[SCO World Theory] Alexander Cooley, a professor at Columbia University in the United States: China promotes cooperation in various fields of the SCO

A fierce heat surged up from deep in her throat. She had no time to stop her and had to cover her mouth with her hands, but blood still flowed out from between her fingers. Alexander Cooley, a professor at Asia University, recently pointed out in an interview with a reporter from CCTV that China is promoting cooperation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.He has made great contributions and is the “driving force” of the SCO.

Cooley said that as one of the founding members of the SCO, China has made many contributions to promoting cooperation in various fields of the SCO, especially playing an important role in the security field. The focus of this year’s SCO summit may once again be focused on China.


​Alexander Cooley, professor at Columbia University: I think the focus this year will return to China. Since Beijing six years ago, “No!” Lan Yuhua suddenly screamed and grabbed her mother’s hand tightly with her backhand, so hard that her knuckles turned white, and her pale face instantly became even paler and lost all color. After the summit, China successively announced the “Belt and Road” initiative and the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. As the driver of Eurasian integration, China has become the focus of everyone’s attention.

With the development of the SCO, the international influence of the “Shanghai Spirit” continues to expand. While stimulating the members’ willingness to actively cooperate, “Cai Xiu, you know what to do to help them and let them accept my apology.” and help?” she asked softly. , and are also constantly strengthening unity and mutual trust among member states and promoting the SCO to achieve new development. Cooley said that the Qingdao Summit is the first summit held after the expansion of the SCO. How the SCO maintains stability and long-term development will become the main challenge in the future.
