Efforts from all directions to write a new chapter of high-quality development in Jiaxian County – Interview with Wang Jingyu, member of the Standing Committee of the Pingdingshan Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Jiaxian County Party Committee

Dahe Network News “Promoting high-quality development of county economy is a mission entrusted by the new era. Facing the new situation of economic development, we must be complete, accurate, and Comprehensively implement the new development concept, adhere to the general tone of making progress while maintaining stability, seize development opportunities, and enhance economic vitality. This year, Jiaxian County will continue to make efforts in the following ten aspects to promote effective economic improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity. “Recently, Pingdingshan Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee member, Jia Gei, even if she is unwilling, is not satisfied, and I don’t want to disappoint her and see her sad. “Wang Jingyu, Secretary of the County Party Committee, said in an interview with the author.

Strengthen innovation leadership

In terms of strengthening innovation leadership, Wang Jingyu introduced that Jiaxian County will promote industrial innovation through technological innovation and help achieve high-quality development leaps through the implementation of “four major actions” Catching up.

In the action of improving the capacity and efficiency of innovation platforms, Jiaxian County strives to create more than 3 innovation platforms above the provincial level. Shifa strives to seize the opportunity of Jiaxian Red Bull Research Institute being incorporated into the Central Plains Agricultural Valley Innovation System to promote seed industry innovation and industrial development.

In the action of expanding and cultivating innovative enterprises, Jiaxian County highlights the main role of enterprises in innovation, promotes scientific and technological projects to be tilted towards enterprises, invests R&D funds in enterprises, and supports the implementation of policies to enterprises. It is planned to add 5 provincial innovative small and medium-sized enterprises throughout the year. There are more than 5 national high-tech enterprises, more than 50 national science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises.

In the campaign to strengthen the foundation of innovative talents Among them, Jiaxian County has strengthened its efforts to recruit and cultivate talents, and will add more than 8,000 new skilled talents this year.

Optimizing the innovation ecosystem In the improvement action, Jiaxian County will make good use of incentives for high-quality development and scientific and technological innovation. This year, the intensity of R&D investment will be doubled, and the R&D coverage rate of industrial enterprises above designated size will reach more than 85%.

Jianqiang Development Carrier

As for how to build a strong development carrier, Wang Jingyu said that the county economic and technological development zone will give full play to its role as the main battlefield, main position, and main engine of economic construction, consolidate the advantages of industrial development, and enhance competitiveness. , deepen reforms and strengthen management.

“If you really meet an evil mother-in-law who wants to torture you, even if you bring ten As a maid, she can also let you do this or that, with just one sentence – I think daughter-in-law – enhance the “carrying capacity” and speed up the planning and construction of infrastructure such as roads, pipe corridors, communications, sewage treatment, and daily services. Promote the construction of multi-story factory buildings and achieve high-level, high-efficiency output with high-density and high-intensity investment.

Enhance the “traction” of the park, accelerate the construction of the second and third phases of high and low voltage electrical projects, and plan to build an innovation and entrepreneurship complex public service platform, Innovation carriers such as makerspaces and technology business incubators.

Industrial energy improvement

In terms of industrial energy improvement and upgrading, Wang Jingyu introduced that in order to optimize and expand the industry, Jiaxian County insists on working hard to strengthen and strengthen the chain, pay close attention to the leading industry and not relax, and support the anchoring of coal leveling machines to produce intelligent products. to accelerate transformation and upgrading; support Tiansheng Electric to exert its agglomeration effect and build an important electrical equipment manufacturing base and intelligent electrical incubation base in the province; support Shengguang Group, Likoda, etc. enterprises, accelerate product iteration and upgrading, and build a nationally renowned high-end medical device manufacturing base; accelerate the construction of green food industrial parks to create a new growth pole for the county economy.

Jiaxian County is focusing on traditional industries to promote transformation. Traditional industries such as cast iron pots and ceramics must adopt R&D digitization, intelligent production, and integrated management. ization, service agility, industrial ecology, and product branding. Efforts will be made to build the name of “China’s Cast Iron Pot Capital” and create a century-old cast iron pot enterprise and a tens of billions-level industry in Jiaxian County. The ceramic industry must accelerate greening and intensive transformation. At the same time, we aim at emerging industries to seize the market, accelerate the construction of new energy industrial parks and 100,000-ton silicon-based composite anode material projects, and promote enterprises and platforms such as Hairuixiang Modified Plastics Engineering Technology Research Center and Xinsheng New Materials Engineering Technology Research Center. Integrate into the “one core, two wings and multiple points” industrial layout of Pingdingshan’s strategic emerging industries.

Construction of major projects

In terms of construction of major projects , Jiaxian County has successively carried out the activities of the year of project construction, the year of breakthrough in investment promotion, and the year of business environment optimization, and made every effort to promote the formation of more physical workload.

Accurately plan projects to ensure the recent planning and implementation of more than 60 key projects with a total investment of more than 30 billion yuan, more than 80 special bond project reserves, and a capital reserve of more than 7 billion yuan.

Strongly attract investment, insisting on attracting both quantity and quality of projects and putting quality first. Among the 60 projects planned to be attracted this year, they require more than 100 million yuan and a fixed asset investment of 80 million yuan. No less than 70% of the projects worth RMB 100 and above, no less than 80% of the projects related to key industries, no less than 80% of the projects started, dynamically improve the “one chain, one map and six lists” to improve the accuracy of investment promotion.

Closely focus on major projects at hand and spawn more second-phase projects and expansion projects. Efficiently promote project construction and implement list and accounting for all projects oriented, node-based management, and full-process and full-cycle service guarantee project construction.

Educating strong market entities

“Market entities are the cells of the national economy, the ‘engine’ that promotes growth and the ‘backbone’ that stabilizes employment. We must insist on equal emphasis on expansion and quality improvement, and do everything possible to cultivate, protect and develop well. “Wang Jingyu said.

He said that in order for market entities to “get better”, it is necessary to “one enterprise, one policy” to focus on production, Increase orders, promote sales, help market entities stabilize operations and increase efficiency, and implement the work of “ten thousand people to help ten thousand enterprises”.

In order to “increase” market entities, we must accurately and effectively help enterprises solve problems, increase confidence, and increase vitality. It is planned that the county will add more than 5,000 new market entities this year.

To make market entities “stronger”, we must vigorously implement the “Doubling Plan” for high-quality enterprises and strive to add more than 60 “Four Top” enterprises within the year.

To make the consumer market “alive”, it is necessary to carry out a variety of activities to continuously release consumer demand, cultivate new consumption hot spots, and make consumption a driving force for the economy. A powerful engine.

Optimizing the business environment

In terms of optimizing the business environment, Wang Jingyu advocated perseverance and long-term success, and made every effort to build a big ecosystem of “safeguarding business and protecting enterprises”.

It is necessary to promote comprehensive supporting reforms, use digitalization to drive the reshaping of the administrative approval system, vigorously promote the integration of government service data, establish a public resource property rights trading center, and improve the “four electricity” and “license-free offices” “One-stop service” and “one-stop service with one certificate” service system.

It is necessary to strengthen key links, improve enterprise service areas, and improve township halls To improve the level of service supply, implement actions to improve government integrity, promote special actions to protect corporate rights and interests, and effectively maintain and standardize market order.

We must make every effort to make up for it. Eliminate shortcomings and effectively create a “pro-Qing” political and business relationship.

Coordinated integration of urban and rural areas

In terms of overall planning and integration of urban and rural areas, Jiaxian County uses the city to lead the countryside and uses the countryside to promote the city. It has made great efforts to make the urban and rural layout more reasonable and functional. It is more complete and the ecology is more beautiful.

In order to speed up the promotion of new urbanization construction with the county seat as an important carrier, Jiaxian County has created Ciba Town, Zhongtou Town, Tangjie Town and other central towns, as well as Yaozhuang Hui Township, Kuantiandi Township, Anliang Town and other unique towns.

Jiaxian County insists on overall planning and construction, vigorously implements urban renewal actions, continues to upgrade old communities, back streets and alleys, and road traffic, creates urban spaces with complex functions, exquisiteness, and promotes infrastructure and public services. Extend service facilities to rural areas and strengthen fine management of urban and rural environments.

Comprehensively deepen reforms

In terms of comprehensively deepening reforms, Jiaxian County insists on using reform methods to solve development problems and continues to inject strong impetus into high-quality development.

Make precise efforts to implement the requirements of superiors. Jiaxian County conscientiously implements the key reform tasks of the central and provincial and municipal governments, and coordinates the reform of county-level institutions and administrative law enforcement Institutional reform, township (town, street) management system reform. Introduce measures to promote the development and growth of the private economy, and accelerate the deepening of the reform of county-owned state-owned enterprises.

Create experience in promoting reform pilots. Jiaxian County implements 5 tasks of “comprehensive land consolidation across the entire territory, market entry of rural collectively-owned construction land, unified registration of rural land contract management rights for real estate, youth development city, and cultural industry empowering rural revitalization” Responsible for provincial reform pilots, create work experience, and strive to be at the forefront of provincial reform pilots.

Strive to break through work bottlenecks Jiaxian County consolidates and expands the results of the construction of the four-level elderly care service system, promotes comprehensive rural reform under the new situation, and coordinates the reform of culture, education, health and other fields.

Comprehensive revitalization of rural areas

In the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, Jiaxian County learns Use the experience of the “Ten Million Project” to firmly shoulder the political responsibility for farmland protection and food security, and resolutely complete the rectification tasks of “non-agricultural and non-grain” farmland.

Consolidate and strengthen rural industries, build a national high-end red cattle breeding base, a high-end beef production and processing base, a cattle product trading and distribution center, a demonstration county in the province’s core tobacco production area, and an important green and high-quality agricultural industry in southwestern Henan.product supply base.

Continuously strengthen the collective economy, all villages (communities) have a collective income of less than 100,000 yuan, and all villages with a collective income of more than 200,000 yuan have been cleared. The number of villages with a value of more than 500,000 yuan has reached more than 100, the number of villages with a value of more than 500,000 yuan has reached more than 30, and the number of villages with a value of more than 1 million yuan has reached more than 5.

“Demonstration project, create a batch of provincial and municipal harmonious and beautiful rural demonstration areas, demonstration villages, and grid model points, build harmonious and beautiful villages that are livable and suitable for business, and strive to become a rural construction demonstration county in the province.

Prevention of chemical risks

Development is the foundation and security is the bottom line. Development and security must be better coordinated to achieve high-quality development and high-level safe and positive interaction. Jiaxian County has set six bottom lines for itself: the bottom line of political security, financial security, production safety, ecological protection, social stability, and people’s livelihood security.

“Promoting high-quality development of the county economy has a mission and a heavy responsibility. Let us under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Municipal Party Committee , be confident and self-reliant, keep integrity and innovate, work hard and move forward courageously, strive to create a new situation of high-quality development, leapfrog and surpass, and write a new chapter in the practice of Jiaxian County in Chinese-style modernization.” Wang Jingyu said. (Song Jiawei Li Fansen)