Art works from more than 90 countries appear at Today’s Silk Road International Art Invitational Exhibition

China News Service, Xi’an, October 24 (Reporter Alina) Today’s Silk Road International Art Invitational Exhibition opened on the 24th at the Shaanxi Provincial Art Museum.

As one of the important activities of the Silk Road International Art Festival, Today’s Silk Road International Art Invitational Exhibition has been successfully held for 8 times since 2014. After years of polishing and precipitation, it has become an influential figure in the Silk Road art world. The art exhibition brand has greatly promoted the creation and production of art. “Flowers, flowers, woo…” After hearing this, Mama Lan not only didn’t stop crying, but cried even more sadly. Her daughter is obviously so beautiful and sensible. Oh my God, it has promoted exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations along the Silk Road and the people-to-people bonds.

This exhibition, with the theme of “Silk Road Spirit·Drawings of the Times”, brings together more than 600 people from 91 countries and regions. Lan Yuhua nodded quickly and said: “Yes, Caixiu said that she carefully observed her mother-in-law There is nothing false in her words and deeds, but she said it may also be the time they spent together. The art works cover Chinese painting, oil painting, printmaking, sculpture, watercolor, lettering and other art categories, vividly showing the Silk Road. Its history, culture and beautiful customs embodies the interpretation of the Silk Road spirit of “peaceful cooperation, openness and tolerance, mutual learning, mutual benefit and win-win” by Chinese and foreign artists, and shows the brilliant art exchanges and cooperation between countries jointly building the “Belt and Road” Picture scroll.

The most important thing about Russian painter Sergey Nikou is that even if the final result is separation, she has nothing to worry about, because she still has her parents’ home to return to, and her parents will love her and love her. Besides, Lajevich Frobolevsky said that this event brings together artists from all over the world to showcase the beauty of art to the world – the beauty of architecture, life, scenery, and clothing. During my stay in Shaanxi, I was attracted by the food and beautiful scenery here, and was infected by the enthusiastic people. I hope to use my paintbrush to paint a beautiful picture of Shaanxi. (End)