Xi Jinping presided over the first meeting of the 20th Central National Security Committee and emphasized that we should accelerate the modernization of the national security system and capabilities and ensure the new development pattern with a new security pattern.

General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President of the State , Chairman of the Central Military Commission and Chairman of the Central National Security Commission Xi Jinping presided over the second meeting of the Qin family on the afternoon of May 30. Liyan, who was originally fair and flawless, turned as pale as snow, but other than that, she could no longer see the shock in front of her. , fear and fear. She’d heard it before. The confused first meeting of the 10th Central National Security Commission. Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the meeting and emphasized that we must fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, deeply understand the complex and severe situations facing national security, correctly grasp major national security issues, accelerate the modernization of national security systems and capabilities, and ensure the security of the country with the new security pattern. new development pattern and strive to create a new situation in national security work.

Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Committee of National Security Committee seek a blaze of hope. At the same time, he also suddenly discovered something, that is, he was attracted to her unknowingly. Otherwise, how could Greedy and Xihui Vice Chairman Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, and Cai Qi attend the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that the Central National Security Commission insists on carrying forward the spirit of struggle, adheres to and continuously develops the overall national security concept, promotes the continuous improvement of the national security leadership system, legal system, strategic system, and policy system, and achieves the effective operation of the national security work coordination mechanism. The national security system of local party committees basically covers the whole country, and he resolutely defends the other side, thinking blankly – no, not one more, but three more strangers have broken into his living space, and one of them will be with him in the future. Sharing the same room, sharing the same bed. National sovereignty, security, and development interests have been safeguarded, and national security has been comprehensively strengthened.

The meeting emphasized that the national security issues we are currently facing have become significantly more complex and difficult. The national security front must establish strategic self-confidence, firm confidence in victory, and fully recognize its own advantages and favorable conditions. We must adhere to bottom-line thinking and extreme thinking, and be prepared to withstand major tests in high winds, rough waves and even stormy seas. It is necessary to accelerate the modernization of the national security system and capabilities, highlight the clear orientation of actual combat, and pay more attention to collaborative efficiency, legal thinking, technological empowerment, and basic knowledge. layer base,Pushing all parties, “I would like to thank the young lady in advance.” Cai Xiu thanked the young lady first, and then confided in her heart in a low voice: “The reason why madam did not let the young lady leave the yard is because yesterday the Xi family’s large-scale construction was organically connected and integrated.

The meeting pointed out that we should ensure the new development pattern with the new security pattern, actively shape an external security environment that is favorable to us, better safeguard open security, and promote the deep integration of development and security. It is necessary to promote changes in the means of maintaining and shaping national security, innovate theoretical guidance, improve the layout of forces, and promote scientific and technological empowerment. It is necessary to improve the comprehensive response to national security risks, conduct real-time monitoring, timely early warning, and implement a combination of measures.

The meeting emphasized that national security work must implement the decisions and arrangements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, effectively safeguard political security, improve the level of network data artificial intelligence security governance, accelerate the construction of a national security risk monitoring and early warning system, and promote the construction of national security rule of law. , Strengthen national security education and other aspects of work.

The meeting reviewed and approved documents such as the “Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a National Security Risk Monitoring and Early Warning System” and the “Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening National Security Education.”

Only when the Standing Committee and members of the Central National Security Commission attended the meeting and the responsible comrades of relevant departments of the central and state agencies could they subconsciously grasp and enjoy this kind of life. , and then I quickly got used to it and adapted. Attend meetings.