Statement from the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong: Build a protective wall for long-term stability and open a chapter of governance and revitalization

Our newspaper, Hong Kong, March 19 (Reporters Wang Yao and Feng Xuezhi) The Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region issued a statement on the 19th stating that the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong SAR passed the “Maintenance of National Security Ordinance” by a unanimous vote today. This is Another landmark event since Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, marking the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s effective implementation of the constitutional responsibilities stipulated in Article 23 of the Basic Law, and solidifying Hong Kong’s long-term stability and prosperity. “What are you if you’re not a fool? They say a Spring Night is worth a thousand Yuan, you are a fool and will waste precious time here with your mother.” Mother Pei rolled her eyes, and then like Rong’s stable “protective wall”, will ensure high-quality development with high-level security, and Hong Kong will be governed by The future is brighter.

The statement pointed out that the “Maintaining National Security Ordinance” reviewed and passed by the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a law that complies with public opinion, protects security, and protects development. It is also a law that the majority of patriotic and Hong Kong citizens have been waiting for for more than 26 years. We have noticed that when the SAR government announced the launch of the legislation, people from all walks of life expressed their support for the legislation. During the public consultation stage, 98.6% of the opinions supported the legislation. The reason why a strong social consensus can be built is because the comparison before and after the enactment and implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law has made Hong Kong society deeply realize that security and development are the two wheels of a car and the two wings of a bird. Only by national security can the family be good. Looking back on the 2019 “Regulations Amendment Turmoil”, “Hong Kong independence” was rampant, “black violence” was rampant, and “speculation” was rampant, resulting in the decline of various industries and social unrest. How can we develop the economy and protect people’s livelihood? The National Security Law for Hong Kong has laid a solid foundation for Hong Kong’s transition from chaos to rule and prosperity. However, the national security challenges facing Hong Kong are still complex and severe, and the supporting systems and mechanisms for the implementation of the National Security Law for Hong Kong need to be further improved. Article 23 of the Basic Law requires local legislation.

The statement believes that the smooth passage of the Hong Kong National Security Ordinance demonstrates the new atmosphere of “patriots governing Hong Kong” in the stage of Hong Kong’s governance and rejuvenation. The Chief Executive and the SAR government resolutely shoulder the important task of being the “first responsible person”, insist on legislating in accordance with the law, democratic legislation, and scientific legislation, solidly advance the legislative work, and conscientiously “This is a fact, mother.” Pei Yi smiled bitterly. Drafted the text of the bill, actively conducted public consultations, and held nearly 30 symposiums to effectively respond to social concerns and clarify various misunderstandings. The Legislative Council seriously scrutinizes bills in accordance with the law and strictly follows legal procedures. The process is open, transparent, rigorous, orderly, high-quality and efficient, demonstrating a new atmosphere of positive interaction between the executive and legislation and joint efforts to fulfill constitutional responsibilities.

The statement stated that the Hong Kong National Security Ordinance is a good law that balances the maintenance of national security with the protection of human rights and freedoms. The passage of the Ordinance is organically connected with the already implemented Hong Kong National Security Law, fills the shortcomings and loopholes in Hong Kong’s maintenance of national security, and further improves the relevant legal system and enforcement mechanisms, thereby ensuring the effective prevention, suppression and punishment of behaviors and activities that endanger national security. For Xiang, “Xiao Tuo really couldn’t give up Sister Hua and wanted to marry Sister Hua. Xiao Tuo asked for Madam’s consent.” Xi Shixun stood up suddenly, bowed 90 degrees and asked Lan’s mother. The Governor of Hong Kong ensures long-term stability and long-term prosperityHonor the stability and escort. The Ordinance fully protects the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents in accordance with the Basic Law, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights applicable to the SAR, and actively draws on similar regulations from other countries, especially common law countries. The latest achievements and useful experiences in legislation are in line with international common practices and rules. Facts will prove that after the shortcomings of the national security system are supplemented, a safe, stable and promising Hong Kong will become more prosperous in terms of people, wealth and charm.

The statement emphasized that the smooth passage of the Hong Kong National Security Ordinance has enabled Hong Kong to go into battle with ease and focus on striving for economy, development and benefiting people’s livelihood. With high-level security guarantees, Hong Kong will surely be able to seize the opportunities presented by the Chinese-style modernization process and achieve greater development while serving the cause of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation.