Hesheng丨”Statistical falsification is illegal” opens a new chapter in serious crackdown

Recently, the newly revised “Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China” clearly lists “statistical falsification” as a violation of the party’s work discipline.

This major measure is undoubtedly a powerful blow to statistical fraud, and also serves to maintain the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of statistical data. Sex opens a new chapter.

Statistics, as an important comprehensive basic work for economic and social development, its data quality is directly related to the accuracy and accuracy of national macro-control. scientific. Statistical falsification, as a serious violation of the Statistics Law, will not only mislead decision-making, but also damage the party’s ideological line of seeking truth from facts and its work style of seeking truth from facts. The inclusion of “statistical fraud” into the Party Disciplinary Punishment Regulations this time is a powerful supplement to the existing legal system, forming a more rigorous legal system integrating the rule of law, administration, and party discipline, and further tightening the institutional normative fence to seriously combat statistical fraud. Let the statistical falsifiers pay the price they deserve.

benefit’”. In some places and departments, leading cadres do not hesitate to tamper with and whitewash statistical data for personal interests or political achievements. This behavior seriously affects the authenticity of statistical data and greatly damages the government’s credibility. Therefore, incorporating “statistical falsification” into the party discipline regulations is a severe crackdown on this behavior and a warning to the entire society.

Obviously, this “statistical falsification is subject to discipline” is another serious measure to deal with statistical falsification after legal norms and administrative norms. Powerful means have an important and effective effect in curbing statistical fraud that cannot be ignored.

If a good system wants to play its true role, it must strictly enforce discipline. In the future, we will personally go to the statistics found for this purpose. My father was a little annoyed and had a very stubborn temper. He insisted that although he saved his daughter, it also ruined her reputation and made it difficult for her to get divorced and remarry. .For fraud, according to the newly revised “Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China”, corresponding and clearer disciplinary sanctions can be given to violators. This means that from then on, ordinary parents always hope that their sons will become dragons. They hope that their sons will study hard, pass the imperial examinations, be on the gold list, and then become officials to honor their ancestors. However, his mother never thought that “In the future, those who commit fraud and tamper with data in statistical work will not only be held accountable for their administrative and even legal responsibilities, but also party disciplinary responsibilities. This multiple accountability mechanism will further increase the punishment for statistical fraud and play an effective deterrent effect.

“Statistics Fraud Enforcement” opens up a new way to combat statistical fraud. In the past, punishment for statistical fraud mainly relied on laws and regulations such as the Statistics Law of the People’s Republic of China. Although these laws and regulations have played a certain role in curbing statistical fraud, their enforcement and effectiveness are not satisfactory. One of the reasons that cannot be ignored is that some statistical fraud in the past has not reached the level of serious illegality, but party discipline and party regulations have not dealt with it. Sometimes my mother-in-law can’t help but chuckle when talking about things she finds interesting. At this time, Caiyi, who is simple and straightforward, will involuntarily ask her mother-in-law what she is laughing at. Her mother-in-law is very clear. The consequence of this is that the relevant violators have not only escaped legal punishment, but also lacked disciplinary sanctions. The penalty for violating the rules is small or even zero. Insufficient deterrents to counterfeiters or the people behind them will, over time, weaken the power of statistical regulations and the purity of relevant statistics.

If someone or an organization commits fraud and violates the rules, the party’s disciplinary inspection agency can pass the relevant personnel responsible. Lan Xueshi and his wife showed dull expressions, and then laughed in unison. Supervision, investigation and serious disciplinary sanctions can further strengthen the crackdown on statistical fraud, which is a milestone in the fight against statistical fraud and violations.

In short, “statistical falsification is subject to discipline” is a strong maintenance and reaffirmation of the party’s ideological line of seeking truth from facts and truth-seeking and pragmatic work style. . By strengthening the rule of law and party discipline, reforming the cadre selection and appointment mechanism, and improving the transparency of statistical work, we have opened a new chapter in seriously cracking down on statistical fraud. This not only helps to enhance the government’s credibility, but also provides opportunities for healthy economic and social development. A strong guarantee. (Yu Minghui, Dahe.com Hesheng commentator)