation in which reform and opening up are used to promote historic achievements and changes in various undertakings of the party and the country.

In June this year, the “Ecological Protection Compensation Regulations” were officially implemented. As an important part of the ecological civilization system, the ecological protection compensation system opens up the channel for the high-quality transformation of “lucid waters and lush mountains” into “gold and silver mountains”, which made Qingshan Pei Yi shut up immediately. There is a “price” and green water contains “gold”.

This is an institutional advantage that is constantly being promoted. Since the new era, the reform of the economic system has been in full swing, leading to the explosion of China’s economic vitality; the reform of the political system has been deepened, polishing the foundation of democracy and the rule of law; the reform of the cultural system has stimulated the spring water and built a solid foundation for cultural confidence… The socialist system with Chinese characteristics has become more mature. It is more finalized and our country’s development has a more complete institutional guarantee.

Reform and opening up can only be carried out, not completed.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “The existing system needs to be continuously improved, and new fields and new practices need to promote system innovation and fill system gaps.” “Decision” adopted by the plenary session The “seven focuses” were emphasized and more than 300 important reform measures were proposed.

” Implement the reform with a nail-driving spirit. The State Council recently issued the “Guidelines on Improving the Long-term Mechanism for Basic Medical Insurance Participation””Guiding Opinions”, which for the first time provides incentive policies for continuous insurance participation, relaxes the household registration restrictions for insurance participation, and further expands the scope of employee medical insurance personal account mutual assistance…

From promoting the reform of centralized mass procurement of medicines and consumables organized by the state to improving the critical illness insurance and medical assistance systems, the world’s largest basic medical security covering the entire population has been established. The network is constantly woven tightly and densely, which is a vivid epitome of “the people’s calls and reforms should be responded to”.

In Shenzhen, Guangdong, nearly 1,000 takeaways are delivered via drones every day. As the world-famous “UAV Capital”, Shenzhen has unique industrial soil for developing low-altitude economy.

Promulgated the country’s first low-altitude economic regulations “Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Low-altitude Economic Industry Promotion Regulations”, formulated management rules and operating standards for civilian drones, and launched a low-altitude intelligent integration system Construction… Strengthen the supply of systems in new fields and new tracks to help the low-altitude economy gain momentum and take off high.

“Bold exploration in practice and promotion of career development through reform and innovation.” Anchoring the overall goal of reform, continuing to improve all aspects of systems and mechanisms, consolidating the foundation, promoting advantages, making up for shortcomings, strengthening and weak areas, and constantly better transforming our country’s institutional advantages into national governance effectiveness, we will surely be able to overcome all obstacles and move forward in the Chinese-style modernization drive. .


“It is necessary to continue to work hard across the board to make the reform measures comprehensive Cover the outstanding issues that need to be solved to promote Chinese-style modernization; we must continue to use our strength to deepen, highlight the focus of the economic system, and strive to eliminate deep-seated institutional obstacles and structural contradictions. ”

This important judgment of General Secretary Xi Jinping provides an important method for implementing the deployment of the Plenary Session’s “Decision”.

“Continue to use strength in deepening”, and the broad outlines can be seen. Pay more attention to highlighting key points, highlighting the forward-looking, strategic and leading role of reform, and forming a strong traction and driving force to further liberate and develop social productivity.

Deepening the reform of the economic system is still the focus of further comprehensively deepening the reform. The “Decision” makes specific arrangements for key areas and key links in the reform of the economic system.

A test field, with the practical requirement of “focusing on giving full play to the leading role of economic system reform”.

In September 2013, my country’s first free trade experiment The district was born in Shanghai, which not only “cultivated” institutional opening up of rules, regulations, management, and standards, but also “produced” a large number of basic and pioneering reform measures, leading reforms in related domestic fields.

From the foreign investment negative list and the single window for international trade in the field of investment and trade, to the reform of the commercial registration system and the “one industry, one certificate” reform in the field of government function transformation, they have been replicated and promoted at the national level. 349 free trade pilot zone institutional innovations were implemented in one fell swoop. my country has successively established 22 free trade pilot zones and the Hainan Free Trade Port. A new pattern of reform and opening up covering the east, west, south, north, and central areas has been formed, coordinating the coastal, inland, and border areas.

” A budget table that “focuses on building a system to support comprehensive innovation. Mechanism” practical concerns.

Material fees, transportation fees, loading and unloading fees, test and laboratory processing fees, conference fees… In the past, the financial budget of scientific research projects needed to be listed The list for the next few years is sometimes longer than the scientific research plan.

 “We cannot let endless reports and approvals delay scientists’ energy! “The University of Science and Technology of China is exploring the decentralization of funding approval authority. The financial budget table with the same funding limit of about 4.5 million yuan has been reduced from 17 pages to 1 page after the reform.

If the system is smooth and the mechanism is active, talents will gather and careers will prosper. “Unveiling the list” and “horse racing system” stimulate the enthusiasm of innovative subjects, “breaking the four only” and “setting new standards” to reshape the talent evaluation system, and the source of innovation will fully flow.

The trend of reform is strong and the tide of innovation is surging

We are committed to breaking down deep-seated institutional barriers. and structural contradictions. The Decision upholds and improves the basic socialist economic system and makes important contributions to improving the system and mechanism for promoting high-quality economic development, improving the macroeconomic governance system, improving the system and mechanism for integrated urban and rural development, and improving the system and mechanism for high-level opening up to the outside world. Deployment.

Committed to building support for comprehensive innovationInstitutional mechanisms, the “Decision” insists on in-depth implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talent, and the innovation-driven development strategy, and coordinates and promotes the integrated reform of education, science and technology talent systems and mechanisms.

Anchor the overall goal of reform, implement the deployment of the “Decision”, give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better play the role of the government, and achieve both ” “Liberative” and “manageable” will surely provide strong support for comprehensively promoting Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development.

“Continue to work hard in all aspects” and work in the same direction to improve overall performance. Paying more attention to system integration highlights the systemic, holistic, and collaborative requirements of reform, and creates a powerful synergy that enables all aspects of reform to cooperate with each other, achieve synergy and efficiency.

Adhering to the system concept is a basic thinking and working method. The “Decision” strengthens the overall planning and systematic layout of reform, and coordinates the deployment of economic system reform and reforms in other fields under the framework of coordinating and promoting the “five-in-one” overall layout and coordinating the promotion of the “four comprehensives” strategic layout.

From focusing on building a high-level socialist market economic system to focusing on developing people’s democracy throughout the process, building a socialist cultural power, improving people’s quality of life, and building a beautiful China , build a higher level of safe China, improve the party’s leadership and long-term governance capabilities, and gather powerful forces to promote reforms as a whole.

Achieve key breakthroughs in the overall advancement, and use key breakthroughs to drive the overall jump.

Anchor the overall goal of reform, adhere to integrity and innovation, maintain a strong determination to remain unchanged and unchangeable, and enhance the courage to innovate and tackle difficulties. , and by carrying the reform to the end, we will surely be able to use the new advantages of “China’s system” to push “China’s governance” to a new level.


New historical orientation, new coordinates of struggle, calling for new Go ahead.

“Basically realize socialist modernization from 2020 to 2035; build our country into a prosperous and strong country from 2035 to the middle of this century A democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful modern socialist country.” The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China carried out a macro outlook on the “two-step” strategic arrangement and clarified the overall goal of my country’s development by 2035.

“By 2035, a high-level socialist market economic system will be fully established, the socialist system with Chinese characteristics will be further improved, the national governance system and governance capabilities will be basically modernized, and social governance will be basically realized. socialist modernization and lay a solid foundation for fully building a modern and powerful socialist country by the middle of this century.” The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee aimed at this goal, focusing on deploying major reform measures in the next five years and drawing up a panoramic view of further comprehensively deepening reforms. Figure 1 clearly proposes to complete the reform tasks set out in the “Decision” by 2029, the 80th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

The ancients said: “There is a certain strategy, and then there is a certain success. The strategy cannot be hastily, and the success cannot be achieved by chance.” The right strategy requires the right tactics to implement it.

——”Adhere to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation.” Goal orientation leads the way forward, and the list of issues is also a list of reforms.

The innovation chain and the industrial chain are “difficult to meet” and cannot be transformed; the value of scientific and technological achievements is difficult to quantify and cannot be transformed; there are insufficient incentives for the transformation and application of patented achievements, and there is no desire to change. How to solve the problem?

“Upstairs and downstairs, results are transformed.” Suzhou Optoelectronics Technology Research Institute, an innovation incubation base, a pilot service base, and an industrial manufacturing base are gathered in one building , “going up and down the stairs” means “up and down the stairs”. Today, there are more than 560 new R&D institutions in Jiangsu, jointly promoting industry, academia and research, and competing for high-end and sophisticated technologies.

Focusing on the goal of accelerating the development of new quality productivity and focusing on the practical problems of transforming scientific and technological achievements, various localities have broken down barriers and stimulated innovation vitality by deepening reforms, so as to let more good people in the innovation chain Technology has become a new application in the industrial chain, realizing the resonance of technological innovation and industrial quality improvement at the same frequency.

On the way forward, we should focus on both goals and problems, focus on development needs, comply with the aspirations of the people, and run towards problems. Focusing on solving problems and enhancing the pertinence and effectiveness of reforms can add impetus and vitality to promoting Chinese-style modernization.

——”Reform must pay attention to planning, but also to implementation.” Only by grasping planning and action can we promote reform and continuously achieve new breakthroughs.

Hebei Xiongan New District insists on “clearly planning every inch of land before starting construction”, landmark buildingsChina’s Sinochem Building “grows” one floor every seven days, and the “three schools and one hospital” built with Beijing’s aid have opened for school and clinics… Stepping on stones leaves imprints, grabbing iron leaves traces, and the “city of the future” grows jointly, vividly embodying ” The dialectics of “get it right” and “get on with it”.

Use the “five-level secretaries to focus on poverty alleviation” to conquer the fortress of poverty, and use the “sharp sword” of inspection to solve ecological problems… Since the new era, we have persisted in making decisions and taking action. We must work hard to promote reform from laying foundations and pillars to comprehensive advancement and building momentum, to system integration, collaboration and efficiency.

Not only insists on planning under the overall situation, advancing in the general trend, and acting on major events, but also insists on observing the actual situation, taking practical measures, and seeking practical results. It should not only promote reform Party members and being reform doers will surely be able to transform the strategic deployment of further comprehensively deepening reforms into a powerful force for promoting Chinese-style modernization.

 ——”To further comprehensively deepen reforms, we must enhance consensus.” People’s hearts are the greatest politics, and consensus is the driving force for progress.

Shanghai Changning, focusing on the draft preschool education law, community residents, school teachers, industry lawyers, etc. gathered together to brainstorm, and dozens of opinions and suggestions were authenticated For the record, “straight through” to the Legislature. The “Decision” is committed to improving the whole-process people’s democratic system, emphasizing that the people are the masters of the country and is concretely and realistically reflected in all aspects of national political and social life.

In Wuhan, Hubei, basic community data is “shared in one table”, grassroots business is “directly handled from one end”, and various systems are “one-logged in”, effectively offloading the grassroots The cadre has “genius at her fingertips. At the moment, she lacks the burden of such talent around her.” The Political Bureau meeting of the Central Committee held on July 30 reviewed the “Several Provisions on Censoring Formalism and Reducing Burdens at the Grassroots Levels” and required overall planning to reduce and empower the grassroots bodies and encourage them to take on their responsibilities.

Respect the initiative of the grassroots and the masses, enhance the masses’ sense of gain and recognition, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of hundreds of millions of people, and the reform will have the most solid foundation The support, the strongest confidence, and the most surging motivation.

The tide of reform is surging, and the drum is beating to urge the levy.

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China released a strong signal to the country and the world that our party will unswervingly hold high the banner of reform and opening up, and sounded the call to further comprehensively deepen the reform and opening up. Reform is the clarion call of the times to create a new situation in China’s modernization drive.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: “We should firmly believe that China’s reform and opening up will be successful.”

Anchoring the overall goal of reform, Chinese-style modernization will surely open up broad prospects in reform and opening up.