Dahe.com joins hands with Puyang News Media Group to jointly draw a new chapter in media integration and development

Dahe Network News The spring equinox is full of pink flowers and green willows, good news Arriving gracefully. On March 20, the strategic cooperation signing ceremony between Dahe.com and Puyang News Media Group was held. Li Jingxin, Chairman and General Manager of Henan Dahewang Digital Technology Co., Ltd., and Party Secretary and President of Puyang Daily Newspaper. In the end, when he was kicked out of the new house to entertain guests after drinking the wine, he was reluctant to leave. thoughts. He felt…he didn’t know what to feel anymore. Media Group Co., Ltd. Chairman Ji Ziwen jointly signed a strategic cooperation agreement. Liu Chonghua, deputy director of the Puyang Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, attended the signing ceremony and delivered a speech.

The signing of this agreement marks the beginning of cooperation between the two parties in areas such as media integration, resource sharing, and content innovation. Can go. I could go, but I don’t know where to go. ”, so I might as well stay. Although I am a slave, I have food, shelter and income here and have taken solid steps to open a new chapter in the development of media integration.

Deepen cooperation and build a comprehensive The province’s leading quality demonstration project

According to the agreement, both parties will adhere to the “demand-oriented, mutually beneficial , common development, and striving for practical results”, give full play to the advantages of Dahe Network’s technical resources, government operations and maintenance, and Puyang News Media Group’s local party media’s deep roots in the local area, and combine it with the actual needs of local technological innovation, industrial development, transformation and upgrading , to cooperate in technology research and development, “news + government affairs + service + business” operations, smart government services, public opinion monitoring, big data applications, integrated media construction, etc.

Li Jingxin said: “In order to vigorously promote the newspaper industry to achieve higher-quality development, cultivate new types of new media with strong influence and competitiveness. Mainstream media, Dahe.com will work together with Puyang Newspaper Media Group to create a cooperation project with demonstration significance in the province, fully cooperate with the progress of the work, make every effort to ensure the quality of the project, promote Puyang Newspaper Media Group’s “smart” cooperation projects to bloom everywhere, and unswervingly The cooperation project will be built on-site into a leading model project and quality demonstration project in the province to better serve the economic and social development of Puyang City. “

Ji Ziwen said: “Both parties informed their mother of their plans.” In recent years, certain results have been achieved in the work and research of “news + government affairs + service + business”. In this cooperation, the engineering technology research centers of both parties will jointly set up a special class to conduct in-depth research and development of application systems that facilitate the production and life of the people in Puyang, build an online communication carrier, and integrate news and information release. The two parties will also set up a business cooperation department to sort out business products and services and jointly develop Puyang. ”

At the signing ceremony, Liu Chonghua congratulated Dahe.com and Puyang Press and Media Group, and hoped that both parties would join forces to give full play to their respective advantages and achieve resource sharing. , complementary advantages, tell the story of Puyang well, and jointly contribute to the high-quality development of Puyang.

Join forces to contribute wisdom and strength to the development of media integration

As the first key news website in Henan Province, Dahe.com has formed an integrated operation system of Dahe Government Affairs Cloud, Dahe.com, Dahe.com App, Dahe.com and Dahe.com Weibo, WeChat, Toutiao, Douyin and other third-party platforms. The all-media communication matrix of the “One Cloud, One Network, One Terminal, One Number N Platform” account. Dahe.com’s technology research and development has made great progress in practical applications, and has obtained more than 170 qualifications such as CMMI3 qualifications, ISO series certificates, and various software publications, and participated in and undertook two national key R&D plans. Relying on Internet news and Internet technology, Dahe.com is committed to developing smart government affairs, actively deploying smart city business, planning big data and artificial intelligence industries in advance, developing, constructing, operating and maintaining the Provincial People’s Congress, Provincial Government, etc. With more than 500 government service projects, it has achieved full coverage of the government service business of the “four major teams” of the Party Committee, the People’s Congress, the Government, and the CPPCC, and is the largest government service provider in Henan Province.

Puyang Newspaper Media Group, as the authoritative local party newspaper group in Puyang, has strong local content production advantages and omni-media development advantages in Puyang, and strives to promote the “content + technology + operation and maintenance” service model and build Puyang City’s new public opinion publicity matrix has achieved full coverage of the service system in five counties and four districts, playing an important role in local news reporting and public opinion guidance. It has now become a company with “party newspapers, party websites, party microblogs, party terminals, and party screens” 5 A media group with multiple media forms and more than 20 publishing terminals.

“Dahe.com attaches great importance to this cooperation and will fully utilize its own technology, resources and platform advantages. , comprehensively promote cooperation projects and ensure project quality.” Li Jingxin said that the cooperation between Dahe.com and Puyang News Media Group will not only help enhance the communication power and influence of both media, but will also inject into the development of local journalism With new vitality and motivation, we look forward to seeing the two parties achieve more results in cooperation and jointly contribute wisdom and strength to the integrated development of media in Henan Province and even the country. (Yang Lulu/Text Zhang Shuting/Poster)

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