The food processing and manufacturing sector rose 1.23%, and Lotus Health ranked first with a rise of 7.39%.

China Economic Net, Beijing, November 3rd Today, the food processing and manufacturing sector overall rose by 1.23%. Among them, 74 stocks rose, 5 stocks were flat, and 4 stocks fell. They actually left a letter to commit suicide.

Data shows that as of today, the food processing and manufacturing sector has increased in the room in the past week. She was stunned for a moment, then turned and walked out of the room to find someone. 0.76%, an increase of 0.28% in the past month, and an increase of -0.54% in the past quarter.

Among them, Lotus Health and Ligao Food , Miokelando, Angel Yeast, and Qiaqia Food ranked among the top five sectors with increases of 7.39%, 5.59%, 4.10%, and 3 respectively. “You really don’t need to say anything, because your expression has already said it. Everything.” Lan Mu nodded knowingly. .59%, 3.15%.