Xichuan County Health Commission Public Place Life Safety Emergency Rescue Equipment AED Machine Procurement Project-Public Bidding Announcement

Announcement content document

Financing application for small, medium and micro enterprises

Project Overview

Xichuan County Health Commission’s Public Place Life Safety Emergency Rescue Equipment AED Machine Procurement Project Potential bidders for the bidding project should register in Nanyang City Public Resources Trading Platform Electronic Trading System Xichuan (http: //ggzyjy.xichuan.gov.cn/) Obtain the bidding documents and submit the bidding documents before 09:00 on September 26, 2024 (Beijing time).

1. Basic situation of the project
1. Project number: Xicai Bidding and Procurement-2024-140
2. Project name: Xichuan County Health Commission Public Place Life Safety Emergency Rescue Equipment AED Machine Procurement Project
3. Procurement method: public bidding
4. Budget amount: 1,175,000.00 yuan
Maximum price: 1,175,000 yuan
Serial number Package number Package name Including budget (yuan) Maximum package price (yuan)
1 Xicai Bidding and Procurement-2024-140-1 Section 1 of the Xichuan County Health Commission’s Life Safety Emergency Rescue Equipment AED Machine Procurement Project in Public Places 1175000 1175000
5. Procurement requirements (including but not limited to the name, quantity, brief technical requirements or service requirements, etc.)
5.1. Bidding content: procurement of life safety emergency rescue equipment AED machines in public places;
5.2. Project location: location designated by the purchaser
5.3. Quality requirements: qualified, in compliance with relevant national and industry specifications and standard
5.4, delivery and installation period: 15 calendar days after signing the contract
5.5, Warranty period: 5 years from the date of acceptance
6. Contract performance period: the same as the delivery and installation period
7. Will consortium bids be accepted for this project: No
8. Whether to accept imported products: No
9. Is it specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises: No
2. Applicant qualification requirements:
1. Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the “Government Procurement Law of the People’s Republic of China”;
2. Qualification requirements for implementing government procurement policies:
This project implements energy conservation, environmental protection, independent innovation policies, government procurement contract financing policies, and promotes the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (prison enterprises and welfare enterprises for the disabled are regarded as small and micro enterprises).
3. Specific qualification requirements for this project
3.1. Bidders must comply with the “China Code.” According to the provisions of Article 22 of the Government Procurement Law of the People’s Republic of China, one should have a valid business license, tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, or a valid three-in-one business license, and have the necessary equipment and equipment to perform the contract. Professional and technical capabilities.
3.2. According to the provisions of the “Notice on Issues Concerning the Inquiry and Use of Credit Records in Government Procurement Activities” (Caiku [2016] No. 125), those listed as untrustworthy persons subject to enforcement, untrustworthy entities with major tax violations, and government Suppliers listed on the list of serious illegal and untrustworthy conduct are not allowed to participate in the procurement activities of this project; suppliers are required to provide credit reports, which should be downloaded through the “Credit China” website (www.creditchina.gov.cn). The date of generation of the credit report must be After the issuance of this bidding announcement, suppliers should search for “dishonest persons subject to enforcement” and “dishonest entities subject to major tax violations” through the “Credit China” website (www.creditchina.gov.cn), and the China Government Procurement Network (www.ccgp. gov.cn) Query the “List of Records of Serious Illegal and Untrustworthy Conduct in Government Procurement” to check your own credit record. The query time must be after the release of this bidding announcement.
3.3. Suppliers need to provide a commitment letter with no criminal record of bribery (commitment objects include: suppliers, legal representatives, authorized principals), and are responsible for its authenticity. If the commitment is untrue, the consequences will be borne by the supplier Take your own responsibility. Bidding companies that have been verified by the Public Prosecution and Justice Department, Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and Administrative Supervision Departments to “seek to win the bid by bribing the bidder or members of the bid evaluation committee” shall not participate in bidding for this project.
3.4, This project does not accept consortium bids, and no subcontracting or subcontracting is allowed.
3.5. This project implements post-qualification review. The content of the review is based on the corporate integrity database information submitted and uploaded 24 hours before the bidding deadline. Expired and changed integrity database information will not be used as the basis for the review of this project. The information uploaded to the integrity database must be complete, authentic and valid, and the scanned originals must be clear and legible. Otherwise, the supplier shall be solely responsible for the situation that results in failure to score the points that should be scored or failure in the qualification review.
3.6 Other conditions stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.
3. Obtain bidding documents
1. Time: September 5, 2024 to September 25, 2024, 09:00 to 12:00 am and 12:00 to 18:00 pm every day (Beijing time, except legal holidays. )
2. Location: Xichuan, Electronic Trading System of Nanyang Public Resource Trading Platform (http://ggzyjy.xichuan.gov.cn/)
3. Method: Potential bidders log in to Xichuan District, Nanyang Public Resource Trading Center Electronic Trading System (http://ggzyjy.xichuan.gov.cn/) to participate in the bidding project, and can directly download the procurement documents
4. Price: 0 yuan
4. Bid deadline and location
1. Time: 09:00, September 26, 2024 (Beijing time)
2. Location: This project uploads the bidding documents by itself in the electronic trading system, and there is no need to send and submit non-encrypted bidding documents, USB flash drives, etc.
5. Time and place of bid opening
1. Time: 09:00, September 26, 2024 (Beijing time)
2. Location: This project uses remote face-to-face bid opening, and suppliers do not need to go to the site to participate in the bid opening. Each supplier shall make relevant preparations in advance according to the requirements of the manual and log in to the face-to-face bid opening hall to participate in the bid opening. Attachments: Operation manual address (download by yourself in the download area), address of the face-to-face bid opening hall https://ggzyjy.nanyang.gov.cn/BidOpening/bidhall/nanyang/login.html
6. Media for announcement and deadline for bidding announcement
This bidding announcement was released on the “Henan Provincial Government Procurement Network”, “China Tendering and Tendering Public Service Platform”, “Henan Provincial Electronic Tendering and Tendering Public Service Platform”, and “Xichuan County Public Resources Trading Center”.
The tender announcement period is five working days
7. Other supplementary matters
1. Enterprise Integrity Database Registration
This project only accepts bids from enterprises that have joined the Enterprise Integrity Database in the Nanyang Public Resources Electronic Trading Platform. Suppliers who have not been included in the database should go through the warehousing procedures in time. For warehousing procedures, please refer to the “Integrity Database Declaration Operation Manual” in the download area of ​​the Nanyang Public Resources Trading Center website http://www.sqggzyw.com/. Enterprises do not charge any fees for applying for the integrity database and do not need to bring the original documents to Nanyang Public Resources. The trading center conducts review. If you are unable to bid due to failure to complete the warehousing procedures in time, you will be responsible for your own responsibility.
2. Apply for a CA digital certificate
After the supplier completes the registration in the corporate integrity database, it must apply for the CA digital certificate. Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, I can’t think of where Lan Xueshi found such a shabby in-law? Is Mr. Lan so disappointed in his daughter who was originally a treasure and held it in his hand that he can handle bidding and bidding-related business online? To apply for a CA digital certificate, please refer to “Are you married? Are you marrying Mr. Xi as a common wife or a legal wife?” “Information required for CA application” in the download area of ​​Yang City Public Resources Trading Center website.
3. Since bidders do not need to participate in the bid opening on site, all preparations need to be done by themselves. If you encounter urgent matters during the bid opening process, you can raise objections or communicate via text in the face-to-face bid opening hall. For serious problems, you can call the technical support hotline 400-998-0000.
5. This project is an electronic bid evaluation project. Bidders must provide electronic bidding documents. Electronic bidding documents need to be produced using bidding document production tools. The production tools and operation manuals can be found in the “Download Area” of the Nanyang Public Resources Trading Center website. Download in.
6. Potential suppliers are requested to pay attention to the updated information on the website in a timely manner after obtaining the documents. The purchaser and the purchasing agency will not be responsible for any losses caused by failure to see the updated online information in time due to other reasons.
Electronic transaction system technical support telephone number: 400-998-0000
CA digital certificate technical support telephone number: For details, please see the home page of the Xichuan County Public Resource Trading Center website for CA processing and consultation
7. Supervision department: Xichuan County Finance Bureau
Supervision department code: 11411326006042033B
Address: Jinhe Town, Xichuan County
Contact person: Mr. Chen
Telephone number: 0377-60668835
8. If you have any questions about this tender, please followContact us in the following ways
1. Purchaser information
Name: Xichuan County Health Committee
Address: Donghuan Road, Xichuan County
Contact person: Mr. Wan
Contact information: 13938989537
2. Purchasing agency information (if any)
Name: Jiangsu Nuoshi Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 9, Yongyang Road, Yongxing Street, Chongchuan District, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province
Contact person: Ms. Zhang
Contact information: 13228868727
3. Project contact information
Project contact person: Ms. Zhang
Contact information: 13228868726